Monday, April 2, 2012

Grow in God's love as a flower which feels the warm rays of spring

Since January the children and I have been growing seeds for our summer garden.  As the first seeds popped through the soil their weak stems bent toward the light. As some of the flats of seeds were in a window the new seedlings appeared to be reaching for the sun, often with long leggy stems and a small leaf at the end just catching the rays.  If the tray was turned within hours the seedlings would have changed direction.  Their existence seems only to follow the light.  Although their survival requires water as well, the vigor by which they pursue light eclipses all else.  

When I contemplate purgatory I imagine a similar dependence.  These souls have seen the light and know the whole love of God.  They call out for it yet must be kept some distance away while their souls are purified.  In the fog they wait for the time when they will be brought back to the light that they know and yearn for.  We still living have access to the light but do not realize our utter dependance on it.  We have not felt complete abandonment and so do not realize the love and blessings that we are bathed in each day.  As the weather dips back into the freezing temperatures this weekend and Saturday brought snow in the air their is an excitement for spring to return.  Only two weeks ago the sun was warm on our faces and many were working in their yards without jackets.  Trees thinking the winter was behind them began to set blossoms. Working the land and watching nature their is an appreciation for the love and bounty the Lord bestows upon the land. As we enter Holy week and the feeling of winter is upon us we must continue to reach for the light.  If it is just out of reach then we must bend all the more.  We must become thin and vulnerable as the young seedlings.  The alternative is to stay in the dark and wither.  Let us turn our hearts heavenly and pray at the foot of the Cross that the Lord will pour love, joy and peace into our hearts this Easter.

May we never forget to extend our hands where there is need.
The hand of a small child in Uganda

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