Saturday, March 31, 2018

Bringing Our Crosses to Our Lord

At the beginning of Lent our Pastor invited parishioners to construct a cross at home and bring it to the Church to be placed on the left or right of the Altar. He encouraged us to bring our crosses to Our Lord both the physical one and also our spiritual crosses. 

He shared that this was a Lithuanian tradition of building crosses. On a recent trip to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Asher and I were able to see an altar that had an image of those crosses in Lithuania. 
My older son, Kostin, who loves to construct things was so excited to respond to the invitation from our Pastor. The next Saturday a few crosses appeared at the Church. The cross the Pastor made was in the center (second picture from the top). Our cross was to the left (also shown in the top picture). After constructing the first cross, I began to see Kostin gathering materials on our walks from Mass. Pieces of bark and sticks began appearing in a pile by the back door. I could see his mind was working on another cross. As Lent progressed more crosses appeared beside the altar brought by different families (see below). 

The larger cross also began to take shape in our backyard. This Scripture quote comes to mind:

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

This Good Friday I found myself sick with the flu. My son Asher could see I was suffering. He asked what can I do? I said, "just be with me". Then I looked at the cross. I could understand how Our Lord just wants us to be with rest with Him in our suffering. He too in His suffering did not want to be alone. 

No words were necessary from my son only his presence next to me. This was an incredible comfort. From his presence I understood more deeply how Our Lord wishes us to be with Him in the quiet.  In this experience, I more deeply understood Our Lord's desire to have us close. Not for speaking in these moments but simply being with Him in silence.

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