The Children's Rosary and the
Catholic Grandparents Association are collaborating on a special prayer effort during the month of July. During the month of July we celebrate the Feast of St Anne and St. Joachim the grandparents of Jesus. The Church recognizes them on July 26th. In thinking about this beautiful Feast and the wonderful role grandparents play in our own faith it seemed a wonderful idea to recognize them throughout the month of July.

During the month of July, in a special way we would like to invite grandparents to attend any Children's Rosary group meeting held during that month. Grandparents are encouraged to bring their grandchildren to the Rosary if they would like. The Catholic Grandparents Association will be donating prayer cards to all Children's Rosary groups who would like to participate. On their prayer card is a special prayer for grandparents composed by Pope Benedict Emeritus. At the conclusion of the Children's Rosary we will invite both the children and grandparents to pray together this prayer for all grandparents.
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