Feast of the Assumption of Mary
About six weeks ago my son Kostin leaned over at Mass and said he had made up his mind what he wanted to be when he grew up. I said what is it. He said a priest. Although Kostin had spoken about this for some time there was a new deeper conviction in his voice and a certainty. He said he had some questions and wished he could read a book about priests and ask some questions. That weekend there was a notice in our bulletin about vocations with a contact number. I left a message and for many days Kostin kept asking if the priest ever called back. Time went by and I had forgotten about the call and I believe Kostin had forgotten as well. Then last week the phone rang and it was Fr. Dolan who coordinates vocations for the diocese. I told him about Kostin and his interest. I mentioned that one of Kostin's Teachers had annonced he was going to be leaving the school to enter the seminary. Kostin was fond of this teacher and I wondered if he might in the future be a nice mentor. Fr. Dolan mentioned that this young seminarian would be in his office this past Monday and did I want to bring Kostin in to meet him. I had a doctors appointment some distance away so unfortunately this would not work. Fr. Dolan also mentioned that Kostin's teacher would be in a seminary in Boston 2 hours from us. As I do not drive with my disability it seemed unlikely we could make the drive to visit him anytime soon. Fr. Dolan did offer to meet with Kostin possibly on Thursday of this week. Meanwhile, during the past two weeks tensions have been high here at home with Kostin our son. Life at home seems to go in waves. There are moments when for a moment all is at peace. Then one child seems to want to test the waters. Mercifully this usually brings with it better behavior from the other children as they take pleasure seeing their sibling getting in trouble.
These past two weeks it has been Kostin who has been butting heads with myself and his father. It is at these moments that I feel dissapointed with myself as a mother. I remember a priest once told me to ask our Lady to make up for the love we are not able to give to our children each day.
With all the drama with Kostin I began to feel this wasn't a good idea that he meet with the priest.
Last night I had a thought that instead of going to my normal Parish maybe I could join a friend who likes to go to the Cathedral for 12:10 Mass on Wednesdays. I had never been but thought as I was on vacation this might be a nice time to visit the Cathedral. She mentioned a nice older priest, Fr. Liptack often says Mass.
As we entered the Chapel almost all the seats were taken, only the front row seat was empty. We all filed into the row. The Mass began and who should walk out as the assistant for Mass but Kostin's old teacher who had entered the seminary. Kostin lit up. He was radiant and smiling. I thought through the Mass at how wonderful that our Lady should give Kostin this gift on her Feast Day. After Mass we spoke with his teacher and at the end of the conversation he said I have to run because Father Dolan is going to give me a ride. As the seminarian left I was stunned, had it been Fr. Dolan who had just said the Mass. I had spoken to him on the phone but never had met him face to face. I brought Alina and Kostin with me and we headed to the back of the chapel. I found the seminarian and a priest there. I asked if that was Father Dolan. Indeed it was. I introduced myself. As soon as he heard my name a huge smile came across his face. I introduced him to Kostin. I mentioned that this was my first time at the Cathedral. He told me it was the first time the seminarian had assisted Mass. I said to him that this meeting seemed like a gift from Our Lady: bringing us all together on her Feast. He said it is funny how she does that.

Beautiful story! Our Lady always has a plan for each of us, even our little ones and She will not let Satan destroy them. God bless you!