Her mother, Linda, said she would be happy to come to our Parish on the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. After checking with our Pastor yesterday the date was set. This morning after Mass I shared the exciting news that Linda Santo would be coming to Our Parish. I mentioned that little Audrey is being considered for beatification and canonization and could be a new Pro-life Saint for Our time. A member of our rosary group, who also is very active in the Pro-life group at our parish, said as her eyes filled up with tears "our group has been praying that a Pro-life speaker would come to the Parish one that our young people could relate to". Her face became red and her eyes full of tears. She smiled as she realized their prayers were answered. The group meets weekly to pray the rosary and ask for the intercession of Our Lady.

As I walked home from Church I kept thinking of Our Blessed Mother. How much she loves us, how she cares for us like Audrey's mom did all those years. I felt like a small child, safe with a mother who sees all and is taking care of everything. I thought how silly I have been when I have worried. I thought of the Beautiful Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and how Our Lady had found a way to bring so many to her. How a simple mother who loved her daughter to the core of her being would be her words that day. How a church would come together to pray the rosary on a day designated to Honor Our Lady. It will be a day I hope and pray when many will find a mother not only in Linda Santo but the one who has been with us from the moment we existed a mother whose hand is guiding us each day. Amen
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