On the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God a new Children's Rosary was presented to Our Lady and her Son. A beautiful group of children joined in prayer of the Holy Rosary under the watchful eye of their heavenly Mother. Who could not smile to see such innocence. Cindy who brought this wonderful new group together wrote to me that "we adults had an occasional tear in our eyes as our little ones led us in prayer."
The Legions of Mary provided yummy refreshments and treats for the children and their families after the rosary.

Contemplating Our Lady looking down upon these Children. What joy must she feel in her heart that the youngest of her children are learning the rosary and praying together. Thinking of Our Lady happy, thinking that we here on this tired earth have brought a smile to her face. Oh it is such a wonderful image to contemplate. Might Our Blessed Mother bring her Son with her to show Him the hope and goodness that still exists in this world. The innocent kneeling in prayer to their Heavenly Father. Might these monthly prayer meetings be a joyful appointment that all heaven waits for each month? Yes, I think they are and more than Mary and Jesus are there. Before many of the Children's Rosary meetings I personally invite the Angels and many Saints to come to our Rosaries. In faith we know each prayer is heard and through faith I believe they hear and come when they are called. To further contemplate so many from Heaven filing in to kneel next to the children in prayer with Our Heavenly Mother and Jesus. It is nothing less than awe inspiring yet we can be assured we are not alone in our prayers as Jesus tells us "where two or three have gathered in My name, I am there in their midst (Matthew 18:20).
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