A statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was placed in front of the children. A large picture of Divine Mercy was hung by the window. With the sun shining through the image, Our Lord and His rays of blood and water almost seemed to be illuminated. The children also decorated the space with a poster of Servant of God Alfredo Maria Aranda Obviar of the Philippines and little cards with the names and pictures of saints. The children wrote out intentions on little pieces of paper which they clipped to the picture of Divine Mercy. The children are now used to bringing Our Lord and Our Bless Mother their worries and concerns in prayer. After months of prayer the children were very attentive and eager to hear about Our Lady and the saints.

Tran (age 16) was able to tell them about Our Lady of Guadalupe. They were very excited to hear about St. Juan Diego. Tran also told the children about St. Michael the Archangel and St. Jeanne d'Arc. You can see from the pictures that the children sat leaning in to hear every detail.
The day was very special with prayer and singing. The children sang "Hosanna".
When asked about the children, Tran shares, "their love for God is great."
We do share a humble invitation. Please consider joining the children in prayer each day. The children have been asked to pray for all those unifying prayers with them. There is a schedule of meetings present on our website www.childrensrosary.org
When the children are meeting in prayer a blue light flashes on our View from Heaven map. By hitting the "join in prayer" button you can add a gold flashing light to the View from Heaven map.
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