Our whole family loves to spend time in the garden. With my joint disability it is the kids who do most of the work. I provide the guidance on diagnosis of what is in the garden..weed or plant. But even now the kids are becoming very good at the diagnosis phase in the spring. You see we do something interesting with our garden: we let nature do a lot of our work. In the summer when many would remove plants such as lettuce and kale that have gone to seed as the greens turn bitter, we do not. Instead we let the plants mature and drop their seeds in the fall. Thus in the spring at just the right time up pops lettuce and kale. This year we had an abundance of parsnips that had seeded in the fall and managed to survive the winter. One has to have the eye to know what is a weed and what is a plant worth keeping but it is amazing to see nature at work. So much of our work is done for us.

We also had some good news today. We received an email this morning from a women from the Republic of Panama trying to begin a Children's Rosary in her parish. The Parish she shared with us is named after St. Isidore. Amazing!
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Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
Very nice! Love The Children's Rosary ministry. Our family also gardens...I have let things go to seed or accidently left it in the garden over winter...a beautiful garlic bulb made it thru our N.E. Ohio winter...my herbs, flowers, and one year a pumpkin plant came up in our flower bed ("by accident") and gave us the most beautiful pumpkins for that fall season, while the pumpkin plants "I planted" and fertilized and gave extra attention to, did nothing. God is definitely in control in our garden and our lives...God is Good!