Friday, March 7, 2025

Praying Before the Blessed Sacrament

Dear Friends, 

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit a Church in Massachusetts, USA, for an evening prayer service, Confession, and Holy Mass. The prayer evening began with Adoration. The priest placed a statue of Mary on the altar that had been crafted to cradle the Monstrance. It was a beautiful image to behold. Indeed Our Lady always leads us to her Son. It is a great blessing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. If Children's Rosary groups have the opportunity to hold their prayer meetings during Adoration, this is a great blessing. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Children's Rosary Meets on the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus. The Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver in West Hartford, Connecticut, USA met at 4:00 p.m. in the Church. Five children attended. They each took turns leading a decade of the Rosary. Each child had at least one turn placing roses before the statue of Mary and image of the Holy Face of Jesus. One of the boys, from the very first meeting of the Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver, has made it a practice to kiss the rose before he lays it before Our Blessed Mother. He continued this practice today. One of the other children also began to do this. It was a very tender example of love for Our Blessed Mother. We have included pictures from the meeting.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Children's Rosary Celebrates Third Birthday with a Candlelit Rosary

We received these lovely pictures from the meeting on February 23, 2025 which marked the third anniversary for this group located in Castledawson, Northern Ireland. After having attended the last Zoom meeting for group leaders in Ireland and UK, Lynn Gallagher took the inspiration from one of the groups which used candles to make a special anniversary candlelit Rosary. The group leader also shared that the children enjoyed homemade cupcakes after the Rosary was completed and that the children enjoyed running around outside.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Children's Rosary in Hamburg, Germany, Makes Homemade Votive Candle Holders for Lent

The Children's Rosary group leader in Hamburg, Germany, shared this note:
Last Saturday we had a short explanation of the Lenten time and prayed the Rosary together. Then we made wooden Candelabra, to emphasize prayer in the Lenten time. The wood came from an Abbey near Cologne, "Maria Wald".

It is always lovely to see the creativity and traditions of the different Children's Rosary groups.