It was particularly special to see the Knights of Columbus with the children as the Knights have always been such beautiful mentors to the children.
The Children were able to lead a Children's Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament and were then able to sing "Rosary Children" with the help of Jeff Batter. A special thank you to George Coppola for taking the pictures you see here. So often it is sad not to have a remembrance of such beautiful days. With my own joint disability I am unable to take pictures and so often there is no way to share the beauty of such experiences. On this particular weekend I had no idea if anyone could help us by taking a few pictures. I asked George but he had a prior engagement. As the children were gathering in the back of the Church to begin the procession there was a moment of sadness that it would seem we would not have any pictures. I remember the moment of acknowledgement of such a reality and a quick prayer of acceptance to the Lord. However, just moments later George appeared. He had changed his afternoon plans to be with us and help take pictures to share with all of you. Such are the beautiful gifts Our Lord gives. He surprises us with little acts of love delivered from those around us.
Please know that we were praying for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who were unifying prayers with us. We also had a member of the Children's Rosary attending the Canonizations in Rome who also was praying for the members of the Children's Rosary. We thank him in a special way for his prayers.
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