These are the words Simon Peter spoke to Jesus in the Gospel reading from Mass today.

As a practicing Catholic attending Sunday Mass only, I vividly recall picking up a prayer card with prayers honoring Our Lady’s seven sorrows. It lay for a long time right by the back door. One day on the way out the door I picked it up. I looked at it and interiorly said, I am not bad enough. It reminds me of a hair dresser I once talked to who complained of back pain but was wearing designer shoes. I suggested she wear a pair of orthopedic shoes like mine. She looked at my shoes and said, my back would have to get much worse before I would ever consider wearing those. I laugh at such a statement because this is what I thought deep in my heart. Things would have to get much worse to change my pursuit of a scientific solution to my problems and look elsewhere for help. Yet such would be my fate. All the things I held on so tightly to: my fierce independence and self reliance would be stripped away layer by layer. Slowly, I would have to ask for help with everything. Luxuries such as driving would be lost and even the strength to open the refrigerator. Yes I would find that place where I would finally give up my pursuit of the details and begin to look elsewhere.
The gate that opened began with a confession which was long overdue. A pamphlet on Divine Mercy was the wind that blew the door wide open. Indeed all the despair which seemed to be swallowing me up was washed away by an enveloping feeling of hope. This began a road in a different direction. One that ended with a the phrase spoken today, "Lord to whom shall we go"(John 6:68) or the way I find myself saying it in prayer, Lord where else would I go. Yes this is such a comforting phrase to me. For it is a truth that has been tested in the fire of intense suffering and has shown never to fail. After exhausting all earthly directions only one place live and rest in the heart of Our Lord. To not only seek out His love but to be consumed by His love.
When a soul finds this truth it is such a consolation and strength. Many souls I suspect find out this fact with far less resistance but such was my path.
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