We are very excited to share that EWTN will be premiering our new Children's Rosary videos July 6th 2015 at 4:30 PM ET. The first of the series of four will air on Monday July 6th on EWTN in the United States and Canada. We are very excited that EWTN has added the Children's Rosary to its monthly programming schedule.
Upcoming dates have been released through September:
July 6th Children's Rosary Joyful Mysteries 4:30 PM ET
August 18th Children's Rosary Sorrowful Mysteries at 4:30 PM ET
September 3rd Children's Rosary Luminous Mysteries at 4:30 PM ET
(We anticipate the Glorious Mysteries to be shown in October)
Many have helped to make these videos a reality. Children and members from around the world have prayed for the completion and release of these videos as they represent a window into a Children's Rosary prayer group. Few adults can remember growing up as a child in a prayer group. Yet children have a large capacity for prayer and have a need for their prayer life to be supported. We hope that these new videos show the beauty and deep faith that exists in the hearts of children and the simplicity and love they bring to prayer. We hope many hearts will be touched by the innocence of these little ones.
A special thank you to Jim Morlino of Navis Pictures for filming our Children's Rosary video series.
We hope in the coming several months to release a Children's Rosary DVD which will contain all four mysteries shown on EWTN plus an additional bonus instructional video of how to begin a Children's Rosary prayer group and how to organize your first meeting with answers to frequently asked questions. Please continue to keep the completion of the DVD in your prayers.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Children's Rosary book
Children's Rosary CD
The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Behind the Scenes
The children and I are keeping our heads down and working very hard while still protecting our special time in prayer. It is hard to call it working though as it is difficult to imagine doing anything else and such time serving Our Lord and Our Lady brings a great amount of joy. Each person that contacts us or group that writes with news is a little gift that brightens our day. We try to share these blessings here on the Children's Rosary website that all may see the graces being poured down. These are very exciting and blessed times. Some may wonder if I am reading the same news but to see every day more and more children around the world gathering together as prayer groups seems to send a river of hope to one's soul.
As you can see from the picture above almost all the materials that go out to our groups pass through the hands of children. As I have a joint disability I cannot pack boxes. The children put the packages together and carry them either by hand or red wagon to the post office. As one can see the red flyer wagon has seen better days. One side is completely missing of the wood and two more are barely holding one. We lost one screw today so we will see how the old wagon fairs with her other sides. Yet the wear on the old wagon is a welcome sight as it speaks to the many trips it has made carrying boxes to groups around the world. The children all know the post office staff by name and they all look for the children each day coming with more Rosaries, prayer books or CDs headed somewhere in the world.
It felt important to share the behind the scenes of the Children's Rosary. Sometimes we are unable to update the weekly meeting times of the groups with the schedule changing day by day. Please know we are working on improving this system of sharing the weekly meeting times. We are praying very hard and seeking help in creating a registration portal so group leaders will be able to manage their meeting schedule and these times will display so others can unify prayers with the children.
We would like to thank the many members of the Children's Rosary that are working in the vineyard. We have our group leaders who sacrifice so much of themselves and pray with the children, we have members traveling around the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and throughout the Unites States and Canada sharing Children's Rosary materials and helping to sow new seeds. We have radio stations helping to bring the voices of the children to the airwaves that they may touch hearts. We have members working on new music for the Children's Rosary. Yet other members giving of their talent to work on translations of our Children's Rosary book in many languages. There are others who are making Rosaries and donating them to the Children's Rosary that we may make them available to new groups.
It is humbling to see how many people have come forward to help.
My simple appeal to you all tonight is don't give up. There are many times of discouragement and questioning if it is worth holding a Children's Rosary prayer group meeting. Maybe you wonder if any good is coming from it. Please be assured that each prayer and each meeting is the wind that is blowing these seeds to far places and deep into the hearts of our little ones. These children have pure fertile soil. The fruits of these prayer groups will yield for years to come. Grandparents can know that their grandchildren are forming memories and experiences of prayer that will last their whole lives. This is one of the most precious insurance policies a parent can give their child. Each child will need to rely on that policy sometime in their lives.
Please stay close to the Children's Rosary website tomorrow as there is a beautiful announcement coming. It is the fruit of many prayers.
Thank you all and God Bless.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
More Good News from Pakistan
More good news from Pakistan. Our group leader from St. Joseph Church shared that the children are now holding their Children's Rosary daily both in the morning and evening during their summer holidays. He went on to share, "our group is increasing day by day".
How absolutely beautiful to see so many children coming together to support each other in prayer. On summer holiday the children are choosing to come to meet and kneel in prayer of the Rosary with other children in a prayer group. They begin their day together and end their day together in prayer. It is also a beautiful thing to imagine both the prayers of these children for all the members of the Children's Rosary and also the prayers of the children meeting around the world covering these children in Pakistan with prayers.
Our Lord and His Mother are drawing these children very close to their Hearts and it is an inspiring thing to see. On this Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help it is a wonderful thing to celebrate and thank our most loving of Mothers who continues to help and care for all her children.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
St. Apollonia
Gentle Women
How absolutely beautiful to see so many children coming together to support each other in prayer. On summer holiday the children are choosing to come to meet and kneel in prayer of the Rosary with other children in a prayer group. They begin their day together and end their day together in prayer. It is also a beautiful thing to imagine both the prayers of these children for all the members of the Children's Rosary and also the prayers of the children meeting around the world covering these children in Pakistan with prayers.
Our Lord and His Mother are drawing these children very close to their Hearts and it is an inspiring thing to see. On this Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help it is a wonderful thing to celebrate and thank our most loving of Mothers who continues to help and care for all her children.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
St. Apollonia
Gentle Women
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
First Children's Rosary in Pakistan
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Members of the Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Pakistan |
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The children each receive a Rosary |
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Children kneeling before a Children's Rosary |
We did not expect the package to arrive so quickly to Pakistan. Yet last night an email came with many pictures. The package had arrived! As Pakistan is 8 hours ahead of us here in Connecticut USA it was already June 24th: the Feast of John the Baptist. What a wonderful gift to see the children holding Rosaries and praying in their Children's Rosary.
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Each child shows his or her own Rosary |
In a special way we thank Our Lord for the gift of this beautiful Children's Rosary in Pakistan. These 40 children can meet together as a prayer group and find beautiful support in their prayer life. Times are extremely difficult these days and to have friends praying for you and with you is such a blessing to be sure.
In a special way we pray for all the members of the Children's Rosary. Thank you all for your prayers and support.
If you would like to make a donation to the Children's Rosary to help meet the growing needs of new groups forming around the world, this can be done electronically through the donate button on the right margin. Donations can also be mailed to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT, 06127 USA
(Please make checks out to Children's Rosary Inc)
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
With These Beads We are Building a World of Peace and Love
EWTN Interview "Let the Children Come to Me"
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
"The Road that Leads to Life"
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few." (MT 7:12-14)
This was a portion of the Gospel reading from Mass today. In reflection I began to think of of the mothers I have seen in crowded places with their children. I have seen mom's tie something around their children with a string to make sure they do not stray or get lost. These type of cords are now sold and seem to be most frequently used for very little children who can walk but would not know their way without their mother or father.
I then began to think of Our Blessed Mother. She is the most loving of mothers and of course would be concerned for her children. She would not want even one to be lost. Would she not have thought of something similar? Indeed as I began to reflect after Mass I thought of the Rosary. It is in many ways like a lasso. The end of the lasso is the Cross. Indeed it would seem if Our Blessed Mother can get the Rosary around her children the other end leads to her Son. One of the members of the Children's Rosary, age 8, did this little drawing of a child with a Rosary around him and bead by bead it leads to Heaven. While we do not actually where a Rosary the act of praying it serves as a spiritual lasso.
There are many beautiful promises attached to prayer of the Rosary which have an Imprimatur. A few are listed below:
The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies.
It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
All who recite the Rosary are My sons, and brothers of My only son Jesus Christ.
Devotion to My Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
Imprimatur: Patrick J. Hayes D. D Archbishop of New York
It is our hope that through the spread of the Children's Rosary more and more children will have this lasso of protection that guides them along the narrow path. It is so hard these days to see the path through so much noise. Parents and grandparents worry for their little ones. We hope the Children's Rosary will be a source of help for our children in these difficult times.
Other posts you may enjoy:
Have you read the promises of the Rosary to your children?
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Theme song for the Children's Rosary
This was a portion of the Gospel reading from Mass today. In reflection I began to think of of the mothers I have seen in crowded places with their children. I have seen mom's tie something around their children with a string to make sure they do not stray or get lost. These type of cords are now sold and seem to be most frequently used for very little children who can walk but would not know their way without their mother or father.
I then began to think of Our Blessed Mother. She is the most loving of mothers and of course would be concerned for her children. She would not want even one to be lost. Would she not have thought of something similar? Indeed as I began to reflect after Mass I thought of the Rosary. It is in many ways like a lasso. The end of the lasso is the Cross. Indeed it would seem if Our Blessed Mother can get the Rosary around her children the other end leads to her Son. One of the members of the Children's Rosary, age 8, did this little drawing of a child with a Rosary around him and bead by bead it leads to Heaven. While we do not actually where a Rosary the act of praying it serves as a spiritual lasso.
There are many beautiful promises attached to prayer of the Rosary which have an Imprimatur. A few are listed below:
The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies.
It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
All who recite the Rosary are My sons, and brothers of My only son Jesus Christ.
Devotion to My Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
Imprimatur: Patrick J. Hayes D. D Archbishop of New York
It is our hope that through the spread of the Children's Rosary more and more children will have this lasso of protection that guides them along the narrow path. It is so hard these days to see the path through so much noise. Parents and grandparents worry for their little ones. We hope the Children's Rosary will be a source of help for our children in these difficult times.
Other posts you may enjoy:
Have you read the promises of the Rosary to your children?
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Theme song for the Children's Rosary
Sunday, June 21, 2015
First Children's Rosary at St. Peter's Church in Higganum, Connecticut USA
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First Children's Rosary at St. Peter Church in Higganum CT |
They had three children attend and met outside before a beautiful statue of Our Lady. At the end of the Rosary the children took the flowers they had placed at the foot of Our Lady in between each decade and collected them.
Lucy and Eve carefully placed all the roses in a vase before Our Lady and Baby Jesus inside the Church to remain all week. Lucy pictured below in blue also holds their intention box which was placed before them as they met. One of the intentions present in the box was for all the members of the Children's Rosary as well as the intentions of Our Blessed Mother. It is beautiful to think of more and more little groups all over the world. Their prayers twinkling as if tiny stars gleaming up toward heaven.
There was another unexpected gift given that day. We had another group of children meeting for the first time as a Children's Rosary. These children were meeting at the Benedictine Monastery of Thien Tam in Kerens, Texas USA. A member of the Children's Rosary was speaking on behalf of the Children's Rosary at the Eucharistic Conference and had helped organize this Children's Rosary. As both groups were scheduled to meet at the exact same time I ask them to pray for each other, unifying prayers. A wonderful note came back from Joan Alix in Texas. She was deeply touched that the new group meeting at the same time was from Higganum CT as this had been her home for many years before moving to her current home in Florida. The name of the group leader also was farmiliar to her as she had taught members of that family years ago when she was a teacher in Connecticut. Indeed there was the beautiful Divine Thread weaving people together thousands of miles apart. Over and over one marvels at the way Our Lord and His Mother can touch hearts and make us all feel so connected.
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Children's Rosary at the Benedictine Monastery of Thien Tam |
Other Posts Your May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Children's Rosary held at Thien Tam Monastery
How Can One Draw Himself Away from the Love of the World?
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Highlights from the Global Rosary Relay for Priests
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Children's Rosary in Lagos, Nigeria |
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Beautiful addition of drums to songs sung by the children after the Rosary |
One of our groups in Lagos, Nigeria met at 1PM ET. The children led a Children's Rosary and then concluded with beautiful songs. Some of the children even played drums to accompany the music.
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Children's Rosary in Cheshire Connecticut USA |
The Children's Rosary at St. Bernard's Church in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania USA held a Children's Rosary to participate with the Global Rosary. They prayed at 1:45 PM ET unifying with a Shrine in Slovakia. The group leader shared that all of the regular children who participate in the Children's Rosary were able to attend as well as some adults. A young priest from their parish was able to attend and read the Apostolic Blessing given by Pope Francis to all who participated in the Global Rosary Relay.
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Children's Rosary group in Pontiac, Illinois USA |

A Children's Rosary was held at St. Paul's Church in Cranston Rhode Island. The group leader shared the beautiful roses that were brought to the Rosary. Each child placed them before a statue of Our Blessed Mother as is the custom for our Children's Rosary groups. The group leader shared that she also had an icon present of both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We also had a Children's Rosary held at another Parish named after St. Paul. This group is from Fenton, Missouri USA. They met at 7:30 PM ET and unified with the Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert.
A Children's Rosary was held at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Church in Avondale, Pennsylvania USA. Members of the Children's Rosary from St. Patrick's Church in Kennett Square also attended. We have a picture of those gathered before the start of the Children's Rosary.
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Children's Rosary group in Avondale, Pennsylvania USA |
We are very grateful to Marion Mulhall, the founder of Worldpriests, for her invitation to the Children's Rosary to participate this year. The children were humbled by this invitation. The response from our members around the world has been so beautiful. The children very much wanted to come together to pray for our priests on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The little ones also found it very special to know Pope Francis was participating and they were so grateful to receive the gift of his Apostolic Blessing.
Marion has invited the Children's Rosary to be a part of the Global Rosary Relay going forward and we very much look forward to continuing this beautiful tradition. Please mark your calendars next year the Global Rosary Relay for Priests will be held on June 3rd 2016.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
"Light Spreads Darkness Stays where it is"
Children All over the World to Add to the Impact of this Years Global Rosary Relay
Friday, June 19, 2015
Treasures in Heaven
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.
But store up treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.
For where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be". (MT 6:19-21)
This is part of the beautiful Gospel from today's Mass.
It brings such joy to see more and more children coming together in prayer. Little groups sometimes with just a few children meeting faithfully in prayer of the Rosary as a Children's Rosary prayer group.
The picture above is a tiny little Children's Rosary. It is run by a grandmother. Two of her grandchildren attend. They hold their Children's Rosary on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:15 PM in their Church Adoration chapel at St. Martin de Porres Parish in Jensen Beach, Florida. This month they took a picture of their group outside as not to disturb those praying after their Rosary in the Adoration Chapel. One can see the joy in the faces of these little ones. Indeed they are tucking away great treasures in heaven from a very young age.
We are very thankful to the many individuals that put so much prayer and love into their Children's Rosary groups. Over the next week we will have many Children's Rosary groups meeting around the world. Please consider joining them in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday June 19
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange TX 7:05AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield CT 4PM ET
Saturday June 20th
Children's Rosary at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, held in the Kiberna slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis Oregon 12PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Chrarity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Talcoban City, Philippines 3PM local time.
Sunday June 21st
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick Parish in NOttingham, England 9AM local time
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Derby, CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patricks Church in Tacoma WA 11: 30 AM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at ST. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Monday June 22nd
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
EWTN Interview "Let the Children Come to Me"
A Grandmother's Experience with the Children's Rosary
where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.
But store up treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.
For where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be". (MT 6:19-21)
This is part of the beautiful Gospel from today's Mass.
It brings such joy to see more and more children coming together in prayer. Little groups sometimes with just a few children meeting faithfully in prayer of the Rosary as a Children's Rosary prayer group.
The picture above is a tiny little Children's Rosary. It is run by a grandmother. Two of her grandchildren attend. They hold their Children's Rosary on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:15 PM in their Church Adoration chapel at St. Martin de Porres Parish in Jensen Beach, Florida. This month they took a picture of their group outside as not to disturb those praying after their Rosary in the Adoration Chapel. One can see the joy in the faces of these little ones. Indeed they are tucking away great treasures in heaven from a very young age.
We are very thankful to the many individuals that put so much prayer and love into their Children's Rosary groups. Over the next week we will have many Children's Rosary groups meeting around the world. Please consider joining them in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday June 19
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange TX 7:05AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield CT 4PM ET
Saturday June 20th
Children's Rosary at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, held in the Kiberna slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis Oregon 12PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Chrarity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Talcoban City, Philippines 3PM local time.
Sunday June 21st
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick Parish in NOttingham, England 9AM local time
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Derby, CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patricks Church in Tacoma WA 11: 30 AM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at ST. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Monday June 22nd
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
EWTN Interview "Let the Children Come to Me"
A Grandmother's Experience with the Children's Rosary
Thursday, June 18, 2015
"Whoever Sows Bountifully Will Also Reap Bountifully"
Lettuce from our family garden |
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion,for God loves a cheerful giver"(2 Cor 9:6-7)
Tiny lettuce seeds sprouting in the spring |
a bountiful harvest of lettuce. It is an interesting back story of how we came to have such lush lettuce. Several years ago we began trying to grow lettuce with modest results. Our soil wasn't very good as we had brought some in from our town dump compost. We found the soil quality poor and many diseases present in the soil. We tried to grow many things with fair results. Initially when we planted lettuce it came up but throughout the season it remained tiny, too small to ever harvest. We continued to add bits of left overs from our meals such as bits of extra vegetable stalks, coffee grounds, egg shells to improve the soil and ash from our fire place. Constant little bits were added here and there that the children would bring to the garden each day. The following year we again replanted. This time the lettuce grew a little better. Still nothing remarkable but some lettuce grew. With the warm weather in the summer the lettuce sent up shoots flower and went to seed. Many would advise you pull out your lettuce at this point. This process of sending up shoots and flowering is called: "bolting". Once that happens the leaves become bitter and don't taste good so most gardeners would remove the plants and plant a summer or fall crop of something else. Well the children and I decided to leave the lettuce. It flowered and made seed. As the fall came the seeds seemed to be carried in all directions by the wind. They have a little fuzzy end that seems to act as a sail with a little dark seed attached. The children watched all this beauty taking place with wonder. What would happen to these seeds?
The little seeds in the picture above have now grown |
"This is how it is with the Kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come." Mark 4: 26-29)
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Finding Answers to Our Spiritual Questions in the Garden
A Long Winter
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Mary Make Our Hearts Like Yours
Today the Church honors the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This morning at Mass the priest said a little prayer during his homily. He asked Our Lady to make our hearts like hers. Indeed to have a heart like Our Blessed Virgin Mary is to be pure and full of love.
If we look to Our Blessed Mother for guidance in how to grow in holiness and love repeatedly we are instructed to pray the Rosary. The Catechism of the Catholic Church also recorgnizes the importance of the Rosary as an "eptiome of the whole Gospel" (Catechism 971).
Today many Children's Rosary groups will be meeting along with a new Children's Rosary group in New Jersey USA who will be meeting for the first time. They will begin by Consecrating their new group to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. In this way the new group is under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. It is very special to be able to give a new Children's Rosary group to Our Blessed Mother on such a beautiful day honoring her Immaculate Heart. We know that she tenderly cares for everything we give her and as the most loving of Mothers presents us to her Son.
We also want to share some exciting news. Beginning yesteday on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Eternal Life Radio began airing the Children's Rosary daily LINK TO LISTEN LIVE. They are introducing it currently at 5:00PM ET but may transition to a permanent 5:30 PM time slot going forward. This gift of bringing the children's voices to the airwaves daily for a Children's Rosary at that time represents over a year of prayers from children in our Children's Rosary groups around the world. To have such a gift given to us as we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary is so precious. To see such a gift brings awe and wonder at the care Our Lord went to in answering this prayer. He chose a time chose a time when we are drawing very close to His Heart and that of His Mother. It is at such times when little can be said but thank you. Indeed today as we honor Our Blessed Mother and pray that our hearts may be more like hers there is also a prayer going up with it...one of thanksgiving for ALL the graces and gifts that have been poured down on us.
May we humbling invite you to joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Saturday June 13th
Children Rosary at St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in Kibera Slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 AM local time.
Children's Rosary at St. Micahel Church in Garden City, SC at 10:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon 12PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi Kenya 3PM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford CT 3:45 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Epiphany Church in Cliffside Park, New Jersey USA 4PM ET (FIRST MEETING)
Children's Rosary at St. Paul's Church in Fenton, Missouri at 6PM ETSunday June 14th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick Parish in Nottingham, England 9aM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle in West Hartford CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Monday June 15th
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone, Michigan 4:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church, PA 6PM ET held in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday June 16th
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart School Queensland Australia 8AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday June 17th
Children's Rosary at St. Keirans School in Queensland, Australia 8AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday June 18th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Resurrection Church in Rye, NY 5PM ETChildren's Rosary at St. Martin Parish in Kingsville, TX 6:30 PM ET
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Have you read the promises of the Rosary to your children?
How To Start a Children's Rosary
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If we look to Our Blessed Mother for guidance in how to grow in holiness and love repeatedly we are instructed to pray the Rosary. The Catechism of the Catholic Church also recorgnizes the importance of the Rosary as an "eptiome of the whole Gospel" (Catechism 971).
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Members of the Children's Rosary in the Philippines placing roses before Our Lady during their Children's Rosary |
We also want to share some exciting news. Beginning yesteday on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Eternal Life Radio began airing the Children's Rosary daily LINK TO LISTEN LIVE. They are introducing it currently at 5:00PM ET but may transition to a permanent 5:30 PM time slot going forward. This gift of bringing the children's voices to the airwaves daily for a Children's Rosary at that time represents over a year of prayers from children in our Children's Rosary groups around the world. To have such a gift given to us as we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary is so precious. To see such a gift brings awe and wonder at the care Our Lord went to in answering this prayer. He chose a time chose a time when we are drawing very close to His Heart and that of His Mother. It is at such times when little can be said but thank you. Indeed today as we honor Our Blessed Mother and pray that our hearts may be more like hers there is also a prayer going up with it...one of thanksgiving for ALL the graces and gifts that have been poured down on us.
May we humbling invite you to joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Saturday June 13th
Children Rosary at St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in Kibera Slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 AM local time.
Children's Rosary at St. Micahel Church in Garden City, SC at 10:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon 12PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi Kenya 3PM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford CT 3:45 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Epiphany Church in Cliffside Park, New Jersey USA 4PM ET (FIRST MEETING)
Children's Rosary at St. Paul's Church in Fenton, Missouri at 6PM ETSunday June 14th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick Parish in Nottingham, England 9aM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle in West Hartford CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport CT 2:30 PM ET
Monday June 15th
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone, Michigan 4:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church, PA 6PM ET held in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday June 16th
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart School Queensland Australia 8AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday June 17th
Children's Rosary at St. Keirans School in Queensland, Australia 8AM local time
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday June 18th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Resurrection Church in Rye, NY 5PM ETChildren's Rosary at St. Martin Parish in Kingsville, TX 6:30 PM ET
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Have you read the promises of the Rosary to your children?
How To Start a Children's Rosary
New Children's Rosary Theme Song: Rosary Children
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Join Us for the Global Rosary Relay for Priests
The Children's Rosary has been invited to participate in this years Global Rosary Relay for Priests. This is held on June 12th which is the World Day of Prayer for Priests and the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Beginning in Siberia every 15 or 30 minutes a Rosary is led at a different shrine for the sanctification of priests. Over 100 Shrines will be participating from over 50 countries. Pope Francis has even taken a time slot and will be praying as well in the Vatican. He has granted an Apostolic blessing to those that participate in the Global Rosary Relay that day.
This year members of the Children's Rosary have been asked to participate in this day of prayer for priests by unifying prayers with those being said in the shrines across the globe. As rosaries will be said in succession one after the other, sometimes with beautiful overlap, the children can review the schedule and choose when they would like to join in with prayer. Some of our Children’s Rosary groups such as those at St. Thomas Becket Parish in Cheshire Connecticut USA, St. Augustine Parish Lagos Nigeria, St. Mary's School in Pontiac Illinois USA, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania USA will be meeting as a group and unifying prayers with the Shrines. Indeed it is our hope that children will be an integral part of this years Global Rosary Relay for Priests.
Ways to Participate:
Holding a special Children's Rosary prayer group meeting and unifying prayers with those being said at the Shrine meeting at the same time.
Unifying prayers at your home with a Shrine praying at the same time.
Attending a Rosary held at a participating Shrine.
Rosary Intention: For the Sanctification of Priests
Here is the list of our Children's Rosary groups that will be meeting Friday to participate:
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Pontiac Illinois 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Cranston, Rhode Island 12:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Parish Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania 6PM ET (members of the Children's Rosary from St. Patrick's Parish in Kennett Square Pennsylvania will also be attending)
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Church Cheshire CT 6PM ET (Members from the Children's Rosary of St. Bridget's Church in Cheshire will also be attending)
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Fenton, Missouri 7:30 PM ET
Pope Francis will be joining in from Rome to say the Glorious Mysteries at 12:45 PM ET
A few Shrines of note that will be participating:
Shrine of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa Poland (Joyful Mysteries) 6AM ET
Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii Italy (Sorrowful Mysteries) 6:30 AM ET
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes France (Luminous Mysteries) 7AM ET
Shrine of Our Lady of Banneaux Belgium (Glorious Mysteries) 8:30 AM ET
Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima Portugal (Sorrowful Mysteries) 11:30 PM ET
Shrine of Divine Mercy USA (Sorrowful Mysteries) 6:30 PM ET
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
EWTN Interview: "Let the Children Come to Me"
"Light Spreads Darkness Stays Where It Is"
This year members of the Children's Rosary have been asked to participate in this day of prayer for priests by unifying prayers with those being said in the shrines across the globe. As rosaries will be said in succession one after the other, sometimes with beautiful overlap, the children can review the schedule and choose when they would like to join in with prayer. Some of our Children’s Rosary groups such as those at St. Thomas Becket Parish in Cheshire Connecticut USA, St. Augustine Parish Lagos Nigeria, St. Mary's School in Pontiac Illinois USA, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania USA will be meeting as a group and unifying prayers with the Shrines. Indeed it is our hope that children will be an integral part of this years Global Rosary Relay for Priests.
Ways to Participate:
Holding a special Children's Rosary prayer group meeting and unifying prayers with those being said at the Shrine meeting at the same time.
Unifying prayers at your home with a Shrine praying at the same time.
Attending a Rosary held at a participating Shrine.
Rosary Intention: For the Sanctification of Priests
Here is the list of our Children's Rosary groups that will be meeting Friday to participate:
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Pontiac Illinois 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Cranston, Rhode Island 12:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Parish Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania 6PM ET (members of the Children's Rosary from St. Patrick's Parish in Kennett Square Pennsylvania will also be attending)
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Church Cheshire CT 6PM ET (Members from the Children's Rosary of St. Bridget's Church in Cheshire will also be attending)
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Fenton, Missouri 7:30 PM ET
Pope Francis will be joining in from Rome to say the Glorious Mysteries at 12:45 PM ET
A few Shrines of note that will be participating:
Shrine of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa Poland (Joyful Mysteries) 6AM ET
Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii Italy (Sorrowful Mysteries) 6:30 AM ET
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes France (Luminous Mysteries) 7AM ET
Shrine of Our Lady of Banneaux Belgium (Glorious Mysteries) 8:30 AM ET
Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima Portugal (Sorrowful Mysteries) 11:30 PM ET
Shrine of Divine Mercy USA (Sorrowful Mysteries) 6:30 PM ET
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
EWTN Interview: "Let the Children Come to Me"
"Light Spreads Darkness Stays Where It Is"
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