Saturday, May 13, 2017

Two Masses Celebrated in Succession Today for all Children

The photo above are wild flowers that grow along the way that my children and I walk to Mass.  When they first come up these plants look like weeds. Some you might see by the side of the road or in your yard and not think much of them. Some people may even identify them as weeds and pull them up. But together they are a heavenly sight. In looking at the flowers, there is incredible beauty...individual flowers that alone might be considered common or ordinary but together bring wonder and awe.  

As more people are brought to the Children's Rosary and the number of little flowers grows, more and more people are seeing the beauty of simple people often young in age who choose to come together in prayer. 

Today two little shepherd children will be canonized: Francisco and Jacinta. There simplicity is much like the flowers above. They were little but they answered the call of Our Blessed Mother to prayer and sacrifice. 

We are excited to share a gift from one of our Children's Rosary groups in Vietnam. Today beginning at 4AM two Masses were celebrated in Vietnam for all children.

Many Children's Rosary prayer groups will meet today. Please consider unifying prayers with them from your home through our View from Heaven map.  You can add your gold light to the night sky by clicking "Join in Prayer".

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