It has become clear, an infrastructure is needed to allow new groups to register and the ability for group leaders to go in and update their meeting times themselves. This will allow us to have a continuous updated schedule present of all the meetings occurring with an invitation of others to join the children in prayer. This registration process is something that cannot be accommodated by our simple blog style website. Rather over the past 3 years there has been continuous prayers going up that we might have a website, childrensrosary.org, with the infrastructure to allow a safe and secure registration process and also the dynamic display of group meetings. A further prayer we have had is that these meetings could be displayed on a map with a view of what the groups might look like from heaven. As each group begins meeting a light would illuminate in the region of the world where the children were meeting. Those visiting the site could also click on a button to indicate they are joining the children in prayer. In turn they would become a smaller light. Such ideas have slowly with so much prayer taken shape. Our Lord has led us to people with years of experience in operating a website with such capacities. Many of these people guiding us are donating their time. A "mock up" of the new site has been completed and through a very capable company a budget for the project obtained. The project will be broken into three phases:
Phase I: Secure registration of groups and display of meeting times dynamically. A static map that does not change based on meeting times.
Phase II: Dynamic Map with meeting times represented by illuminated lights and the ability for visitors to the site to join the children in prayer and have their location shown as a light. The addition of a registration portal in Spanish and content of the website available in Spanish.
Phase III: The addition of other languages for the registration process and content of the website.
Currently we have raised 48% of the funds to complete phase I. We would like to complete this phase by January 1st 2016. This will require the help of many to realize our goal. Such a project is very expensive. The first phase is the largest expense, as extensive work must be done to build a database that will store and organize all the information being integrated for groups meeting around the world.
Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord have given us groups sprinkled around the globe. Yet, in order to see the growth continue we need an infrastructure. For those of you who like everything the way it is, please do not be worried. The blog will not go away and will be continued in the same format highlighting groups and sharing our joys and sufferings together. The new childrensrosary.org site would allow the world to see what Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother see. The prayers of the children like lights illuminating the darkness. As more people see this they will be encouraged. The children in our existing groups will see their effect on the world, to contribute a light that brings hope to these dark times. Our poor world needs the hope these children bring.

The Children's Rosary tries to do a lot with very little. We also do not want to slow down on the materials we send out to new groups starting. In this way we are asking for your help. We are putting a great trust in Our Lord that he will open hearts to this cause and help us reach our goal. As the Children's Rosary received tax exempt status this year as a 501(c)3 organization, all donations are tax deductible. Checks can be made out to Children's Rosary Inc and mailed to:
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
or made electronically below: