Seeing these beautiful pictures of the children I could not help but think of Mother Teresa. It is amazing how the children have taken on her charism in this parish named after Bl Mother Teresa. Their hard work is a beautiful witness of their love for Our Lord. The shining floor is a gift they give to the members of the Parish but also the owner of this house which is God Himself. This is Our Lord's home and for the children to take broom and rag and scrub the Church clean is inspiring.
"The person who gives with a smile is the best giver because God loves a cheerful giver". Mother Teresa
We also see the children working so hard and yet smiling as they do it. They bring a joy to the work which must be so pleasing to Our Lord.
"If we pray we will believe, if we believe we will love; if we love, we will serve." Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa's words so succinctly show us where prayer takes us. The children in Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta parish have been a witness to these words.
"There are many people who can do big things, but there are very few people who will do the small things" Mother Teresa
Children have a very sweet way of tending to the small things and being so pleased with their work however small.
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Even though they are still young, their faith in God is very inspiring. They know that our Lord Mighty God can provide all our needs and I'm sure that He sees it, He will provide us all the best we can have.
Nicolas / Blogger, Writer, Volunteer in the Philippines