Sunday, September 29, 2024

On September 29, 2013, Eleven Years Ago Today

On September 29th 2013, the Feast of the Archangels, EWTN Global Catholic Network aired an interview about the Children's Rosary.  This airing was a very special gift as it gave many around the world a window into a Children's Rosary prayer group.  Many reached out after the airing with interest in beginning a Children's Rosary in their parish.  Now eleven years later, many of those that wrote or called following the airing have begun groups in their parishes or in schools and helped in many ways such as through translation.  It would seem that such a date could not go by without a special remembrance and gratitude to God the Father and the Archangels  for reaching so many and bringing forth so much fruit.  For those of you unfamiliar with the EWTN interview that aired on Sept 29th 2013 the link is included HERE.

The late Fr. Apostoli, host of Sunday Night Prime shared this at the end of the show:

"You have heard a program about a wonderful movement, Children's Rosary, which is drawing our young people.  This is our future if we do not sow seeds now there will be no harvest later on. This is exactly what the Children's Rosary is doing, reaching out to these little ones.  Stirring their hearts, preparing them as the road ahead will not be an easy one". (Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR Prior Host of Sunday Night Prime)

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