Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Mass Was Offered on September 1, 2024 for Seminarians

A Mass was offered on September 1, 2024 for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all in love. Every month, we have a Mass offered for this intention. As our seminarians will be the future shepherds and our children are their future flock, it seemed a beautiful way for the children to help with their prayers.  It is our goal to feature a different seminarian on the first of the month every month by inviting him to share something of himself and giving all our readers the opportunity to pray for him. This month, we are featuring Andrew Schmitz, a seminarian from Los Angeles, California, USA. 

My name is Andrew Schmitz, and I am twenty-seven years old. I am a second-year seminarian for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, currently studying philosophy at the Catholic University of America. I live and receive formation at the Saint John Paul II Seminary. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and attended the University of Notre Dame for my undergraduate studies. Before Seminary, I worked in the management consulting industry here in Washington, DC, where I discerned a call to the diocesan priesthood. 

Growing up, my family attended Mass every Sunday and saw our parish as the center of our spiritual and social lives. I even routinely played Mass with my siblings as a young boy! Upon entering college, I was set on pursuing a career in business and starting a family. For three years, I sought the “normal college experience” but had reduced my faith to a matter of routine and obligation. Later on, a set of philosophy courses I took challenged me to choose between Christ’s saving Truth and worldly doctrines of subjectivity. Of even greater significance, thanks to God’s grace, I had made several friends who aided me in turning away from sin and pursuing virtue. I ultimately started attending daily Mass and frequenting the sacrament of Confession more often. My upbringing, and the social, spiritual, and intellectual parts of my life were finally converging. 

When I moved to DC, I got more involved in activities with Catholic young professionals and began hosting apostolic activities at my apartment. While I was happy with my job and life in the city, I sensed a restlessness in my heart. I felt God was asking me to use my talents and desires in more direct service to Him as I matured in my faith. While all people are called to holiness, I was attracted to the ministerial priesthood and its full, direct, and explicit witness of the Truth. I ultimately was accepted to Seminary and entered formation just one year ago! 

As a priest, I hope to bring this saving Truth of the Gospel to souls encountering the everyday happenings of ordinary life. Great joy is achieved in pursuing a life of self giving and commitment - I want to share this with others! Our world so badly needs this Truth and is quickly ripening to receive it. It’s a great time to be a seminarian and a Catholic. Thank you for your prayers!  

We humbly ask that you please keep Andrew Schmitz in your prayers.

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