Friday, September 13, 2024

Glastonbury Pilgrimage 2024


On the 14th July, the Clifton Diocese organized its annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury, one of England’s most sacred Christian sites. Glastonbury is known for its rich Christian heritage and legendary connections to Joseph of Arimathea. The pilgrimage is a significant event that brings together Catholics from across the South West to honour the Virgin Mary, specifically Our Lady of Glastonbury.

The day began in the parish church of St Mary’s with Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and confessions whilst pilgrims also gathered in the Abbey grounds for prayers of healing, or a picnic with family and parishioners. At 2.15 pilgrims and clergy lined up to process through the Abbey grounds ahead of the statue of Our Lady of Glastonbury. Several families from our Parish in Trowbridge processed behind our Children’s Rosary banner and we were delighted to be joined by some families from across the diocese. The children joyfully prayed and sang as they processed  through the streets of Glastonbury and back into the Abbey grounds, where the pilgrimage culminated in a large open-air Mass celebrated in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, by our newly appointed Bishop Bosco. The pilgrimage is a powerful reminder of the enduring Christian traditions tied to Glastonbury and offers an opportunity for pilgrims to connect more deeply with their faith and heritage in a place steeped in religious history. 

It is wonderful for the children to witness so many people praying the Rosary and I think it was equally a sign of great hope to other pilgrims to witness the next generation literally taking up the (Children's Rosary) banner and developing a love for Our Lady and the Rosary. ~ Sinéad, Children's Rosary group leader Trowbridge, England

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