Today I saw something hopeful...something beautiful. It was not this sunset. This is a picture from several months ago that one of my children took. What I saw today was during a Children's Rosary. We had a small group. Two of my children were there and another family. The other mother brought her new born baby and her 3 year old daughter. Her daughter who has been coming for a number of months has show so much growth at each passing meeting. At first she only would kneel for a short time with the other children and then she wanted to go back to her mom. Gradually over our meetings she stayed the whole time kneeling before Our Lady. She timidly would place a rose before Our Lady and now with great confidence she goes and places a rose very carefully at the foot of Our Blessed Mother at the end of the decades. Last meeting she stood up with the older children with the important role of holding the Children's Rosary book. This she held for the other children to look at as they were leading. Today she again took her place next to one of my sons at the podium to hold a Children's Rosary book. Although both my son's know the prayers they liked having her there to hold the book and also show them the pictures that go with each mystery. Toward the end of the Rosary, I asked her if she could say the words "Hail Mary" and then Kostin could continue leading. At first she was too shy to do this so Kostin in a very soft voice would say Hail Mary and then she with an even fainter voice said "full of grace". As the decade continued she continued to add her part: full of grace. There was something beautiful about a sweet innocent child participating in the angelic salutation to Our Lady. Indeed, Our Lady is full of grace.
Today this was all the little girl in our group felt comfortable saying but this was enough. The rest of the prayers were said by one of my sons as they led but for all of us her two words drew attention to a beautiful part of the prayer. During the last few Hail Mary's, her little voice could be heard adding a bit more to the prayer. Indeed today I saw something hopeful...something beautiful. The beauty came not only from the little one but also from the tenderness of the older children whose prayers seemed all the more heartfelt because they accompanied a littler soul just taking her first steps in prayer.
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Instructional Video on how to run your first Children's Rosary meeting
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
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