The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Mass Offerd for Renewal of Family Prayer
Friday, February 27, 2015
And the Winner is.....
This past month members of the Children's Rosary were invited to submit drawings of the Annunciation in anticipation of the Feast next month. The deadline for pictures was February 25th.
Recently a women contacted us hoping to help spread word of the Children's Rosary. After reading more about the prayer group movement on our Spanish site she wrote to us with a generous offer. She wanted to give the Children's Rosary a gift. She wanted to offer one child per month for February, March and April 2015 the opportunity to pick one item from her website. Maria also shared that she is originally from Mexico and was named after Our Lady of Guadalupe. She now lives in California but has a deep devotion to Our Blessed Mother which began when she was a child. In this small way she wanted to give back and help encourage more children to come together in prayer through the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. During this past month pictures have been coming in. On January 25th they were gathered and the names of the children were put on cards. On January 26th after praying to the Holy Spirit to inspire the selection a child's name was randomly chosen. Alek, age 8, from the Children's Rosary group at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, Connecticut USA was chosen. Alek is pictured above at the Stations of the Cross last Friday where he helped the Children's Rosary in leading the readings at each Station. Alek's mother shared that he had worked on the drawing all day during one of our recent snow days. It is a wonderful thing to see small children thinking and imagining what that moment was like for Our Blessed Mother when she humbly accepted God's Will for her.
For those of you who would like to participate in our drawing submissions for March and April please see our earlier post HERE for directions.
Recently a women contacted us hoping to help spread word of the Children's Rosary. After reading more about the prayer group movement on our Spanish site she wrote to us with a generous offer. She wanted to give the Children's Rosary a gift. She wanted to offer one child per month for February, March and April 2015 the opportunity to pick one item from her website. Maria also shared that she is originally from Mexico and was named after Our Lady of Guadalupe. She now lives in California but has a deep devotion to Our Blessed Mother which began when she was a child. In this small way she wanted to give back and help encourage more children to come together in prayer through the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. During this past month pictures have been coming in. On January 25th they were gathered and the names of the children were put on cards. On January 26th after praying to the Holy Spirit to inspire the selection a child's name was randomly chosen. Alek, age 8, from the Children's Rosary group at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, Connecticut USA was chosen. Alek is pictured above at the Stations of the Cross last Friday where he helped the Children's Rosary in leading the readings at each Station. Alek's mother shared that he had worked on the drawing all day during one of our recent snow days. It is a wonderful thing to see small children thinking and imagining what that moment was like for Our Blessed Mother when she humbly accepted God's Will for her.
For those of you who would like to participate in our drawing submissions for March and April please see our earlier post HERE for directions.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
First Meeting of the Children's Rosary in Shelbyville Illinois
There is a new Children's Rosary group at Immaculate Conception Church in Shelbyville IL USA. They met for the first time on January 28thth 2015. This group has chosen to meet the last Wednesday of the month at 4:30 PM CT. The group meets before the weekly catechism classes for the parish. At their first meeting their Pastor Fr. Don Wolford attended and Consecrated the new group to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We ask that each new Children's Rosary group be Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in that way each group is under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. Usually the group leader Consecrates the new group but when a priest is able to attend this is an extra special blessing.
The group leader shared that initially there were 7 children to begin the Children's Rosary put as they prayed more and more children folded in and joined the prayers. By the end there were 22 children praying. For there first time the children gathered at the table but this month the children will be encouraged to bring pillows which they will use as kneelers. They plan to have the children gather in a semi-circle kneeling around a statue of Our Blessed Mother as they pray.
This new group will have their second meeting this evening. Please consider joining them in prayer from your home. The children pray for all those unifying prayers with them.
We ask that each new Children's Rosary group be Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in that way each group is under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. Usually the group leader Consecrates the new group but when a priest is able to attend this is an extra special blessing.
The group leader shared that initially there were 7 children to begin the Children's Rosary put as they prayed more and more children folded in and joined the prayers. By the end there were 22 children praying. For there first time the children gathered at the table but this month the children will be encouraged to bring pillows which they will use as kneelers. They plan to have the children gather in a semi-circle kneeling around a statue of Our Blessed Mother as they pray.
This new group will have their second meeting this evening. Please consider joining them in prayer from your home. The children pray for all those unifying prayers with them.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Mass to be Offered Tomorrow for Members of the Children's Rosary
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Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish South Windsor, CT USA |
Thank you all and God Bless you!
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Official Release of Our New Song Video
Children's Rosary CDs
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Official Release of Our New Song Video
Children's Rosary CDs
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Little Sacrifices with Love
This past Friday the Children's Rosary led the Stations of the Cross at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, Connecticut USA. Seven children led those gathered. We had two candle bearers, a boy carrying the cross and four other children reading at each station. We were also graced with music by a member of the music ministry.
One family whose children helped with the Stations had grandparents visiting from France. This lovely family is originally from Paris. All three children speak both French and English. As we had a brief lull in the snow which seems to be almost continuous here in the Northeast there was a last minute hope that they might show their family Cape Cod before their departure. Yet the family chose to forgo this little trip to stay home and help with leading the Stations. A true sacrifice for the family. Yet this was done with so much joy. It was so beautiful to see their little daughter carrying a candle, their son the Cross and their older son reading. As we moved from Station to station there was a beautiful reverence of the children. As I looked to the side I noticed one women crying.
As the evening came to a close, it was clear that many seemed in a special way touched that night. I began to think of this little family who had sacrificed in such a beautiful way to help in honoring Our Lord's Passion. How dear must such a gift be, given with love from a family to Our Lord. This gift which allowed such pure little souls to come and carry His cross and hold vigil with a candle at the foot of the cross. Indeed it was a special evening.
One family whose children helped with the Stations had grandparents visiting from France. This lovely family is originally from Paris. All three children speak both French and English. As we had a brief lull in the snow which seems to be almost continuous here in the Northeast there was a last minute hope that they might show their family Cape Cod before their departure. Yet the family chose to forgo this little trip to stay home and help with leading the Stations. A true sacrifice for the family. Yet this was done with so much joy. It was so beautiful to see their little daughter carrying a candle, their son the Cross and their older son reading. As we moved from Station to station there was a beautiful reverence of the children. As I looked to the side I noticed one women crying.
As the evening came to a close, it was clear that many seemed in a special way touched that night. I began to think of this little family who had sacrificed in such a beautiful way to help in honoring Our Lord's Passion. How dear must such a gift be, given with love from a family to Our Lord. This gift which allowed such pure little souls to come and carry His cross and hold vigil with a candle at the foot of the cross. Indeed it was a special evening.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Feast of Bl Francisco and Jacinta
Today the Church remembers two children who were named Blesseds by Pope John Paul II on May 13th 2000. The cause for their canonization remains open.
Bl. Jacinta and Bl Francisco are two of the three children who received apparitions in Fatima. Before the apparitions of Fatima these two siblings spent their days as shepherds in Portugal. Today as we celebrate their Feast day, it is beautiful to reflect on some of the messages given to these little children who were just 7 and 9 when Our Lady began appearing to them. One might also contemplate Our Lady's choice of these simple children to share her urgent call to pray the Rosary!
When Our Lady first appeared to the children on May 13th 1917. She asked them a question, "Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and of supplication for the conversion of sinners."
Such a request underscores both the importance of suffering and our invitation to participate and assist in God's Plan. We are always invited to use our free will to choose God and to assist Him in His plans. The children respond, "Yes we are willing".
Our Lady goes on to share one of the main messages of Fatima "Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war." This request to pray the Rosary for peace was the only request made in all six of the apparitions to the visionaries.
Over the next week we have many children gathering to pray the Rosary in Children's Rosary prayer groups around the world. Bl Francisco and Jacinta are a wonderful example of holiness for our children of today. It is beautiful to see little children from around the world responding to the call of their Heavenly Mother to pray the Rosary. In a special way Our Heavenly Mother sought the help of children almost one hundred years ago. One can imagine she needs them like never before today.
Recently the Children's Rosary received a beautiful letter from Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho, asm; Postulator of the cause of canonization of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, and Vice Postulator for the cause of canonization of Sr. Lucia. In the letter she shared, "The movement of the Children's Rosary seems to have captured one of the central calls of the message of Fatima, which is the prayer of the Rosary."
May we humbly invite those of you reading this post to consider starting a Children's Rosary in your parish or sharing this prayer group movement with friends and family. As Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR said once of the Children's Rosary, if we do not plant seeds today there will be no harvest later. Recently we also received a beautiful letter from
Thank you all for being a part of the Children's Rosary please know we are praying for you.
Friday February 20th
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange TX 7:05 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac, IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Saturday Febraury 21st
Children's Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in the Kibera slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 local time
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon 12 PM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford, CT 3:45 PM ET
Sunday February 22nd
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and st. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
The Cause for Canonization for Bl Jacinta and Francisco is open. Please send details of any favors received through the intercession of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta to: Secretariodo dos Pastorinhos,
Apartado 6, P-2496-908 FATIMA, Portugal
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Children's Rosary Book
Children are Open to Prayer they Only Need an Invitation
Bl. Jacinta and Bl Francisco are two of the three children who received apparitions in Fatima. Before the apparitions of Fatima these two siblings spent their days as shepherds in Portugal. Today as we celebrate their Feast day, it is beautiful to reflect on some of the messages given to these little children who were just 7 and 9 when Our Lady began appearing to them. One might also contemplate Our Lady's choice of these simple children to share her urgent call to pray the Rosary!
When Our Lady first appeared to the children on May 13th 1917. She asked them a question, "Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and of supplication for the conversion of sinners."

Our Lady goes on to share one of the main messages of Fatima "Pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war." This request to pray the Rosary for peace was the only request made in all six of the apparitions to the visionaries.
Over the next week we have many children gathering to pray the Rosary in Children's Rosary prayer groups around the world. Bl Francisco and Jacinta are a wonderful example of holiness for our children of today. It is beautiful to see little children from around the world responding to the call of their Heavenly Mother to pray the Rosary. In a special way Our Heavenly Mother sought the help of children almost one hundred years ago. One can imagine she needs them like never before today.
Recently the Children's Rosary received a beautiful letter from Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho, asm; Postulator of the cause of canonization of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, and Vice Postulator for the cause of canonization of Sr. Lucia. In the letter she shared, "The movement of the Children's Rosary seems to have captured one of the central calls of the message of Fatima, which is the prayer of the Rosary."
May we humbly invite those of you reading this post to consider starting a Children's Rosary in your parish or sharing this prayer group movement with friends and family. As Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR said once of the Children's Rosary, if we do not plant seeds today there will be no harvest later. Recently we also received a beautiful letter from
Thank you all for being a part of the Children's Rosary please know we are praying for you.
Friday February 20th
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange TX 7:05 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac, IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Saturday Febraury 21st
Children's Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in the Kibera slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 local time
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon 12 PM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford, CT 3:45 PM ET
Sunday February 22nd
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and st. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Margaret Church in Waterbury, CT 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. JOhn the Evangelist in Hopkinton, MA 11:15 AM
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church in Tacoma, WA 11:30 AM PST
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday February 23rd
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Tuesday February 24th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday February 25th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Immaculate Conception Church in Shelbyville, IL 4:30 PM CTThursday Febraury 26th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Immaculate Conception Church in Shelbyville, IL 4:30 PM CTThursday Febraury 26th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM
The Cause for Canonization for Bl Jacinta and Francisco is open. Please send details of any favors received through the intercession of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta to: Secretariodo dos Pastorinhos,
Apartado 6, P-2496-908 FATIMA, Portugal
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Children's Rosary Book
Children are Open to Prayer they Only Need an Invitation
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Stations of the Cross
The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle in West Hartford, CT will be leading the Stations of the Cross tomorrow evening at 7PM. As Our Lady is always pointing to her Son it is not surprising she has brought the children to the foot of the Cross.
If you are local to St. Thomas the Apostle Church tomorrow evening please join us. We are also very blessed to have a member of the music ministry leading us in the song: "At the Cross Her Station Keeping" as the chidren walk from station to station.
We will be praying in a special way for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.
Thank you all and God Bless.
If you are local to St. Thomas the Apostle Church tomorrow evening please join us. We are also very blessed to have a member of the music ministry leading us in the song: "At the Cross Her Station Keeping" as the chidren walk from station to station.
We will be praying in a special way for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.
Thank you all and God Bless.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Weathering the Storms Faithfully in Prayer
This past Sunday as we left Church the wind was howling and the snow was blowing in our faces as we walked. We were in the midst of another snow storm, one of many that have hit the Northeastern part of the United States. Looking over as we left the Church I saw the statue of Our Blessed Mother. Many times the children have gathered around her in the summer to pray the Rosary. However, now most of her body was no longer visible with snow up to her elbows and a large dollop on her head. The snow buffeted her and swirled around her at times. In the midst of the wind and biting cold there stood Our Lady with the most gentle and sweet expression on her face peacefully with her hands folded in prayer. In looking at Our Lady I was reminded of her faithfulness to prayer despite the trials that she encountered.
For many of us the snow and cold this year have been a source of suffering. So many struggling to stay warm. The cold is just one form of suffering that many have had to endure. Yet within the storms that swirl around us there is also much joy. Our Lady helps us to see the sweetness in the crosses we carry and the fruits that can come when we unify our suffering to that of her Son's suffering.
"There is but one price at which souls are bought", Jesus told St. Faustina, "and that is suffering united to My suffering on the cross (Dairy 324).

"There is but one price at which souls are bought", Jesus told St. Faustina, "and that is suffering united to My suffering on the cross (Dairy 324).
Monday, February 16, 2015
First Children's Rosary in Wisconsin!
The first meeting of the Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Pine Bluff was held on February 6th 2015. This group has chosen to meet monthly on the first Friday. The group leader, Kellie, shared with us a picture from the meeting. She was pleased to report that at least 20 children were able to attend. Kellie is a home school mom and has been a very involved member of the Children's Rosary even before this first meeting. Kellie and her family initially began unifying prayers on the 13th of the month with our Children's Rosary group that meets in Fenton, Missouri. The later meeting time the group in Missouri had chosen worked out perfectly for Kellie to assemble her whole family to unify prayers with them. The children in Fenton also began praying in a special way for Kellie and her family as they discerned starting a group.
In many ways this new group in Wisconsin represents the ripples of several children's Rosary groups meeting each other and coalescing to bring an even bigger effect. It is so beautiful to see this happening more and more. The blessings and effects from one group reaching that of another. A ripple of good moving gently out in all directions and meeting the ripples created from other little groups in prayer.
As I would find out, Kellie initially became aware of the Children's Rosary from a mom in Pennsylvania who is a member of the Children's Rosary at St. Bernard's Church in Mount Lebanon. So in many ways we are seeing the fruits of our first Children's Rosary groups yielding more prayers and new Children's Rosary groups in new places. How truly beautiful that Our Lady and Our Lord are using the children to be their evangelizers.
To read more about the first meeting of this new group please visit this LINK.
I also would encourage you to see pictures of Kellie's children making cards asking a radio station that broadcasts in Wisconsin to air the Children's Rosary. Link is HERE (scroll down a bit to see the artists at work). The children and cards are truly so precious. Here is a little preview....
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Saturday, February 14, 2015
St. Valentine Pray For Us!
Today is the Feast of St. Valentine. In a special way we pray for the intercession of St. Valentine and the Saints. They are a beautiful example of love for our children. The picture above was a surprise to me. As my hands are too weak to take pictures myself someone else took a few pictures after one of our Children's Rosary group meetings with our family camera. When I came home and saw the picture it was touching to see what this little child had done. It is beautiful to see true love developing in little ones for prayer and Our Lord. A special thank you to all the members of the Children's Rosary who through their prayers are helping to spread a wave of love gently person to person.
There are many Children's Rosary groups meeting this week. May we humbly ask that you join us in prayer. The children pray for all those unifying prayers with them.
Friday February 13th
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange TX 7:05 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac, IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. paul parish in Fenton, Missouri at 6PM CT
Saturday Febraury 14th
Children's Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in the Kibera slum in Langatta Nairobi Kenya 10 local time
Children's Rosary at ST. Michael's Church in Garden City, SC at 10:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon 12 PM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford, CT 3:45 PM ET
Sunday February 15th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and st. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time.
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church in Tacoma, WA 11:30 AM PST
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport, CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday February 16th
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church in Kennett Square, PA 5:45PM ET. This group meets in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday February 17th
Tuesday February 17th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday February 18th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday Febraury 19th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at Resurrection Parish in Rye, NY 5PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday Febraury 19th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at Resurrection Parish in Rye, NY 5PM ET
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM
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Children's Rosary on Radio Maria
Please mark you calendars as the second Saturday of the Month from 3-4PM CT going forward will be led by the Children's Rosary on Radio Maria. We are very grateful to all those at the station for helping to spread the Children's Rosary and for bringing the voices of the children to the airwaves. Radio Maria aires in the following states within the US: Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.
Link to listen LIVE
Listen on your phone by calling: (231) 345 1712
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Official Release of the Song Video for "Rosary Children"
It is with such excitement and joy that I share with you our song video for "Rosary Children". This is our theme song for the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. May we humbly ask that you please watch this video and share it. There is so much hope present in this video. It gives a glimpse into the children all around the world who participate in the Children's Rosary and the love and prayers that each day rise to Heaven. Here is the LINK to our song and one can watch it directly below as well.
There is a second announcement which is that we have a Children's Rosary YouTube Channel so please consider subscribing to it as we hope to add more videos in the future.
Children's Rosary Official YouTube Channel
For those interested in purchasing a copy of this song we have it available on CD. The version of Rosary Children sung by the children is included on our Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary CD. A male version of the song is included on our Sorrowful CD.
In a special way I would like to thank all who helped to make this video possible. For all those who prayed for us; all the children meeting all around the world. This project could not have happened without each of those prayers. In watching this know that you played a very important role in seeing it to completion.
There are a few specific people I would like to thank: Fr. Lawrence Tucker SOLT for writing our theme song "Rosary Children" for us. Jim Morlino of Navis Pictures for both filming this footage and creating our video. Norman Johnson of Manor Recording and all the musicians who helped including Jeff Batter and DJ Fortine. A special thank you to all the children who sang and were included in the video.
Most importantly I would like to thank God for hearing our prayers and with so much gentleness and love helping us each step of the way. A special thank you to Our Blessed Mother for taking our hand and leading us when as children we certainly knew nothing of such musical undertakings.
As this song and video represent such a beautiful gift from Our Lord and His Mother in turn we wish only to take it into our hearts and then with love give it back to them. As one, we give it with all our love to the Holy Trinity and Our Blessed Mother. May it bring them joy and may beautiful fruits come form it throughout the world. Amen.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Pure Joy Comes from the Lord
Children's Rosary Book
There is a second announcement which is that we have a Children's Rosary YouTube Channel so please consider subscribing to it as we hope to add more videos in the future.
Children's Rosary Official YouTube Channel
For those interested in purchasing a copy of this song we have it available on CD. The version of Rosary Children sung by the children is included on our Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary CD. A male version of the song is included on our Sorrowful CD.
In a special way I would like to thank all who helped to make this video possible. For all those who prayed for us; all the children meeting all around the world. This project could not have happened without each of those prayers. In watching this know that you played a very important role in seeing it to completion.
There are a few specific people I would like to thank: Fr. Lawrence Tucker SOLT for writing our theme song "Rosary Children" for us. Jim Morlino of Navis Pictures for both filming this footage and creating our video. Norman Johnson of Manor Recording and all the musicians who helped including Jeff Batter and DJ Fortine. A special thank you to all the children who sang and were included in the video.
Most importantly I would like to thank God for hearing our prayers and with so much gentleness and love helping us each step of the way. A special thank you to Our Blessed Mother for taking our hand and leading us when as children we certainly knew nothing of such musical undertakings.
As this song and video represent such a beautiful gift from Our Lord and His Mother in turn we wish only to take it into our hearts and then with love give it back to them. As one, we give it with all our love to the Holy Trinity and Our Blessed Mother. May it bring them joy and may beautiful fruits come form it throughout the world. Amen.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Pure Joy Comes from the Lord
Children's Rosary Book
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Remembering a Loved One: Mary Ikhusa
It is with sadness that I share the news that little Mary Ikhusa age 5 who is a member of the Children's Rosary passed away February 1st 2015. She was hit by a car while walking. Mary was a beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs Samson Etali and sister to Samson Etali.
Mary had been a most cherished member of the Children's Rosary from St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Nairobi, Kenya. Her group meets each Saturday morning in the Kibera Slum. There was a beautiful little gift given to this group just before her passing. It has been our hope to have a Mass said for each new Children's Rosary group that forms. However, for financial reasons we were unable to continue this since June of 2014. In December of 2014 a person came forward wanting to make a donation for just that purpose. We were able to request Masses for several groups. On Saturday January 31st 2015 a Mass was said for Mary's Children's Rosary group. This would be one day before the accident. In reflection it was such a consolation that Our Lord gave this group this extra blessing before such suffering was to come. This little gift, given unknowingly at just the right moment, feels in a very special way to express the love and tenderness of Our Lord.
In thinking about the children of Mary's group, who are struggling with the loss of their friend, it is so important that in a time when one feels so helpless and does not know how to help both Mary and her grieving family, their is something each child can do. They can continue to pray. In that time of prayer they find a way to share their love and also find a soothing of their own pain. With their Heavenly Mother watching over them they can support each other. We are very grateful to Jeremiah Mumo and Sr. Mary Magdalene who helped begin this group. In a special way this group that they formed and the tragedy that has occurred underscores how such prayer support is needed as we walk on this journey together. In this time of grieving may I humbly ask our members and all who read this too keep these children and families as well as Mary Ikhusa in your prayers.
Thank you all and God Bless.
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Mary's Children's Rosary Group |
In thinking about the children of Mary's group, who are struggling with the loss of their friend, it is so important that in a time when one feels so helpless and does not know how to help both Mary and her grieving family, their is something each child can do. They can continue to pray. In that time of prayer they find a way to share their love and also find a soothing of their own pain. With their Heavenly Mother watching over them they can support each other. We are very grateful to Jeremiah Mumo and Sr. Mary Magdalene who helped begin this group. In a special way this group that they formed and the tragedy that has occurred underscores how such prayer support is needed as we walk on this journey together. In this time of grieving may I humbly ask our members and all who read this too keep these children and families as well as Mary Ikhusa in your prayers.
Thank you all and God Bless.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
More Snow!!
It is also fun to see what the children will do with the snow. Several weeks ago Alina and Kostin set to work on a huge snowman. Even with team work the upper two sections of their man did not seem to want to hold together and after much work there was a collapse. Alina then took to making miniature snowmen and Kostin settled on a medium size.
Looking at the pictures there is a wonderful appreciation for the joy children find in the simple gifts Our Lord gives us.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Mass Offered Today for Renewal of Family Prayer
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Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Sorrows |
Friday, February 6, 2015
For Where Two or Three are Gathered Together in My Name, There am I in the Midst of Them (Mt 18:20)
Over the next week Children's Rosary groups will be meeting around the world. It is beautiful to contemplate Our Lord's words that indeed He is present when we come together in His Name.
The Children's Rosary helps to give children the opportunity to pray with other children and to have other children pray for them. Such time is so important for these little ones. While they are young they are so easy to shape and guide. To place them in the presence of the Lord is to help direct them in the journey that lays before them. As a parent, it is such a consolation to know that our children have this special time with Our Lord.
It is our hope and prayer that more little Children's Rosary groups will form. Most of our prayer groups meet weekly or monthly for approximately thirty minutes to pray the Rosary. As Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR once said about the Children's Rosary, "if we do not plant seeds now there will be no harvest later".
There is no time to lose. Please help us spread the Children's Rosary in your parish. Click here to learn how to begin a Children's Rosary in your parish.
Friday February 6th(First Firday)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange, TX 7:05 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Paul's School in Odell, IL 8:35 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Paul's School in Odell, IL 8:35 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac, IL at 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Stephen Church in Lilburn, GA 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Pine Bluff, Wisconsin 10 AM CT(FIRST MEETING)
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Parish in Adrian, Michigan 5PM ET
Saturday February 7th (First Saturday)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time
Children's Rosary at St. Agnes Church in Naples, Florida to meet at 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Sharon, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary to meet at Our Lady of LaSalette Parish in Sulphur, Louisiana to meet at 9:30 AM CT
Children's Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in Kibera Slum in Langatta Nairobi, Kenya to meet at 10AM local time.
Children's Rosary at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Rushden, Northants England 3PM GMT or 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Parish in Syracuse, NY to meet at 10 AM ET at the Daughters of St Mary Chapel
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, CT to meet at 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time
Children's Rosary at St. Agnes Church in Naples, Florida to meet at 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Sharon, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary to meet at Our Lady of LaSalette Parish in Sulphur, Louisiana to meet at 9:30 AM CT
Children's Rosary of St. Michael the Archangel Parish and held in Kibera Slum in Langatta Nairobi, Kenya to meet at 10AM local time.
Children's Rosary at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Rushden, Northants England 3PM GMT or 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Parish in Syracuse, NY to meet at 10 AM ET at the Daughters of St Mary Chapel
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, CT to meet at 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Bridget Church in Cheshire CT 12:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church Middleboro, MA 2PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Church in Cheshire CT 3PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury CT, 3:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury CT, 3:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Shrub Oak 4:45 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hartford CT 5PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Luke Parish in Ogallala Nebraska 4:30 PM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Edward the Confessor Church in Richmond Virginia 4PM
Sunday February 8th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Nairobi, Kenya 6AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Church in Tacoma, WA 11:30 AM PST
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport ,CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Daughters of Charity Convent in Bridgeport ,CT 2:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Monday February 9th
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Parish in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM held in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Parish in Wakefield, MA 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Grace Home for Children in Meru, Kenya 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM held in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary atSt. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, PA 6PM ET
Tuesday February 10th
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Taylor Mill Kentucky 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday February 11th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday February 11th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lagos, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Angels Camp, CA 7PM ET
Thursday February 12th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California will meet at 6:30 PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM
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Pure joy comes from the Lord
Give and it will be given to you
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lagos Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California will meet at 6:30 PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM
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Pure joy comes from the Lord
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