The Children's Rosary will be at the Catholic Marketing Network Conference this week in Chicago USA. Please pray for us.
Posts may be infrequent with prayer schedules this week given our trip.
Thank you all.
The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
The Kingdom of Heaven
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." (Matthew 13:44)
On our journey together seeking the Kingdom of Heaven please consider joining these little children in prayer from your home. They always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Sunday July 27th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Parish Pontiac IL to meet at 6:35 AM CT, 8:30 AM CT and10:00 AM Central Time
Children's Rosary at St. Margaret Church in Waterbury, CT 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Hopkington, MA 11:15 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Margaret Church in Waterbury, CT 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Hopkington, MA 11:15 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 2PM local time
Monday July 28th
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM held in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Monday July 28th
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM held in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
An Unexpected Surprise
We had an interesting surprise yesterday. As we were getting ready to go to Church we were gathering vases for our new roses to be used for the Children's Rosary. The other night Asher had taken out some old roses from our last Children's Rosary over a week ago where we had the first class relic of St. Anne and St. Therese the Little Flower. Asher our 7 year old, did not want to throw the roses in the trash even though they were dead so before bed he went out and started breaking up the petals in our vegetable garden. It was taking him awhile and we were losing light so he asked if he could finish the next day. He just left the dead roses in the vase outside. Yesterday we went out and there was something I had never seen before. New bright living shoots out the side of the rose stems even though the flowers appeared dead. It looked like a little bush in the vase. As today is the Feast of St. Anne and her relic is still in our house along with a first class relic of St. Therese the little Flower it seemed a very beautiful little grace. Out of something dead something new, fresh, and hopeful....a renewal of sorts of that which is tired and old and thought to be worthless...indeed narrowly missing the trash.
What is also special is that the children planted a rose bush on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima several years ago at our Church of St. Thomas as a gift to Our Lady. It died this winter. As I have been walking each day by it on the way to Mass and seeing the dead stump I wondered if we should replant there. Now we have a rose almost given to us by Our Lady that we can plant outside the Chapel. A rose that took life from the Rosary itself. It has no roots yet just the stem but I am encouraged by the branches.
Thought I would share this little grace with you all. While I am sure such growth of a rose is certainly possible it seemed a wonderful little gift.
To see pictures from the Children's Rosary where the flowers were originally present with the relic of St. Therese and St. Anne click here. The pictures posted of the Rosary do not directly shown the roses but they are in vases in front of the children on either side of Our Lady's Statue.
Thank you all and may you all have a Blessed Feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Mass Offered Tomorrow for Members of the Children's Rosary
A Mass has been offered on July 25th through the Capuchin Missions for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary in any way.
Thank you all for being a part of the Children's Rosary and bringing more children to the Rosary and Our Lord.
Thank you all for being a part of the Children's Rosary and bringing more children to the Rosary and Our Lord.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Collaboration between the Catholic Grandparents Association and the Children's Rosary
Children Praying for Grandparents
The Children's Rosary and the Catholic Grandparents Association are Collaborating on a special prayer effort for the month of July. During the month of July we celebrate the Feast of St Anne and St. Joachim the grandparents of Jesus. The Church recognizes them on July 26th. In thinking about this beautiful Feast and the wonderful role grandparents play in our own faith it seemed a wonderful idea to recognize them throughout the month of July.
During the month of July, in a special way we would like to invite grandparents to attend any Children's Rosary group meeting held during that month. Grandparents are encouraged to bring their grandchildren to the Rosary if they would like. The Catholic Grandparents Association will be donating prayer cards to all Children's Rosary groups who would like to participate. On their prayer card is a special prayer for grandparents composed by Pope Benedict Emeritus. At the conclusion of the Children's Rosary we will invite both the children and grandparents to pray together this prayer for all grandparents.
Conor and his mother venerate the relic of St. Anne and St. Therese |
Saturday, July 19, 2014
The Prayers of Children Rising To Heaven
It is a comforting thought to imagine all these little prayers from children around the world floating to the Throne of God. Please consider beginning a Children's Rosary prayer group at your parish or sharing the idea with friends.
Please also consider joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Sunday July 20
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Logo, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at Annunciation church in Hanover Pennsylvania 3PM ET
Monday July 21
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM ETheld in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Tuesday July 22
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday July 23
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday July 24
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California will meet at 6:30 PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM ET.
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How to Start a Children's Rosary
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
A Gift To Our Lady of Mount Carmel
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Packaging Scapulars for the Children's Rosary groups in Kenya |
Quickly a package was wrapped up and sent off. It was our hope that this would be a gift to Our Lady. To share the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with children would be a wonderful way to honor her.
News arrived today from Kenya. An email reporting that the package had arrived today, July 16th, at the post office on the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. While mail from the United States to places like Africa is possible it is anything but exact and to have it arrive on such a beautiful day was complete joy. Indeed when we want to share a gift with Our Lady she always returns such generosity with love and joy.
A special thank you to the member of the Children's Rosary who donated the Scapulars and those who donate funds which help us pay for shipping to our different Children's Rosary groups around the world.
God Bless you all. Amen.
Other Posts you may enjoy:
Procedure for the Blessing and Investiture Of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
"A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just." -Pope Francis
Tuesday July 15th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Wednesday July 16th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Thursday July 17th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Resurrection Parish in Rye, New York 5PM ETThe Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California will meet at 6:30 PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM ET.
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Novena to St. Bonaventure
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Mass Offered for Members of the Children's Rosary Today
On the 13th of every month until the end of the year, one of our Children's Rosary group leaders, has requested a Mass to be celebrated for the members of the Children's Rosary. What a wonderful gift to give to all the members of this prayer movement.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
An Invitation
This Sunday July 13th you are invited to St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford Connecticut USA for a Children's Rosary. During the month of July in a special way we are praying for our grandparents as the Feast of St. Anne and Joachim is July 26th.
This Sunday at St. Thomas we are so excited to share with you that a lovely women from Rhode Island will be joining us with a first class relic of St. Anne and St. Therese the Little Flower. At the end of the Children's Rosary a member of the Catholic Grandparents Association from New York will be giving out prayer cards. All attending will be invited to pray this prayer Pope Benedict Emeritus wrote for our grandparents.
Children's Rosary July 13th from 9:45-10:15 AM St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Address: 872 Farmington Ave West Hartford, Connecticut
We will be meeting in the lower Church.
Children and adults are invited to come a little early (9:30 AM) to hear a bit about the relics and these saints.
For those of you who cannot attend as you may live too far away we will be praying for you and encourage you to unify prayers with us at 9:45 AM ET July 13th.
Thank you all and God Bless.
Friday, July 11, 2014
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" MT 10:16
It is so beautiful to see children praying. It reminds us of Our Lord's call for us to be as innocent as doves. We can also pray for the gift of wisdom.
Please consider joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday July 11th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago, Ngeria 1PM ET
Saturday July 12th
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Parish in Corvallis Oregon 9AM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hartofrd Connecticut 5PM ET
Sunday July 13
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi, Kenya 8 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Michael's Church in Garden City South Carolina 10:30 ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Logo, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Fenton, Missouri 6PM.
Monday July 14th
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM ETheld in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania at 6PM ET
Please consider joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday July 11th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago, Ngeria 1PM ET
Saturday July 12th
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Parish in Corvallis Oregon 9AM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hartofrd Connecticut 5PM ET
Sunday July 13
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Parish in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 7AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi, Kenya 8 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT 8:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, CT 9:45 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Michael's Church in Garden City South Carolina 10:30 ET
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Britain, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Logo, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Paul Church in Fenton, Missouri 6PM.
Monday July 14th
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM ETheld in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale Pennsylvania at 6PM ET
"I Will Love Them Freely"
This was a portion of the first reading today at Mass. It is from Hosea in which God speaks of His love for Israel despite periods of faithlessness.
Such words took beautiful meaning today during an interesting series of events. Our local Parish some time ago had to cease holding Friday Masses due to a shortage of priests. Thus in order to attend Mass on Friday I must travel a further distance to another parish. Reaching places not within a close distance of my house is a bit more challenging as I do not drive due to a genetic joint disability. However, my husband is so kind as to drive me each Friday around 7AM on his way to work. After Mass I walk usually walk about a mile and then catch a city bus which takes me to the town center from which I can walk home. On occasion I have missed the bus and had to walk all the way home. With my disability such a walk is hard but with frequent breaks on park benches I can make it home slowly. There has been a feeling, if the Lord gives me the grace to be able to walk then such a journey is a blessed one.
Today something interesting happened. I decided to stay after Mass and go to Confession. A decision I realized that might mean I could miss the bus. Yet I had the time today and so I thought if such a thing happens it will be okay. After Confession I was very glad to have stayed and the priest's parting words were to thank those around me and Our Lord frequently. Off I went on a rather brisk pace in hopes of reaching the bus stop in time. As I approached the intersection I saw the bus coming. The bus stop was far in the distance. I could see it would be impossible for me to make it to the stop in time. The bus turned in front of me. I caught a glimpse of the bus driver. It was not someone I knew. A quick thought entered my mind to try and wave him down but just as fast I remembered how the bus drivers really don't like stopping at unofficial stops. Not that they are unkind but this is part of the bus company policy. As the bus went by me my heart took a sigh. Oh, I had a long walk ahead of me but all was still okay. Then something unexpected. The bus put on its blinker and pulled over not at a bus stop. It seemed to be waiting for me. I almost could not believe my eyes. As I came to the door it opened. Stepping on I asked, "How did you know?" He said, "I didn't, she told me". And then I looked behind him and their was a young women sitting right behind him. She smiled at me. She was the only person on this long articulating bus (this basically means it is a bus the length of two normal buses with a connector in the middle). I knew the women, her name is Lourdes, and she occasionally is on the bus and sometimes goes to our church. I immediately thanked them both. She asked me if I had just come from Mass and I answered, yes.
As I sat down so much love welled up in my heart. I could not help but feel this intervention had been at the hand of Our Lord. As I mulled it over something struck me. If I had missed the bus I would have struggled home but by the grace of God I would have made it. I was in no obvious danger merely some small bit of suffering possibly. Yet I felt the Love of Our Lord saying, today I wanted to show you that I love you and although you could have walked I wanted to give you some rest just because I love you. While I heard no vocal words to this effect this was the sentiment that came in my heart. It was love given freely. It was not a prayer that I should catch the bus. I had not thought to pray for such a thing. It was Our Lord's idea. A gesture to remind us that He is always there, always watching, always caring for us. Even when there is no absolute need, He may intervene just because He wants to show us how much love He has for us. These things as we are reminded in Scripture come not because we have warranted such acts of kindness and love for so often I truly feel I disappoint Our Lord. But in spite of all this there is an abundance of love and kindness showered down upon us.
Such words took beautiful meaning today during an interesting series of events. Our local Parish some time ago had to cease holding Friday Masses due to a shortage of priests. Thus in order to attend Mass on Friday I must travel a further distance to another parish. Reaching places not within a close distance of my house is a bit more challenging as I do not drive due to a genetic joint disability. However, my husband is so kind as to drive me each Friday around 7AM on his way to work. After Mass I walk usually walk about a mile and then catch a city bus which takes me to the town center from which I can walk home. On occasion I have missed the bus and had to walk all the way home. With my disability such a walk is hard but with frequent breaks on park benches I can make it home slowly. There has been a feeling, if the Lord gives me the grace to be able to walk then such a journey is a blessed one.
Today something interesting happened. I decided to stay after Mass and go to Confession. A decision I realized that might mean I could miss the bus. Yet I had the time today and so I thought if such a thing happens it will be okay. After Confession I was very glad to have stayed and the priest's parting words were to thank those around me and Our Lord frequently. Off I went on a rather brisk pace in hopes of reaching the bus stop in time. As I approached the intersection I saw the bus coming. The bus stop was far in the distance. I could see it would be impossible for me to make it to the stop in time. The bus turned in front of me. I caught a glimpse of the bus driver. It was not someone I knew. A quick thought entered my mind to try and wave him down but just as fast I remembered how the bus drivers really don't like stopping at unofficial stops. Not that they are unkind but this is part of the bus company policy. As the bus went by me my heart took a sigh. Oh, I had a long walk ahead of me but all was still okay. Then something unexpected. The bus put on its blinker and pulled over not at a bus stop. It seemed to be waiting for me. I almost could not believe my eyes. As I came to the door it opened. Stepping on I asked, "How did you know?" He said, "I didn't, she told me". And then I looked behind him and their was a young women sitting right behind him. She smiled at me. She was the only person on this long articulating bus (this basically means it is a bus the length of two normal buses with a connector in the middle). I knew the women, her name is Lourdes, and she occasionally is on the bus and sometimes goes to our church. I immediately thanked them both. She asked me if I had just come from Mass and I answered, yes.
As I sat down so much love welled up in my heart. I could not help but feel this intervention had been at the hand of Our Lord. As I mulled it over something struck me. If I had missed the bus I would have struggled home but by the grace of God I would have made it. I was in no obvious danger merely some small bit of suffering possibly. Yet I felt the Love of Our Lord saying, today I wanted to show you that I love you and although you could have walked I wanted to give you some rest just because I love you. While I heard no vocal words to this effect this was the sentiment that came in my heart. It was love given freely. It was not a prayer that I should catch the bus. I had not thought to pray for such a thing. It was Our Lord's idea. A gesture to remind us that He is always there, always watching, always caring for us. Even when there is no absolute need, He may intervene just because He wants to show us how much love He has for us. These things as we are reminded in Scripture come not because we have warranted such acts of kindness and love for so often I truly feel I disappoint Our Lord. But in spite of all this there is an abundance of love and kindness showered down upon us.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Join Us in Prayer
Please consider joining the children in prayer today. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Thursday July 10th
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate, Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
The Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood, California will meet at 6:30 PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The Children's Rosary at St. Martin Church in Kingsville, Texas will meet at 6:30 PM ET.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Children's Rosary Today
Please consider joining the children in prayer. The children always prayer for those unifying prayers with them.
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Redeemer Parish in Menominee, Michigan 6PM ET
Monday, July 7, 2014
Children Sharing Their Love of the Rosary with Others
During the month of May members of the Children's Rosary shared Rosaries with members of their respective Parishes. The idea came from the Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Parish in Cheshire, Connecticut. Many of our Children's Rosary groups decided they too wanted to join in. Two beautiful things became evident as the children were given the opportunity to share that which has become so dear to them. The first is that both young and old are wonderfully patient and open to things children wish to share with them...allowing the children to be wonderful evangelizers for the Lord. The second beautiful realization is that children love to share their faith and joy pours out of them as they are doing it. The younger it would seem the more excited the children are to help. What was it that the children were so eager to share with each person that was leaving the Church?
It was the prayer that they had been praying together for months as a prayer group: the Holy Rosary. Something many people think is fading away in the lives of our young people. But in fact something powerful is happening. Not only are our children embracing the Rosary they are the ones trying to bring back this wonderful devotion of prayer in their families and those who distantly remember such things from years past.
One of our Children's Rosary group leaders shared, "Most gratifying, for me, was seeing whole families taking rosaries with each parent and child taking one. The young families were the most touching and their hearts were so open. Many grandmothers ran back and asked if they might take extra for their grandkids. One man said that he used to say the Rosary but had forgotten how. He was happy when we showed him the instructions in the little packet. Another man said he had never said the Rosary but wanted to learn. Open hearts!"
These beautiful stories are not uncommon in our Children's Rosary groups. Children have a wonderful affect on those around them. People will admit complete ignorance of such things as the Rosary to a child yet be reserved with another adult. What a beautiful mystery at how children bring out a genuine humility in those around them.
More and more there is an awareness of what an untapped resource our children are for our Church.
A very special thank you to Holy Cross Family Ministries who generously donated thousands of Rosaries to many of our Children's Rosary groups so that the children could share them during the month of May in their parishes.
It was the prayer that they had been praying together for months as a prayer group: the Holy Rosary. Something many people think is fading away in the lives of our young people. But in fact something powerful is happening. Not only are our children embracing the Rosary they are the ones trying to bring back this wonderful devotion of prayer in their families and those who distantly remember such things from years past.
One of our Children's Rosary group leaders shared, "Most gratifying, for me, was seeing whole families taking rosaries with each parent and child taking one. The young families were the most touching and their hearts were so open. Many grandmothers ran back and asked if they might take extra for their grandkids. One man said that he used to say the Rosary but had forgotten how. He was happy when we showed him the instructions in the little packet. Another man said he had never said the Rosary but wanted to learn. Open hearts!"
These beautiful stories are not uncommon in our Children's Rosary groups. Children have a wonderful affect on those around them. People will admit complete ignorance of such things as the Rosary to a child yet be reserved with another adult. What a beautiful mystery at how children bring out a genuine humility in those around them.
More and more there is an awareness of what an untapped resource our children are for our Church.
A very special thank you to Holy Cross Family Ministries who generously donated thousands of Rosaries to many of our Children's Rosary groups so that the children could share them during the month of May in their parishes.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Praying for Grandparents in a Special Way During the Month of July
The Children's Rosary and the Catholic Grandparents Association are collaborating on a special prayer effort during the month of July. During the month of July we celebrate the Feast of St Anne and St. Joachim the grandparents of Jesus. The Church recognizes them on July 26th. In thinking about this beautiful Feast and the wonderful role grandparents play in our own faith it seemed a wonderful idea to recognize them throughout the month of July.

During the month of July, in a special way we would like to invite grandparents to attend any Children's Rosary group meeting held during that month. Grandparents are encouraged to bring their grandchildren to the Rosary if they would like. The Catholic Grandparents Association has donated prayer cards to many of our Children's Rosary groups. On their prayer card is a special prayer for grandparents composed by Pope Benedict Emeritus. At the conclusion of the Children's Rosary we will invite both the children and grandparents to pray together this prayer for all grandparents.
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." (Mt 25:45)
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Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Adrian, Michigan |
Please consider joining the children in prayer. The Children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday July 4th (First Friday)
Children's Rosary at St. Stephen Church in Lilburn, Georgia 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Pontiac, Illinois 9AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago, Ngeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Adrian, Michigan 5PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Children's Rosary at Epiphany Church in Cheshire, CT 6:30 PM ET
Saturday July 5th (First Saturday)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time
Children's Rosary at St. Agnes Church in Naples, Florida to meet at 9:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary to meet at Our Lady of LaSalette Parish in Sulphur, Louisiana to meet at 9:30 AM CT
Children's Rosary at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Rushden, Northants England 3PM GMT or 10 AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Parish in Syracuse, NY to meet at 10 AM ET at the Daughters of St Mary Chapel
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, CT to meet at 10AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Bridget Church in Cheshire, CT 12:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago, Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Parish in Middleboro, MA to meet at 2PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Church in Cheshire, CT 3PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church, Shrine on the Westbank in Gretna, Louisiana 3:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church, Shrine on the Westbank in Gretna, Louisiana 3:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at the Immaculate Conception Basilica to meet at 3:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hartford, CT to meet at 5PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Luke's Church in Ogallala, Nebraska 4:30 PM Central Time.
Children's Rosary at St. Edward the Confessor Church in Richmond, Virginia to meet at 4PM
Sunday July 6th
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England 9AM local time (4AM ET)
Children's Rosary at St. Luke's Church in Ogallala, Nebraska at 8:30 AM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11AM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Harlan Kentucky 11:30 AM
Children's Rosary at Immaculate Conception Church in North Delta, British Columbia Canada 3PM PT
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Bernard Church in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania at 2PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Anthony Church in Lorain, Ohio 3PM ET in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Children's Rosary at St. Joachim Parish in Madera, California 5:30 PM ET
Children's Rosary at Assumption Church in Umoja, Kenya 2PM local time
Children's Rosary at Immaculate Conception Church North Delta, British Columbia 6PM ET
Monday July 7th
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, PA 12:20 PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. Augustine Church in Iba Estate Lago Nigeria 1PM ET
Children's Rosary at Holy Family Church in Gladstone Michigan 4:30PM ET
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Church in Mahopac, New York 4:30 PM held in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
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