As we open the season of Advent tomorrow it is with great joy that I share that there will be three Children's Rosary groups meeting tomorrow. Two of the groups are meeting for the first time and will be consecrating their groups to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The first group to meet is in Nottingham, England at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church. Their Children's Rosary is scheduled to begin at 9AM local time in England.
The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, Connecticut will hold their weekly Rosary at 11AM EST. This beautiful group has been meeting weekly for almost a year and will celebrate their one year anniversary on January 1st.
A new Children's Rosary will meet for the first time at St. Bernard Church in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania USA. They will meet at 2PM EST.
We come to Our Lady and ask her to help us prepare our hearts for the coming of her Son. With our children joining together in prayer of the Holy Rosary from points of the world so distant one begins to feel how small our little world really is....
Yet Our Mother comes to us in England and in Connecticut and yes in Pennsylvania, too. She takes the little hands of our children and gently brings them together. Praying with the heart and preparing them to come before the crib of her son on Christmas where she will quietly introduce each child to Him in prayer.
The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)
This was part of the Gospel reading today on the Feast of St. Andrew. It is a wonderful invitation.
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St. Andrew and St. Peter Fishing in the Sea of Galilee |
One of the ways we can help Our Lord gather more of His sheep is through prayer. A prayer His Mother taught us: The Holy Rosary.
Come and join us in prayer today. We have a Children’s Rosary meeting at St. Mary Church in Corvallis, Oregon at 9AM Pacific time (12 EST). We also have a very special Children’s Rosary today at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury, Connecticut. The Children’s Rosary will be held at the conclusion of a procession of the traveling Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa which come to us from Poland. The intention the Icon carries is one of respect life. The children will lead the Rosary immediately following the procession at 3:30 PM EST. Please consider joining the children in prayer of the Rosary. They always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Our Lady of Czestochowa
The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury, Connecticut USA will be hosting the traveling icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna. The icon will arrive at 3:30 PM EST on Saturday Nov 30th and will begin with a procession followed by a Children's Rosary. This image has traveled from Poland and Russia, across Europe and the US. Children from different Children's Rosary groups are encouraged to come to the procession and event and help lead the Children's Rosary.
Procession of Icon 3:30 PM with Children's Rosary to follow
Confessions 3:30-4:15 PM
Holy Mass will follow at 4:15PM. Fr. Peter West of Human Life International will speak at the Mass. He is overseeing the Icon while it is in the United States.
More information about the traveling icon can be found on the website:
You may also like the following posts:
The Children's Rosary welcomes Our Lady of Czestochowa to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury CT.
The Children's Rosary welcomes Our Lady of Czestochowa to St. Thomas the Apostle Church
Procession of Icon 3:30 PM with Children's Rosary to follow
Confessions 3:30-4:15 PM
Holy Mass will follow at 4:15PM. Fr. Peter West of Human Life International will speak at the Mass. He is overseeing the Icon while it is in the United States.
More information about the traveling icon can be found on the website: http://www.fromoceantoocean.
You may also like the following posts:
The Children's Rosary welcomes Our Lady of Czestochowa to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury CT.
The Children's Rosary welcomes Our Lady of Czestochowa to St. Thomas the Apostle Church
33 Day Concecration to Jesus Through Mary Begins Today!

All are invited to join the Children's Rosary in a St. Louis De Montfort consecration to Jesus through Mary. The daily prayers begin today and conclude with a consecration prayer to Jesus through Mary on January 1st 2014: The Feast of Mary Mother of God.
Our Children’s Rosary groups are Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at their first meeting but this would be a way to beautifully place our individual families under the protection of Our Blessed Mother who always leads us on the straightest path to her son. For those of you unfamiliar with Consecration to Jesus through Mary it has been blessed and supported by Cardinal Justin Rigali, Bishops and Pope Benedict XVI. Blessed John Paul II urged Catholics to make this Act of Entrustment, which involves ten minutes of private prayer daily, for 33 days, in your home. Many may be familiar with Totus Tuus which was John Paul’s papal motto. It is a Latin phrase meaning "totally yours" and expressed his personal Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
The books 33 Days to Morning Glory can be purchased in many religious gift shops but a slim version with the same content can be obtained free through the website
This morning one of our Children's Rosary group leaders from Kenya wrote that her materials had not arrived in time to begin today. She said she would begin a Immaculate Conception Novena and attached the one she was planning to begin today. In reflection a wonderful idea emerged. I quickly wrote back that I would like to join her in the Immaculate Conception Novena so that she too would be unified in prayers. In this way there would be more prayers going up despite the delay in the mail.
This actually brought such joy since the Feast of the Immaculate Conception has been so special for the Children's Rosary. I had hesitated to mention it as I thought beginning two prayer initiatives in one day as a group would be overwhelming. Yet Our Lord always finds a beautiful way of including everyone and bringing joy to a seemingly insurmountable problem. For those of you reading this post for the first time and who do not have the materials to begin the 33 Day concecration today please consider joining our Immaculate Conception Novena. For those of you who have the materials may we begin a wonderful journey of prayer which will conclude on January 1st the Feast of Mary Mother of God.
Thank you all and may Our Lord Bless you with joy of heart. Amen.
Immaculate Conception Novena
In anticipation of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th) consider joiing the Children's Rosary in saying this novena from November 29th through December 7th.
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La Purísima Inmaculada Concepción by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1678, now in Museo del Prado, Spain. |
Immaculte Conception Novena
O God, who by the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
did prepare a worthy dwelling place for Your Son,
we beseech You that, as by the foreseen death of this, Your Son, You did preserve Her from all stain,
so too You would permit us, purified through Her intercession, to come unto You.
Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, world without end.
(novena obtained from EWTN website)
Church Teaching on the Immaculate Conception:
“Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, 'full of grace' through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854:
The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin”. (Catechism of the Catholic Faith, 491).
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Words From the Children Wednesdays
This week we are featuring a picture from a 13 year old member of the Children's Rosary from West Hartford, Connecticut USA. As tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States it seemed a perfect time to highlight this drawing.
At every Children's Rosary intentions are placed before the children praying. Intentions that are given to the Children's Rosary are compiled on a sheet and sent to each group leader prior to the meeting. The last line on our intention sheet is always one of Thanksgiving. Over the last several months the Lord has continued to shower blessings by bringing the most wonderful people to the Children's Rosary. New groups have formed and from them others. Families and children have come to many different Children's Rosary groups offering Our Lady bouquets of prayers to bring before Our Lord. Today we thank God and attach are prayers to those of the children and ask that these loving prayers of thanksgiving float to the very Throne of God. Amen.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Pure Joy Comes from the Lord
Last night a wonderful surprise. After so many hours and weeks of prayer it was ready. The children's version of the song Rosary Children was completed. With little voices and almost no training the song was complete. Their practice was not in singing but in prayer of the Rosary. The question...would this be enough? Our prayer was that this song would be exactly as Our Lady had envisioned. Our youngest singer was Marianne who had had just turned 5. At first we thought she might be too small to sing but with little curls like Shirley Temple she stepped up with a big smile happy to be included. The rest of our little singers were ages 6 to 13. For my own part I know nothing of music and openly admit to anyone that I can't carry a tune (thankfully my role did not include singing). Yet with this group of unlikely recording artists we were on a mission to help Our Lord in any way we could.
With smiles the children sang their hearts out. They did it out of love for Our Lady and her Son. The final result....PURE JOY. Not from this tired world but rather the joy that only comes from Our Lord. To hear the voices of small children singing in love of their Heavenly Father and with an open Heart, for a moment the pure joy of heaven dips down and the soul finds happiness. To listen to these voices and see pictures of so many children coming together to honor and give thanks to Our Father in heaven and pray for our families and the world is a sight that lifts ones heart to places far above. It is a gift to be treasured and nurtured.
Today on the walk to Mass the air was biting and cold. Yet despite my joint problems my rather awkward feet seemed to move speedily on the familiar path to Church. A rather sleepless night could not contain the joy that almost leaped out of me. Where did that joy come from? It was rather strange because the joy had come after a rather long week of suffering from injury and joint pain. Yet all the suffering seemed to melt away. The pain was still there but not noticeable through so much happiness.
In the song Rosary Children the children sing:
We are Rosary Children
with these beads we're building a world of peace and love.
In the heart of Mary
joy is all we carry
so we can rise above and live in His love.
Yes this is all true. My prayer is that those of you reading this will find joy in this little song. May we find our little part in bringing more children to prayer. For it is through prayer and Our Lord above that we find pure joy and peace of heart.
CLICK HERE to listen to the children singing Rosary Children (the song is posted on our Spanish site as it has the capacity to host music...this site might be able to do it too but this is well above my level of understanding). ENJOY
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Members of the Children's Rosary who recorded the song: Rosary Children |
With smiles the children sang their hearts out. They did it out of love for Our Lady and her Son. The final result....PURE JOY. Not from this tired world but rather the joy that only comes from Our Lord. To hear the voices of small children singing in love of their Heavenly Father and with an open Heart, for a moment the pure joy of heaven dips down and the soul finds happiness. To listen to these voices and see pictures of so many children coming together to honor and give thanks to Our Father in heaven and pray for our families and the world is a sight that lifts ones heart to places far above. It is a gift to be treasured and nurtured.
Today on the walk to Mass the air was biting and cold. Yet despite my joint problems my rather awkward feet seemed to move speedily on the familiar path to Church. A rather sleepless night could not contain the joy that almost leaped out of me. Where did that joy come from? It was rather strange because the joy had come after a rather long week of suffering from injury and joint pain. Yet all the suffering seemed to melt away. The pain was still there but not noticeable through so much happiness.
In the song Rosary Children the children sing:
We are Rosary Children
with these beads we're building a world of peace and love.
In the heart of Mary
joy is all we carry
so we can rise above and live in His love.
Yes this is all true. My prayer is that those of you reading this will find joy in this little song. May we find our little part in bringing more children to prayer. For it is through prayer and Our Lord above that we find pure joy and peace of heart.
CLICK HERE to listen to the children singing Rosary Children (the song is posted on our Spanish site as it has the capacity to host music...this site might be able to do it too but this is well above my level of understanding). ENJOY
Monday, November 25, 2013
Mass Offered Today for all the Members of the Children's Rosary
A monthly Mass will be offered today for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary in any way.
We have three Children's Rosary groups meeting today. Please consider unifying prayers with them. The children always pray for those joining them in prayer.
The Chidlren's Rosary at Trinity Academy Shenandoah, Pennsylvania will meet at 12:20 PM EST
The Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, New York will meet in front of the Blessed Sacrament at 4:30 PM EST
The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Murphys, California will meet at 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
We have three Children's Rosary groups meeting today. Please consider unifying prayers with them. The children always pray for those joining them in prayer.
The Chidlren's Rosary at Trinity Academy Shenandoah, Pennsylvania will meet at 12:20 PM EST
The Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, New York will meet in front of the Blessed Sacrament at 4:30 PM EST
The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Murphys, California will meet at 4:00 PM Pacific Time.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Word's of Pope Francis on the Solemnity of Christ the King
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Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square in the vatican, on November 24, 2013 (AFP, Vincenzo Pinto) |
Pope Francis closes the Year of Faith and celebrates the Solemnity of Christ the King. Pope Francis in his homily today emphasized the centrality of Christ in our lives. He beautifully states,
“God’s grace is always greater than the prayer which sought it. The Lord always grants more than what He has been asked,” adding, “you ask him to remember you, and He brings you into his Kingdom!”
Two Children's Rosary groups will meet this morning.
The Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in Pinehurst North Carolina will meet after the10:45 AM Mass EST.
The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston CT will hold their weekly Rosary at 11AM EST. A small reception provided by the Legions of Mary will follow.
Please consider joining the children in prayer. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
St. Clement I
"Let your children, be bred up in the instruction of the Lord"
-St. Clement I (Feast Day Nov 23rd)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon |
The Children's Rosary at St. Mary Church in Corvallis, Oregon will meet at 9AM Pacific Time (12 EST) for a Children's Rosary. Please consider joining the Children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them
Friday, November 22, 2013
Celebrating the Feast of St. Cecilia!
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St. Cecilia (Jaques Blanchard 17th Century) |
On this beautiful feast of St. Cecilia the patron saint of musicians it feels fitting to share some wonderful news with you all.
During the International week of of Prayer and Fasting that the Children's Rosary participated in beginning on Sept 21st 2013 there came some wonderful news. Fr. Tucker a wonderfully holy missionary and priest had a surprise. In prayer during that week he had a thought....wouldn't it be nice if the Children's Rosary had a theme song. He had his guitar and began playing. A beautiful melody came and the lyrics just as fast. Realizing something wonderful was coming out he quickly wrote the words down.
Fr. Tucker has given the Children's Rosary this song to be used as our theme song. Our first step was to record the song as it was composed with a male singer. As Fr. Tucker in humility felt another should sing the song, Our Blessed Mother was right there to show us the way. Our wonderful Children's Rosary group leader Cheryl from East Berlin, Connecticut kindly offered to help us with an initial recording. Both she and her husband are professional musicians. Her husband Jeff recorded the song and provided the guitar and piano which accompany his singing.
The song, Rosary Children, can be heard on our new Spanish website sung by Jeff Batter This new website has the capacity to play music so this is the reason for the release on the Spanish site.
It also can be listened to on the Spanish site sung by the children with a wonderful slide show of our different Children's Rosary groups. Seeing the children and hearing the song is beautiful indeed.
To hear the song sung by the children and to see the slide show click HERE
UPDATE: We are excited to announce that the Children's Rosary CDs are available to order by clicking here.
We also have the sheet music available for the song Rosary Children. Link HERE
33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

We would like to use the 33 days to Morning Glory written by Fr. Gaitley to guide our Consecration. The book has daily reflections with a short prayer. The first week contains reflections from writings of St. Louis de Montfort. The second week has excerpts from St. Maximilian Kolbe; the third Bl. Mother Teresa and the fourth Bl. John Paul II. It spends more time in reflection and less on vocal prayers of litanies. From all that I have seen it has been well received by many folks and is especially appropriate for children which seemed perfectly suited for our needs. While I am recommending we use the 33 Days to Morning Glory, if you would prefer using a different format this would be fine. I myself used the traditional St. Louis de Montfort Consecration prayers but look forward to this more contemplative approach.
The 33 Day Consecration prayers traditionally precede a Marian Feast and the Feast that we will be saying our Consecration on is January 1st - the Feast of Mary Mother of God. Therefore we will begin our prayers on November 29th. This date is relatively close so this requires immediate action to participate.
Outline of the Plan:
Number 1: request a Consecration book 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Gaitley
(books are available free through the website IMPORTANT: As we do not have much time until the start date of the 33 days of prayer beginning Nov 29th, the individual in charge of the site Ray Moody has offered to personally handle book requests from members of the Children’s Rosary and those wanting to join us in the Consecration. Please email him directly at Please include your mailing address in your note and how many books you need. Up to 10 books are free with free shipping. PLEASE PUT CHILDREN’S ROSARY IN THE SUBJECT HEADING OF YOUR EMAIL TO HIM. If you would like to make a free-will donation this could be made out to Children of the Father Foundation and mailed to Ray Mooney at 29-34 155th Street, Flushing, NY 11354.
Number 2: Once receiving the book have a general read through the introduction.
Number 3: On Nov 29th begin the first day of prayers and reflections which takes about 10 minutes. Each day is clearly marked in the book.
Number 4: January 1st: Consecration Prayers.
Any questions about the Consecration please contact me. If you have already made a Total Consecration preceding another Marian Feast you could still participate in this Consecration. Please let me know if you are planning to join in (my email address is Thank you so much!
Please feel free to share this amongst your friends as we would like to have a large unified body making the Consecration.
For those of you outside of the US or Canada who are interested in participating please contact me directly at
Thank you all!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Bringing Our Children to Our Blessed Mother
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Children's Rosary held on Nov 17th 2013 at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Timor Leste |
Seeing this recent picture of the Children's Rosary in Timor Leste one can see how beautifully Our Blessed Mother helps our children when we bring them to her. She guides them in prayer and love to her Son.
We pray to her tonight to gently take our children by the hand and cover them with her Mantle of love and protection. Amen.
The Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange, Texas will meet tomorrow at 7:05 AM Central Time. Please consider joining the children in prayer from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Presentation of Mary in the Temple
On this beautiful day when we honor the Presentation of Mary in the Temple please consider joining our Blessed Mother in prayer of the Rosary today at 5PM EST. The Children's Rosary in Rye, New York will be meeting at Resurrection Church. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Words From the Children's Rosary
Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we have begun to highlight some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups. This week we are featuring a picture from a 9 year old member of the Children's Rosary from West Hartford, Connecticut USA. As the month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls it seemed a perfect time to highlight this drawing.
What is particularly special about this drawing is this child's faith that a single child kneeling in prayer of the Rosary can help to bring a great many souls to heaven. It is this simple and beautiful trust that surely must be so pleaseing to Our Lord who so loves these dear souls in purgatory and takes such pleasure in seeing a little one praying for them.
All of our Children's Rosary groups include in their petitions the souls in purgatory.
A special thank you for all of the drawings and notes which have been submitted from the children. Please continue to send them in. Thank you all and God Bless!
New Children's Rosary in California, USA
There is a new Children's Rosary group meeting for the first time this evening in Angels Camp, California at St. Patrick's Parish. This Church is in northern California in the Sierra Foothills. This part of the United States is known for its vineyards and the historic California Gold Rush. Scenes from this region are breathtaking.
This new group will meet this evening at 4PM Pacific time. This is the first meeting of a Children's Rosary in California. This new group has also chosen to meet during their Parishes weekly youth formation class. On this eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary we are so grateful to present to Our Lady another Children's Rosary which will be Consecrated to her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of her Son Jesus.
Please consider joining the children in prayer either from the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
This new group will meet this evening at 4PM Pacific time. This is the first meeting of a Children's Rosary in California. This new group has also chosen to meet during their Parishes weekly youth formation class. On this eve of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary we are so grateful to present to Our Lady another Children's Rosary which will be Consecrated to her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of her Son Jesus.
Please consider joining the children in prayer either from the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Monday, November 18, 2013
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
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This portrait of Mother Duchesne was reportedly done by an Ursuline nun in New Orleans and said to most closely resemble what she really looked like |
Favorite Quotes of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne:
You may dazzle the mind with a thousand brilliant discoveries of natural science; you may open new worlds of knowledge which were never dreamed of before; yet, if you have not developed in the soul of the pupil strong habits of virtue which will sustain her in the struggle of life, you have not educated her, but only put in her hand a powerful instrument of self-destruction.
We may not understand His Will for us in time, but in eternity the veil will be drawn and we shall see that He acted only for our happiness.
I love my solitude, and I would love it still more if I had more of it.
God alone and the desire of His glory - nothing else matters.
Humility is the virtue that requires the greatest amount of effort.
Lord, I lean on You alone for strength. Give me your arm to support me, your shoulders to carry me, your breast on which to lay my head, your Cross to uphold me, your Eucharist to nourish me. On you Lord, I shall sleep and rest in peace.
Quotes On Suffering
Let us bear our cross and leave it to God to determine the length and the weight.
Never forget that the road to Heaven is the Way of the Cross. Jesus has called us to follow Him, bearing the Cross as He did.
He will never let the trial surpass the strength He gives you, and at the very moment you think yourself overwhelmed by sorrow, He will lift you up and give you peace.
St Philippine Duchesne was a religious sister born in Grenoble France. She was born in 1769 and lived until November 18th 1852. She spent a good deal of her life in Midwestern United States and brought the Society of the Sacred heart to America. The first Sacred Heart house built outside France was one she founded in a log cabin in St. Louis Missouri. St. Philippine also worked with the Native Americans and they were fond of calling her Quahkahkanumad, which means “women who prayers always.” St. Philippine spent her last 10 years mostly in prayer in humble accommodations and passed away on Nov 18th 1852,
She was canonized by Pope John Paul II on July 3rd 1988.
As a student of the Society of the Sacred Heart in middle school and high school I grew up hearing about St. Philippine. Today as we have two Children’s Rosary groups meeting one in a school there is a wonderful joy and hope that St. Philippine will intercede for the Children’s Rosary and help our children as they grow in faith. Thank you St. Philippine.
Please consider joining the Children in prayer of the Rosary today. The Children’s Rosary at Trinity Academy in Shenandoah Pennsylvania will meet at 12:20PM EST today and a second Children’s Rosary will meet in Mahopac, New York at 4:30 at St. John the Evangelist parish. Please consider joining the children in prayer. They always pray for those unifying prayers with them.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Rosary is a "Spiritual Medicine" according to Pope Francis
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Pope Francis at his Angeuls Address on Nov 17th 2013 Photo Credit Gregorio Borgia |
Join our Children's Rosary at Stim Thomas Church in Thomaston, Connecticut today in prayer of the Rosary either at the Church or from your home. They will be meeting at 11AM ET. The children always pray for those unifying prayes with them.
Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Our Children are open to prayer they only need an invitation
The extended hands of Our Blessed Mother
Friday, November 15, 2013
New Children's Rosary to Meet in Sulphur, Louisiana Tomorrow
It is truly a special event to have a new Children's Rosary group meet for the first time. At the first meeting the group is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Such a gift to Our Lord and Our Lady is a beautiful thing to imagine. The efforts of one or more souls to bring children to prayer of the Rosary must bring such joy to Our Lord who so loves the prayers of children.
Each month I like to imagine Our Lady comes before Our Lord. He asks her, which groups do you want this month? She then shares with Him those special little groups her heart has been waiting for. With each group that forms Our Lady has more prayers to bring to her Son and hence He grants her more groups. It becomes exponential. This is simply how I like to imagine this happening. Yet one thing that has become clear is that the speed of the new groups is becoming faster and faster. Every few days another person contacts us feeling called to begin a group. These new groups could start with just one child or two children and those feeling called to begin a group should never feel worried that their are not enough children in their parish. Many of our group leaders do not even have small children. Our Lady looks for willing hearts close to her to begin a group everything else pales in comparison. With an open heart and a simple yes to Our Lady she helps put the pieces in place. Those interested in beginning a group please contact Blythe Kaufman at and we will also help you as best we can.
This weekend a new Children's Rosary group is meeting at 9:30 AM Central time at Our Lady of LaSalette Church in Sulphur, Louisiana. The name of the Church is in honor of Our Blessed Mother who appeared in the Swiss Alps to two small children who were shepherding cows. She appeared on Sept 19th 1846 on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Our Blessed Mother cried during the apparition with the children. In LaSalette Our Lady pointed out the great blessing and mercy of the Holy Rosary. It is thus such a consolation to have children meeting in prayer of the Rosary in a Church named after a time in history when Our Lady came to children with requests of prayer and reconciliation.
We also have two other groups meeting on Saturday.
The Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Timor Leste will meet on Saturday at 3:00PM local time.
The Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon will meet at 9AM Pacific time.
Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them
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Our Lady of LaSalette |
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis Oregon |
We also have two other groups meeting on Saturday.
The Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Timor Leste will meet on Saturday at 3:00PM local time.
The Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon will meet at 9AM Pacific time.
Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them
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