New Children's Rosary: A Beautiful Story of Prayer
Shortly after the Feast of the Holy Rosary in October I was contacted by a lovely mom who wanted to start a Children's Rosary in Naples Florida USA. We began corresponding and praying about the formation of this new group. In the middle of November, Valerie emailed me that she wanted to say a novena to a saint that had not already been invited to join the Children's Rosary through a 9 day novena. Members of the Children's Rosary have already prayed to 660 saints but many more remain who have yet to be invited to intercede on our behalf. Immediately a name came to mind for Valerie: St. John Neumann. He was the first Saint from the United States of America to be Canonized. Just weeks before I had heard of this saint for the first time. He was the saint to whom the Neumann Press was dedicated. As the Neumann Press was working with us to publish our new Children's Rosary book I thought it wonderful to pray to St. Neumann for his help with all aspects of this new book. Valerie was excited to pray to St. Neumann but began first with a novena to Our Lady and then followed with one to St. Neumann.
St. John Neumann |
While Valerie was praying to St. Neumann she relayed to me some wonderful experiences. Last Saturday evening while setting up for the Latin Mass to be celebrated the following morning she was asked to place some relics on the altar. As she was walking to the altar she noticed she was holding the relic of St. Neumann. She kissed the relic and placed it on the altar. The following morning she noticed that the priest had removed the relics and said he wanted to wait to display them until after Advent. So by the sequence of events the previous evening she was to be the only person to kiss the relic that weekend to her knowledge. Yesterday while on the way to daily Mass at St. Agnes she accidentally took the wrong turn and came across a sign which read St. John Neumann. It was in reference to the local high school named after him but the sign said only St. John Neumann. Later yesterday, Valerie heard from the Parish that she was given permission to have the first Children's Rosary on Saturday January 5th at 9:30 AM in the chapel. This was wonderful news as Valerie was hoping to have the monthly Children's Rosary on the first Saturday of the month as Our Lady's Immaculate Heart is honored on this day every month. Tonight as I sat down to draft a post to announce this new Children's Rosary group and their first meeting, I thought, maybe I should check if there is a special feast on that date. As I searched January 5th and Feast up popped many links which listed January 5th the feast of St. John Neumann.
Valerie had been praying so hard for the blessing to be given the opportunity to have a Children's Rosary at her Parish. To find out the date she was given to start the group was on the Feast of the very Saint to whom she had asked for assistance is a gift to be sure.
As more new Children's Rosary groups form I am overcome with how each one is unique and each one is blessed in its own way. Our Lady and her Son have many plans and as we continue to pray and seek their guidance along with the intercession of the angels and saints we are aware of the beauty of these plans.
If any one is feeling that they would like to have a Children's Rosary at their parish consider beginning one. Give Our Lady your yes in prayer and she will help you. See our post on how to start a Children's Rosary and please let me know of your efforts at and I will do anything I can to help. We also will have a Children's Rosary book available soon which will also help those interested in beginning groups.
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