The children then knelt down to lead a Children's Rosary with the residents praying along as well. Two of the children brought instruments and little Emily just 6 years old played the violin to Ave Ave Ave Maria between decades. The children also placed roses at the end of each decade before Our Lady. They concluded the Rosary singing our theme song: Rosary Children using our Children's Rosary CD. As the roses were gathered at the end of the Rosary each of the residents was given a rose by a child.

The elderly residents kept commenting in amazement that the children should take their time to visit them and to pray with them. One gentlemen in a wheelchair mentioned that he used to pray the Rosary in a group years ago but it had been so long since he prayed together with others. A nun was also present for the Children's Rosary and asked the children if they would visit another nursing home next month where retired nuns of the the Sacred Heart live. The children were so excited to be invited and plan to visit Manor House in Hamden, Connecticut in May. The children also would like to come back to Elim Nursing Home and pray with their new friends they have made.

As the group leader was sharing about the day he kept repeating how little time such a trip took yet how special it had been for all present. Only three children were there yet so much joy was felt by all. The sweet women and men living at Elim continued to thank the children and continued to remark about the little boy in Singapore who had worked so hard on the Rosaries. Yet the children and parents felt humbled by such gratitude for they were moved deeply by these gentle souls who through their presence gave great encouragement to the children. Having the support in prayer of these wonderful residents in Elim was a beautiful gift to the children. It is so important for the children to see that these prayers are important and cherished because indeed Our Heavenly Father is pleased when the children both young and old come to Him in prayer.
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