Returning home a note was waiting. The email shared good news. Fr. Jude to whom we were planning on sending the barrel had written. Fr. Jude currently oversees a number of Children's Rosary groups both in his parish and at St. Denis School in Uganda.
"Greetings from the children. The work is going on well. I have many
children now. Am now in charge of Schools in the whole Parish. We have
about eighteen schools with more than 5000 children!"
I marveled to see the timing. It seemed Our Lord had arranged everything. Fr. Jude would have all the supplies he needed to continue to spread the Children's Rosary in Uganda.
All three of my children spent a good portion of the day helping to count and arrange all the rosaries for the barrel. A close count was done of each rosary placed in the barrel. All the rosaries shown in the photo above were put in the barrel and yet there was still more room. We continued to fill the barrel until it reached the top. In addition to rosaries 1,000 Children's Rosary books were included.
The grand total of rosaries......
Most of the rosaries included were handmade. All the rosaries in the barrel were donated to the Children's Rosary. Many hands contributed to making these rosaries. We are grateful for the help of so many. We were also able to include 25 brown scapulars.
We tried to chronicle the filling of the barrel. First the books went in.
Then the statues.
Lastly we placed all the rosaries. We were surprised how many fit into the barrel.
We kept adding them and yet there was more room. More and more went in until it was full to the brim. We were so happy to see it filled. Fr. Richard from our parish in Connecticut will be picking up the barrel on Wednesday the Feast of the Assumption. Our Lady gave us a great gift in having the opportunity to send this barrel. We are thankful that the barrel will begin the journey on Our Lady's Feast. The barrel will not be loaded on a ship until late August. Once on the ship it will have a 3 month journey to ultimately reach Uganda. Please pray for the safe delivery of this container. It is a treasure to be sure.
We hope that many will want to play a role in sending this package. The cost of 1,000 Children's Rosary books, statues and the shipping is significant. We are in need of donations to help cover the expenses. Donations can be made electronically HERE or mailed directly to Children's Rosary.
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Thank you
How would I be able to get involved in making Rosaries to send? I've made many for different missions but that was when I worked in a Convent; I've lost information now.