A Mass was offered today for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all in love. Every month we have a Mass offered for this intention. As our seminarians will be the future shepherds and our children are the future flock, it seemed a beautiful way for the children to help.
We have been periodically featuring different seminarians on the first of the month by inviting them to share something of themselves - a beautiful sharing of faith and love of Our Lord. The first seminarian we will feature this month is Jay Aaron Sulit pictured above. The second is Danny Dilone pictured below.
Jay Aaron Sulit
My name is Jay Aaron Sulit and I am a diocesan seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of New York. Born and raised in the Bronx, I was not always a practicing Catholic until 4 years ago. Since then, the calling of the priesthood started slowly dawning on me. First going to college for computer science and then nursing, I ended up entering in the seminary in the Fall of 2016.
As the years go by, I try to pray to God and Mary to help discern my vocation and become holy (although, that’s really tough!). Along the way between the studying and praying, I love to DJ, listen to music, do kickboxing, photography, and shenanigans with other fellow seminarians and friends. I just do hope that God keeps me In Christ through Mary and uses all of those things and all of me for God’s Greater Glory and for the Salvation of Souls!
Danny Dilone
I was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in St Philip Neri in the Bronx (although I am a Red Sox fan). I graduated from Brooklyn College in 2016. My major was Physics and I am also very interested in the intersection of faith and science. I am studying to be a diocesan priest for the Archdiocese of New York.
We hope that those of you reading this will keep these young men in your prayers. If we want holy priests we need to pray for them. They are undertaking a difficult journey for Our Lord and souls. We thank them for their, "Yes".
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Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org