The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
2025 Divine Mercy Conference in Dublin, Ireland
A special thank you to Catherine, Anne-Marie, Joan, Helena, Anne and also our young people Emma, Anna,Jessica and Isabella who helped at the Children's Rosary booth. Unfortunately other Children's Rosary volunteers that came to help were turned away as it was a sold out event. We very much appreciate their efforts to come and help.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
A Mass Was Offered on February 25, 2025 for All the Members of the Children's Rosary
A Mass was offered on February 25, 2025, for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. We continue to have a Mass said for this intention on the twenty-fifth of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord that when we wanted to extend thanksgiving to all of you, we knew of no better way to express gratitude. May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
A new Children's Rosary has formed at École Sainte-Marie, Mère de Dieu, a small private French-speaking Catholic school in Canada. The school is on the property of the Church shown above.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Make a Lenten Journey Using the Book, A Soul Prepared through Suffering
Consider making a 40-day retreat on suffering. This book was granted an Imprimatur by Archbishop Leonard Blair on October 6, 2023. Bishop Oliver Doeme calls it a "Must Read." This book draws souls to a great simplicity of spirit often associated with St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, and St. John Vianney. This work distills complex theological concepts into something simple that even a person in the depths of suffering could understand. This journey is for those in the trenches of suffering and for those yet to be put to the test, for it prepares people to understand that suffering shared by a loving God works in ways nothing else can. As God is the director of each of our stories, you may see yourself reflected in this book and find it helps each time you go through it in a different way. Put in the time for this 40-day journey, and you will find you are different on the other side.
Click HERE to order the book.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Children's Rosary at the Parish of Cill Chluana in the Archdiocese of Armagh
We started of saying the rosary on the First Friday of each month and then progressed to every Sunday morning as well. Now we say the Rosary before any evening or weekend Mass and sometimes we also hold candlelit rosary prayer services and we occasionally hold wee trips or 'pray, play and eat' sessions.
We have 42 children ranging in age from 4 to 12.
This past week during the Zoom informational session for Ireland and the UK, Leanne O'Callaghan shared a bit more about the group at the Parish of Cill Chluana. She gave some examples of some of the pray, play and eat sessions that have happened with her Children's Rosary group. They have traveled to visit the Armagh Parish Cathedral. Recently there was a historic storm in Northern Ireland that uprooted trees and did extensive damage. The Children's Rosary group met at the Church cemetery and helped stand plants and flowers up as well as tidying up the grounds. They also prayed a rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They also planned a singing event where the children sang half the concert, and a professional singer sang half of the performance. The event helped raise £2,000 for a new grotto at the Church. The group leader also mentioned that since the Children's Rosary has begun and the children have been leading the rosary before Mass, the attendance has increased considerably. Now people have to get to Mass early to get a seat, and often they are spilling out the door since so many are attending.
The group created a little Facebook page to highlight some of their activities:
Saturday, February 22, 2025
New Children's Rosary Group in Illinois, USA
Recently we received this picture from a Children's Rosary group that formed recently at St. Mary Parish in West Chicago, Illinois, USA. The children pray in Spanish. Their first meeting was on October 29, 2024. This group meets every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. local time.
For those interested in Children's Rosary materials in Spanish as well as our Spanish Consecration book, please visit and
Friday, February 21, 2025
Children's Rosary at Divine Mercy Conference 2025 in Dublin
If you are attending the Divine Mercy Conference at the RDS in Dublin this weekend, please say hello to our Children's Rosary members who are helping to run a Children's Rosary informational table. This is our second year at the conference. The picture above was taken last year. The Children's Rosary is spreading extensively through Ireland and Northern Ireland. We hope to see this continue.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
First Children's Rosary in Switzerland
We are excited to share that we have our first Children's Rosary group in Switzerland. Their first meeting was February 1, 2025. The children from two families gathered before the crib which was still present. This new group is located at the Parish in Montreux: Paroisse Catholique Romaine du Sacré-Cœur de Montreux. The new Children's Rosary group was Consecrated to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart at the first meeting. The group leader shared, after each mystery, a white rose was offered by the children to Mother Mary with song of Lourdes. Our prayers were accompanied by the Relic of Bless Carlo Acutis. A pancake party was organized. It is a tradition to eat pancake to celebrate Feast Day of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple.
Their next meeting will be March 1, 2025. We welcome this new Children's Rosary group. The children of this group pray in French.
Monday, February 3, 2025
New Children's Rosary in Lincolnshire, England
I made a big rosary out of silicone cupcake cases and the children placed a pom pom in the case for each prayer, which was a good way of including the younger children who can't yet join in all the prayers verbally.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Consecrate Yourself and Your Children to Jesus through Mary
On this beautiful feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, consider Consecrating yourself to Jesus through Mary. Importantly, also consider Consecrating your children or grandchildren.
We have Consecration Certificates available HERE. These certificates were made after consultation with Bishop John Keenan.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Mass Offered for Seminarians on February 1, 2025
On February 1, 2025, a Mass was offered for all seminarians with the intention that they grow in holiness and lead us in love. Seminarians need our prayers, and what a beautiful way for the world’s children to support these men called by God by praying for them. In 2024, we featured a seminarian’s vocation story almost every month, and how inspired we were by each man’s faith journey and message to the faithful! We are so grateful to be able to continue featuring seminarians throughout 2025. This month, we introduce Samuel Saava, a postulant with the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles in Cromwell, Connecticut, USA.
My name is Samuel Savva, and I am 20 years old. Currently, I am living and studying at the small but beautiful Holy Apostles College and Seminary, located in Cromwell, Connecticut. I am also a postulant with the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (MSA), whose charism is to promote, form, and accompany vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and lay ministries in the Church. We are a missionary society, with several priests and brothers stationed in Cromwell, CT (running Holy Apostles College & Seminary is our primary apostolate in the US), as well as a large presence internationally, in various other countries. As of now, I am completing my second year of undergraduate philosophy studies, after which, God willing, I will continue on to Theological Studies, after completing my novitiate and taking first promises.
My vocation story started when I was very young. As a child and teen, I would often reflect about what I would do as a grown-up, and the priesthood was very attractive to me. However, I also felt very deeply drawn to marriage. When I was 15, though, I went through a very difficult social crisis, in which the “vocation plans” which I had hoped and dreamed of, especially regarding marriage, literally came crashing down. It was in the aftermath of this that I seriously began questioning what I would do with my life regarding a vocation, and because of the situation, my heart was very open to any possibility. Unaccountably, I began experiencing a deep draw and attraction toward the priesthood, something that stemmed from deep inside my soul, and that only grew stronger as time went on. Eventually, I started actively discerning with my home diocese, and became involved in their vocation programs and activities. Simultaneously, I graduated high school, and, feeling unready to begin seminary, but still wishing to discern where God was leading me, I came to Holy Apostles College and Seminary, where there is a program for young men to live alongside the seminarians and experience first hand seminary life as they discern. During the year that I spent in this program, God began to show me many signs that I was not called to serve as a diocesan priest but rather as a religious. Increasingly I felt a great sense of peace, joy, and wholeness in my soul regarding this, and felt led by God to embrace this vocation, which I had not really had a chance to discern previously. Under the guidance of several holy priests and friends, eventually the Lord led me to joining the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, whose abundant joy, charity, and faithful service to God and the Church made a profound impact on me, and in whose company I felt the peace of Christ leading me to strive for sanctity.
As a priest, simply put, I hope to give my life in service to Our Lord and to His Holy Church, under the protection of Mary, my mother. I hope to spend the rest of my life loving and serving those around me with the heart of Christ, and with profound charity and zeal for the salvation of souls, so that one day I and all those I have encountered can rejoice together as brothers and sisters in eternity with Our Lord. As an MSA, I also hope to particularly minister to those discerning their vocation, whether to religious, married, or single life, assisting them on this crucial, exciting, but often difficult journey. Lastly, I hope to be of service in renewing and encouraging the priestly and religious vocations of those already consecrated, as well as married couples, so that there may be a new flourishing of holy priests, religious, and families in the Church and the world!
We humbly ask that you please keep Samuel Savva in your prayers.