Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Prayers Answered from Our Miraculous Medal Novena of 2024

On November 26, 2024, we completed a 9 day novena leading up to the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on November 27, 2024. The intention for the novena was the following: 

In a special way may we pray for the intentions of Our Blessed Mother and a fulfillment of Her plans for each of us and the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. We pray for Peace, Peace, Peace!  May God help the Children's Rosary to put more miraculous medals in the hands of children. Amen.

Yesterday an email was sent to the Children's Rosary. It read, "I live near a monastery and was given a bag of aluminum Miraculous Medals. There are probably a few thousand of them, and I was wondering if you could use them? I would be happy to donate if you would like."

This was surely prayers answered! We look forward to sharing these miraculous medals with children around the world who are part of the Children's Rosary.

We thank Our Blessed Mother for her powerful intercession and look forward to the beautiful Feast of Mary, Mother of God tomorrow.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sixth Day of Christmas

 A special thank you to Zosia, age 10, from Ontario, Canada who sent us her "Christ is Born" Sign. Amelia, age 11, from Porto, Portugal, designed a "Christ is Born" sign, which is featured below:

The "Christ is Born" signs are the conclusion to our Children's Rosary Patiently Waiting Campaign, which is now in its tenth year. Each Advent we invite people to place a "Patiently Waiting" sign in their windows to remind people where our hearts can be found as we prepare ourselves for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we invite people to take down their "Patiently Waiting" signs and place the "Christ is Born" sign, which can stay up through the Christmas season. Thank you to all who participated.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Powerful Testimony of How Fasting Can Help a Family

As today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, I thought it would be timely to share this testimony, which shows the power of fasting and how it can help families.

Following our Children’s Rosary 9 Days of Prayer and Fasting from September 29-October 7, we received this note from a Children’s Rosary group leader in Ireland: “Praise God! I must also update you of extra special personal graces within my own home.  My heart has wanted so badly to manage to get my own family together nightly to say the Rosary. I never miss a day myself, but efforts to date has brought conflict and failure for one reason or another over the last few years. That's a big reason why I started the Children's Rosary group in my own parish in the first place- to help us to pray the Rosary together, and thank God the children have always been so willing and receptive and my husband so supportive. At home though I've found myself getting so frustrated that our family Rosary has been so difficult to manage. However I always kept hope!!! This fast and daily Rosary that came with it has sparked the change in my own house! Since the fast ended we are now all gathering on our knees every night at 7pm and recite the Rosary, and I know its all down to Our Blessed Mother and the Children's Rosary. So, my own house of children is being moved by the Rosary- not just on the outside, but from the inside too. My heart is full!!! My prayers have been answered!”

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Children's Rosary Group Meets in Cahors, France, on December 28, 2024


We received some lovely pictures from the Children's Rosary group at Paroisse Saint Étienne de Cahors, France. 

The children placed flowers at the feet of a statue of Our Blessed Mother at the end of each decade.
The group welcomed more children to their meeting this month, which was a tremendous joy for the group leaders. One group leader wrote, "T
he families were very touched and wish to return to the next rosaries". 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Child Consecration Book in Urdu Released!

We are excited to share news that the Urdu translation of our book, Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, is complete. This translation will allow for involvement of many, including children throughout Pakistan. A special thank you to Afzaal Anwar Khokhar for translating the book. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Children's Rosary and Advent Celebration in Hamburg, Germany

December 14, the children of the Children's Rosary and their families celebrated Advent. The group leader shared the following:

We prayed the Joyful mysteries and part of the Christmas Novena from the Colombian tradition. 
In each mystery the little ones carried a symbol at the foot of the Crib, explaining the mystery, and the older ones led the Holy Rosary. 
In the third mystery, one of our children carried a beautiful ceramic Baby Jesus. Jesus was born more than 2000 years ago and the children were not indifferent to this.
Then Ana, our catechist, explained the meaning of the 7-pointed piñata; the children rushed to break the piñata. Each point represents the 7 deadly sins, just as in our lives, we have to break with sin to receive all the graces that God wants to give us, all those graces are the sweets that spurt out of the piñata. 

At the end, Isabella, our craft leader, led the children to make wooden Christmas tree hangers; each child painted the hangers with many colors and scenes from the Nativity. They also had golden stars. 

It was a day full of Christmas meaning and joyful anticipation for the arrival of the Christ Child. From the bottom of our hearts we say:
Sweet Jesus, my sweet Jesus, my adored child,
come into our souls,
come, don't be so long!

Friday, December 20, 2024

A Creative Use for Last Year's Religious Calendar

The Children's Rosary group leader in Fulda, Germany, had a lovely idea. She took the images from her Our Lady of Fatima calendar and made them into angels, which she gave as gifts and also shared with the children of her Children's Rosary group.

The text of the stickers in English reads, "Merry Christmas."

The wings are a portion of the calendar cut in a half circle.

The ribbon is glued. The body of the angel is created by bending the image and gluing the corners. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The West of Ireland Covered in Snow

On November 21, the Feast of the Presentation of Mary, the west of Ireland was blanketed with snow. Some areas receiving 5 inches of snow. The timing of this snowfall seemed heaven-sent. Two mothers who were part of a large Consecration journey led by Fr. Marius O'Reilly of Cork. The 33 Day Consecration journey utilized the book Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower. As the Feast of the Presentation fell on a school day, both mothers were wondering and praying how they could get their children to Mass and Confession on Consecration day. The blanket of snow answered those prayers. School was canceled this day only, but the roads were still passable, and both families were able to make their Consecration, attend Mass, and also go to Confession. 

The two pictures above were taken at the Knock shrine on November 21. Interestingly the prior year there had been no snow days in this region where school had been canceled. Such a snow fall in November in the west of Ireland is unusual. There was even enough snow to make a snowman.
The pictures below were shared by one of the families participating in the Consecration journey. A short testimony is provided below. For those interested in making this consecration journey, visit childconsecration.com

Our family were very blessed to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary using the Child Consecration, following the spirit of St Thérèse.
It is beautifully written in a way that is easy to understand for both adults and children.
The day of consecration for us was on the feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple. It was a very appropriate feast day especially because our children were being consecrated so it was as if we (parents) were presenting our children to God at the temple also.
Providentially we had a snow day on November 21st (unusual for Ireland to get snow at that time of year) so schools were closed and we all got to Mass and confession on the day! (Karen Clancy)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Primary School in Castledawson, Ireland

The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Primary school has been meeting weekly during Advent. Twenty children have given up their lunchtime break to come together in prayer. 
One of the group leaders recently shared that she has noticed the strength of the children's prayers growing, and they were getting louder. With each decade more hands have been going up; more children wanted to have a turn in leading the prayers. Below is a note from Lynn Gallagher one of the group leaders:

"Yesterday's Rosary group was really lovely. Lots and lots of children again, all giving up their lunch break. At the beginning, my co-lead Helen urged the children to be missionaries of God and to individually go out and encourage others to pray the Rosary. We asked each child to lay a handful of straw on the manger bed to represent their prayers and sacrifices in order to make Jesus' bed really soft. At the end they got a book mark and wrapped cookie.  After the lunchtime group, I heard that 3 girls made a poster about which I've included. The words spoken at the beginning of our meet seemed to stay with them. Thank God!"

This is the flyer that the three girls made themselves which they wanted to share with the other children who were not part of the Children's Rosary. Truly the children had captured the spirit of evangelization through the Rosary!


Monday, December 16, 2024

1,250 Children Gather for a Children's Rosary Day of Prayer

On December 15, 2024, a Children's Rosary Day of Prayer was held at Mulajje Parish in the Luweero Diocese of Uganda. Members of the Children's Rosary attended from the main parish and the 20 outstations. 

Prior to the start of Mass, there was singing and dancing and a procession with the children taking a statue of Mary into the Church. Mass began at 8:30 AM. The parish priest, Fr. Gerald Wamala celebrated the Mass. Rev. Fr. Ssekimpi Tonny assisted. Deacon Sserunkuma Bruno, catechists, and animators helped in supervising the children. Group leader Madame Betty shared, "Mass was so massive we had 1,250 children." The children helped with the liturgy. In addition, the children sang, did the readings and intentions as well as doing the offertory. They also made a Consecration to Jesus through Mary during the day of prayer.

Rosaries which the Children's Rosary had sent were given to the children who did not have rosaries and to replace old broken ones. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Join Us for a Christmas Novena Starting December 16, 2024

Prayer to the Miraculous Infant of Prague

In anticipation of Christmas December 25th consider saying this 9 day Novena from December 16th-December 24th.  

O Divine Infant Jesus, Who said: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.

(Make your request.)

O Divine Infant Jesus, Who said: "Unless you become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Grant me the simplicity and wonder, the tenderness and gentleness of a child. Fill me with innocence, hope and love. Grant me the grace that I need.

(Make your request.)

O Divine Infant Jesus, help me know how close You are to me and how powerful is Your embrace. Help me to trust that You hold the whole world in Your hand. I place my every need and care in Your hands. I ask that you fulfill my request according to Your holy will.

(Make your request.)

Miraculous Infant of Prague, have mercy on us.
We humbly ask that you join us in praying this novena and include as one of your intentions: for all those who help the Children's Rosary through time, talent or treasure may they receive Christmas peace and joy. 
This is spiritual gift we would like to share with all those who have supported the Children's Rosary this year. In addition, a Mass will be celebrated for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary on December 25th.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Patiently Waiting in Ireland, France, and Canada

Join the Children's Rosary by putting a "
Patiently Waiting" sign in your window as a beautiful reminder of where our hearts can be found as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. On Christmas replace the sign with one that reads, "Christ is Born". This marks the tenth anniversary of the Children's Rosary Patiently Waiting Campaign. We have been receiving pictures from different countries showing their Patiently Waiting signs. The picture above is from the Derry diocese in Ireland. The picture below is from a school classroom in Tullamore, Ireland. 

We have even had participation in France. The picture below was submitted by one of our Children's Rosary group leaders in Cahors, France.
Zosia a member of the Children's Rosary from Ontario, Canada shared her creative sign which showed a donkey from the manger scene waiting for the birth of Our Lord.
It is not too late to put up a "Patiently Waiting" sign in your window.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Fr. Paul Miapkwap of Nigeria Visits Children's Rosary Group in Iowa, USA

On September 4, 2024, Fr. Paul Miapkwap of the Shendam Diocese of Nigeria was able to visit the Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart School in Boone, Iowa. The Children's Rosary at Shendam Cathedral and the Children's Rosary in Boone united in prayer together via Zoom in 2022, and a wonderful relationship was created between these two groups. 
Deb Franzenburg, who helped bring the Children's Rosary to Sacred Heart School, has worked closely with Fr. Paul Miapkwap, who brought the Children's Rosary to the Shendam Diocese of Nigeria. Both are shown above. 

Deb Franzenburg shared, Fr. Paul arrived in Boone Tuesday evening, but our day "officially" began on Wednesday, Sept. 4, in our church (Sacred Heart). Fr. Paul was introduced to the children, and we allowed for some question-and-answer time as a whole school. Following that, we prayed part of the Children's Rosary (picture included). We toured the school and visited with the children in three groups (middle school, upper elementary, and lower elementary). Fr. Paul shared about life in Nigeria, his current academic status, and even the color of the plane he flew in. He enjoyed recess and played Gaga Ball for the first time. Lastly, he celebrated Mass with us as a school before we took him back to Minnesota.   

Fr. Paul was touched to see pictures of the students from Nigeria grace our hallways. We also made several videos for him to take back for sharing.

I was honored to have the opportunity to meet Fr. Paul in person (after being introduced to him just a few years ago). I could never have predicted that we would be blessed with this opportunity. My husband and I were also privileged to drive him back to Minnesota allowing us another four hours of visiting time.
This is a lovely example of how the Children's Rosary is creating friendships and fellowship through prayer.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Invitation from Bishop Donal McKeown to Join 33 Day Consecration Journey

Join Bishop McKeown and priests of the diocese of Derry, Ireland for a 33 Day Consecration Journey starting January 9, 2025 and concluding on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. 

Bishop Donal has recorded a lovely invitation video which can be viewed HERE.

There is also more information on the Diocesan website page: 


The Derry Diocesan magazine the Net has also been including information and articles about the upcoming Consecration journey. Two of the articles are included below:

To view the December issue of the Net click HERE.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December 2024 Meeting of the Children's Rosary in Fulda, Germany

Today we received some lovely pictures from the Children's Rosary in Fulda, Germany. 
They are prayerfully preparing for the coming of Christ.