Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Sowing Seeds in France and Portugal


We have returned home from a month in Europe. Two weeks were spent in France and two weeks in Portugal. During this time many seeds were sown for new Children's Rosary groups. We met many holy priests during these weeks. We also met many people who were eager to help the Children's Rosary and see this prayer group movement spread to their parishes or schools. In anticipation of our trip, 260 French Children's Rosary books were sent to Toulon, France, for the Adoratio Conference where Asher and I were speakers. We also sent 10 Children's Rosary books in English and Spanish along with 3 Child Consecration books and 3 books entitled A Soul Prepared through Suffering

In addition we carried for the month-long trip 270 handmade rosaries that were shared during our travels as well as 290 Children's Rosary books in French, 52 Children's Rosary books in English, 48 Children's Rosary books in Spanish, 31 of the Soul Prepared through Suffering books and 18 Child Consecration books in English. Three Spanish Child Consecration books were shared along with Children's Rosary color flyers and some Children's Rosary T-shirts. Please join me in praying that all the seeds that were sown grow and bear fruit. We know from Scripture that God will be the one to allow for germination: "the seed sprouts and grows though he does not know how" (Mark 4:27). 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Prayers for the Members of the Children's Rosary at Fatima

Dear Friends,

We are excited to share some of our visit to Fatima on July 22, 2024. Please know that in a special I prayed for the Children's Rosary and all the members as well as those who help the Children's Rosary. The time we were at Fatima was centered on prayer. We were not part of a tour group. It was only Seth, Asher, and myself. We were able to attend Mass at the Chapel of Apparitions. For all three of us it was our first time in Fatima, so we did not know our way around. After Mass Asher and I went to Confession and prayed at the tombs of Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco. We also found Adoration in one of the chapels and spent time in prayer.

We learned yet even more about the lives of the children of Fatima at the museum called Casa das Candeias. It is a museum dedicated to the lives of saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto with personal belongings and artwork. 

The children's homes are not far from the Sanctuary, and we went to each of the children's homes as well as the childhood home of Lucia. A picture from Jacinta's bedroom is shown below. The simplicity of the homes was something my heart clung to. Through the Children's Rosary and being in the spiritual school of Our Lady, simplicity has become a treasured experience. The world in many ways is always trying to complicate things and make life cluttered. To see a life rooted in simplicity is an important signpost guiding the journey we are on too. 

We concluded our visit to Fatima at the second apparition site of the Angel to the children. This was at a well behind Lucia's childhood home. The space is under the canopy of trees and in the shade protected from the heat of the day; there was a lovely peace. 

Your Friend in Christ,
