January 2nd is the Birthday of St. Thérèse the Little Flower.
Spending time contemplating the birth of Our Lord this year, I was brought to meditate on the incredible simplicity and trust of Mary and Joseph. This simplicity of spirit is something that St. Thérèse embraced and witnessed beautifully throughout her life. To grow in simplicity, confidence, and trust is surely pleasing to Our Lord who gave to us these wonderful role models in the Holy Family and St. Thérèse, who is a Doctor of the Church. The recently released book, Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, approaches Consecration through a lens of spirituality identified by St. Thérèse that helps a soul grow in those beautiful virtues of simplicity, confidence, and trust.
Bishop Keenan of Scotland has chosen to use the book Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower for his personal Consecration this year. He will be beginning this journey January 9th and concluding on February 11th: the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. He is inviting priests, adults, and children to join him in this Consecration journey. This is a very personal invitation from one of our Shepherds to his diocese and beyond.

There is something very timely about finishing the Consecration journey on a Marian Feast that honors Our Lady under a title most often associated with healing. There is great need for both spiritual and physical healing today.
Bishop Keenan plans to do the prayers and readings of the 33 Day Consecration LIVE each night on his Facebook page. He will read them at 9PM local time in Scotland which would be 4PM ET. This would allow many in the US and around the world to pray along with him. In a special way, he is inviting priests, adults, and children to join him. He has already invited the schools of his diocese to join him, and 12 schools have already responded that they will be doing the Consecration.
We hope many will consider joining Bishop Keenan on this Consecration journey to Jesus through Mary, following in the spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower.
For more information and to order the book visit https://childconsecration.com