The eighth year anniversary of the first meeting of the Children's Rosary is on April 10th 2019. We have made it an annual tradition to offer a novena of Masses for the 9 days prior to the anniversary for the fulfillment of Our Lady's plans for the Children's Rosary. We then follow this with 9 days of Masses in thanksgiving. The novena begins tomorrow. Bishop Fuentes of Minas, Uruguay will be offering one of the Masses on April 1st for the Fulfillment of Our Lady's plans for the Children's Rosary.
We are still in need of sponsors to complete our target of 3 Masses a day. If you would like to sponsor a Mass please email me at
If there is a particular date you would like to sponsor, please let me know. If you would like to request a Mass be said at your Parish or another location this is wonderful as well.
April 1-9 For the Fulfillment of Our Lady's Plans for the Children's Rosary
April 10th-18th: Thanksgiving
The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Mass offered on March 25th 2019 for the Members of the Children's Rosary
A Mass was offered yesterday for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.We continue to have a Mass said for the this intention on the 25th of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord that when I wanted to extend thanksgiving to all of you I knew of no better way to express my gratitude. May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
The photos above are from our new Children's Rosary group at Thithi Primary School in Kenya. Last month we featured this group and the message from Br. Cleophus that "I gave out two books. I am having many children but only lack of some materials." We are happy to share these latest pictures of the children receiving more supplies. We also received good news that the materials shown below reached Fr. Wachira and Br. Cleophus this past week.
If you would like to help sponsor a package learn more HERE
Monday, March 25, 2019
Giving God our "Yes"
Today is the Feast of the Annunciation a day when we honor the "Yes" Mary gave to the will of God. "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word"(Luke 1:38). Mary did not know where this "Yes" would take her. She was simple, humble and had great trust in God.
Our Lord has a path for each one of us. When we are unified with His will then we walk exactly in the steps He has prepared for us. It is a path of sanctification. The picture above was taken by one of my children this winter. These are footsteps leading out into fresh snow. These steps go out beyond the frame of the photo. We do not know where they end. For my own part, I like to imagine each day trying to step exactly where God has prepared... not in front or behind. Mary gives us a beautiful example of her unconditional "Yes" and also the witness that God takes care of the details no matter how uncertain the future may seem. Thank you Blessed Mother for your "Yes". Please help us to follow your example.
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9 Month Novena for Impossible Requests
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Our Lord has a path for each one of us. When we are unified with His will then we walk exactly in the steps He has prepared for us. It is a path of sanctification. The picture above was taken by one of my children this winter. These are footsteps leading out into fresh snow. These steps go out beyond the frame of the photo. We do not know where they end. For my own part, I like to imagine each day trying to step exactly where God has prepared... not in front or behind. Mary gives us a beautiful example of her unconditional "Yes" and also the witness that God takes care of the details no matter how uncertain the future may seem. Thank you Blessed Mother for your "Yes". Please help us to follow your example.
"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word"
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
9 Month Novena for Impossible Requests
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Children's Rosary Group Leader from Texas Shares Lots of Great Ideas!
The Children's Rosary group leader from St. Mary of the Expectation in League City, Texas USA recently shared some of her experiences from her Children's Rosary. Her group held a recruiting effort after Masses a few weeks ago. She reported that several new members signed up. One of the new members, a 6 year old girl named Emma, was so excited that she told her mom, “This is fun, can we come back tomorrow?” Her mom had to explain that they would have to wait until next month!
Below is a brief synopsis of our Children’s Rosary Group at St. Mary of the Expectation in League City, TX:
-We initiated our 1st Children’s Rosary on the 2nd Saturday of October, 2016.
-We currently meet on the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel. (Mass is at 4:30 p.m.)
-We have a guitarist who joins us to play the “Ave Maria” in between mysteries and “The Children’s Rosary” song at the end.
-On average, we have about 10 children who attend; although we have around 20-plus children signed up.
-A reminder blurb is placed in the bulletin and an announcement made from the pulpit after Mass on the weekend before the Children's Rosary.
This includes:
a poster – made by the children;
prayer request box - which gets filled to capacity by parishioners requesting prayers,
sign-up sheet,
statue of Mary
fresh flowers
-The children lead each decade of the Rosary.
-In between decades, a child will place a rose at the feet of Mary.
-After the Rosary, we meet in the school building for snacks and a different fun activity, which is planned for each month.
-Some of the activities have included:
Purchasing garden kneelers at the Dollar Store where each child personalized it with their name and drawing (this was to encourage them to kneel).
Making a large Rosary out of doughnuts and doughnut holes (they got to eat it afterwards!).
Making St. Juan Diego tilmas (We try to correlate our activity with the current calendar feast day or season).
Making stand-up picture frames out of popsicle sticks and pasting different pictures of Mary.
Color pictures for each of the 4 Mysteries of the Rosary.
An activity using colored water and dropping in fizz tablets indicating how Jesus & Mary get very excited when we pray.
May crowning – we prayed the rosary outside using the large Rosary stepping stones and crowned the statue of Mary.
Other Resources and Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site
Sunday, March 17, 2019
"Lord it is Good to Give Thanks to You"
This past week Fr. Nasamaka sent us these pictures from a new Children's Rosary that has just formed at St. Paul's Church in Bondeni, Kenya. Seeing these sweet children holding their new rosaries one cannot help but smile. Hope stands before us. This is the future of our Church. We indeed have so much to be grateful for from God. May we repeat the Responsorial Psalm from Sunday March 3rd 2019, "Lord it is good to give thanks to You".
Saturday, March 16, 2019
New Children's Rosary forms in Parish Named after St. Patrick
Last week we received this picture from the group leader of the new Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Independence, Oregon USA. The group held their first meeting on March 3rd 2019. We welcome the children to the Children's Rosary.
We would also like to wish everyone a blessed St. Patrick's Day!
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Children's Rosary to Air Six Days a Week in Europe on EWTN
For those of you who live in Europe, EWTN will begin airing our Children's Rosary on their English station Monday through Saturday beginning in April. The Children's Rosary continues to air weekly in the United States and Canada. Many new air times have been added for the Africa/India region. The Children's Rosary airs almost every day in Africa. Airings in the Pacific Rim are also multiple times per week. See a list of air times for all regions below:
March 11 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 12th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 13th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 13th 4:00 PM ET US and Canada
March 14th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 15 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 18th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 19th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 20th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 21st 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 21st 4:00 PM ET US and Canada
March 22nd 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 25th 4PM ET US and Canada
March 26th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 28th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 29th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 1st 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 1st 4PM ET Europe
April 1st 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 2nd 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 2nd 4PM Europe
April 2nd 4PM ET US and Canada
April 2nd 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 3rd 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 3rd 4PM ET Europe
April 3rd 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 4th 4PM ET Europe
April 4th 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 4th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 5th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 5th 4PM Europe
April 6th 4PM ET Europe
April 7th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 8th 4PM ET Europe
April 8th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 9th 4PM Europe
April 9th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 10th 4PM Europe
April 10th 4PM ET US and Canada
April 10th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 11th 4PM ET Europe
April 11th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 12th 4PM ET Europe
April 13th 4PM ET Europe
April 15th 4PM ET Europe
April 16th 4PM ET Europe
April 16th 4:30 PM ET US and Canada
April 17th 4PM ET Europe
April 18th 4PM ET Europe
April 22nd 4PM ET Europe
April 22nd 4PM ET US and Canada
April 22nd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 23rd 4PM ET Europe
April 23rd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 24th 4PM ET Europe
April 24th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 25th 4PM ET Europe
April 25th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 26th 4PM ET Europe
April 27th 4PM ET Europe
April 28th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 29th 4PM ET Europe
April 29th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 30th 4PM ET Europe
April 30th 4PM ET US and Canada
April 30th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 1st 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 2nd 4PM ET Europe
May 2nd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 3rd 4PM Europe
May 4th 4PM ET Europe
Mary 6th 4PM ET Europe
May 7th 4PM Europe
May 1st 4PM ET Europe
May 8th 4PM ET Europe
May 8th 4PM ET US
May 10th 4PM Europe
May 11 4PM ET Europe
Airings can be viewed LIVE streaming from anywhere in the world. All air times are given in Eastern Time. A copy of our Children's Rosary video, including all four mysteries of the Rosary and bonus features, is available to purchase HERE.
March 11 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 12th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 13th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 13th 4:00 PM ET US and Canada
March 14th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 15 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 18th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 19th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 20th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 21st 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 21st 4:00 PM ET US and Canada
March 22nd 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 25th 4PM ET US and Canada
March 26th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 28th 7:30 AM ET Africa
March 29th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 1st 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 1st 4PM ET Europe
April 1st 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 2nd 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 2nd 4PM Europe
April 2nd 4PM ET US and Canada
April 2nd 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 3rd 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 3rd 4PM ET Europe
April 3rd 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 4th 4PM ET Europe
April 4th 4:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 4th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 5th 7:30 AM ET Africa
April 5th 4PM Europe
April 6th 4PM ET Europe
April 7th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 8th 4PM ET Europe
April 8th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 9th 4PM Europe
April 9th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 10th 4PM Europe
April 10th 4PM ET US and Canada
April 10th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 11th 4PM ET Europe
April 11th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 12th 4PM ET Europe
April 13th 4PM ET Europe
April 15th 4PM ET Europe
April 16th 4PM ET Europe
April 16th 4:30 PM ET US and Canada
April 17th 4PM ET Europe
April 18th 4PM ET Europe
April 22nd 4PM ET Europe
April 22nd 4PM ET US and Canada
April 22nd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 23rd 4PM ET Europe
April 23rd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 24th 4PM ET Europe
April 24th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 25th 4PM ET Europe
April 25th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 26th 4PM ET Europe
April 27th 4PM ET Europe
April 28th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 29th 4PM ET Europe
April 29th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
April 30th 4PM ET Europe
April 30th 4PM ET US and Canada
April 30th 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 1st 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 2nd 4PM ET Europe
May 2nd 5:30 PM ET Pacific Rim
May 3rd 4PM Europe
May 4th 4PM ET Europe
Mary 6th 4PM ET Europe
May 7th 4PM Europe
May 1st 4PM ET Europe
May 8th 4PM ET Europe
May 8th 4PM ET US
May 10th 4PM Europe
May 11 4PM ET Europe
Airings can be viewed LIVE streaming from anywhere in the world. All air times are given in Eastern Time. A copy of our Children's Rosary video, including all four mysteries of the Rosary and bonus features, is available to purchase HERE.
Friday, March 8, 2019
Good News Leading up to the Feast of St. Patrick
We recently received the picture above from our Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. They have been meeting since 2014. This past week we also had a new Children's Rosary group register in a parish named after St. Patrick in Independence, Oregon. They will be meeting for the first time on March 9th. They plan to have a bilingual Children's Rosary where some of the prayers are spoken in English and some in Spanish.
Providentially, we also had another individual reach out this past week with interest in starting a Children's Rosary in a Parish named after St. Patrick in New York. We are grateful to God for the children who continue to meet in their group in Pennsylvania and we welcome the children in the new groups forming!
Providentially, we also had another individual reach out this past week with interest in starting a Children's Rosary in a Parish named after St. Patrick in New York. We are grateful to God for the children who continue to meet in their group in Pennsylvania and we welcome the children in the new groups forming!
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus
Today is the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus. In 1958 Pope Pius XII declared the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus as Shrove Tuesday which is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. St Therese the Little Flower had a strong devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus.
Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli promoted this devotion and also helped to have a medal struck in honor of the Holy Face. Tonight on the Feast of the Holy Face we prayed before a first class relic of Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli for all the members of the Children's Rosary.
The picture above is a handmade simple replica of Vernonica's Veil we made some years ago when the Children's Rosary helped host the Relics of the Passion.
Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli promoted this devotion and also helped to have a medal struck in honor of the Holy Face. Tonight on the Feast of the Holy Face we prayed before a first class relic of Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli for all the members of the Children's Rosary.
The picture above is a handmade simple replica of Vernonica's Veil we made some years ago when the Children's Rosary helped host the Relics of the Passion.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
"Tribulation is the Test of the Just"
This was part of the first reading at Mass today. In the book Soul of the Apostolate, Jean Baptiste Chautard states, "The genuine apostle makes use of everything, success as well as failure, to increase his hope and expand his soul in confident abandonment." Indeed one should expect difficulties when one sets out to work in the vineyard for Our Lord. "When God desires a work to be wholly from His hand, he reduces all to impotence and nothingness, and then He acts." (Bosssuet)
Thus, we should see suffering and struggle as a way to glorify God. When a Children's Rosary group leader invites children from the parish to come to a new group and no one comes, this can be a great disappointment. One could at first respond that he or she is doing something wrong or maybe that the efforts should be stopped as it is clearly not working. Yet, sometimes such disappointments can be so meritorious that they can help the Apostolate far more then the soul realizes. Since there is no earthly consolation such as seeing a large number of children praying, the soul is acting purely out of love for God and His pleasure. This group leader left with no children attending thus holds the meetings alone and prays. This could go on for some time. We have seen small groups continue with just a family and then after a long time of holding their meetings more children come. The dry period was needed. In the book, Champion of the Eucharist, by Rev Martin Dempsey it is written "In God's plans, more often then not, trials hold promise of favors." Likewise the author states, "God follows as well as anticipates favors with trials." This was written to describe the struggles St. Peter Julian Eymard encountered during his life and in a particular way when he was trying to begin a Religious Order. In this we see that suffering may follow a favor as well as precede it.
Jean Baptiste Chautard elaborates on the necessity of keeping a holy indifference to the outcome of Apostolic work in terms of success or failure. An apostle should always be ready to say to God, "it pleases Thee that I confine myself acting valiantly yet every peacefully, to making efforts to achieve results, but that I leave to Thee alone the task of deciding whether Thou wilt receive glory from my success or from the act of virtue that failure will give me the opportunity to perform." Indeed if one looks at the candle shown in this post we see that in order to shine a light the candle is spent. To accompany Our Lord and keep Him company will cost us something of ourselves.
But one must not get discouraged during tribulation and suffering for Our Lord tells us, "In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Other Resources and Posts You May Enjoy:

Jean Baptiste Chautard elaborates on the necessity of keeping a holy indifference to the outcome of Apostolic work in terms of success or failure. An apostle should always be ready to say to God, "it pleases Thee that I confine myself acting valiantly yet every peacefully, to making efforts to achieve results, but that I leave to Thee alone the task of deciding whether Thou wilt receive glory from my success or from the act of virtue that failure will give me the opportunity to perform." Indeed if one looks at the candle shown in this post we see that in order to shine a light the candle is spent. To accompany Our Lord and keep Him company will cost us something of ourselves.
But one must not get discouraged during tribulation and suffering for Our Lord tells us, "In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Other Resources and Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site
Friday, March 1, 2019
Greetings from Kenya - Sultan Hamud Children's Rosary group
This week we received a letter from Fr. Wachira in Kenya. Enclosed in the envelope was the postcard above.
He writes:
Greetings from Kenya - Sultan Hamud Children's Rosary group. In the photo are Maasai Warriors from Kenya. They are there in Sultan Hamud Parish. May Our Mother pray for us all her children.
-Fr. Wachira
We share this post card as a glimpse into the parishes where the Children's Rosary exists. Through the simplicity of the children's prayers many diverse people are knitted together. Indeed the children form a tapestry of prayer that extends across the globe. It is the beauty of each culture that adds to this tapestry. For many children they may wonder, do other children pray? The Children's Rosary stands as a witness of the prayers of children throughout the world.
We also received word this week that Fr. Wachira would like to begin celebrating Masses for the Children's Rosary all over the world. We will be in contact to set certain dates for these Masses. We are most grateful for this kind gift to all those who are involved with the Children's Rosary.
Other Resources and Posts You May Enjoy:
He writes:
Greetings from Kenya - Sultan Hamud Children's Rosary group. In the photo are Maasai Warriors from Kenya. They are there in Sultan Hamud Parish. May Our Mother pray for us all her children.
-Fr. Wachira
We share this post card as a glimpse into the parishes where the Children's Rosary exists. Through the simplicity of the children's prayers many diverse people are knitted together. Indeed the children form a tapestry of prayer that extends across the globe. It is the beauty of each culture that adds to this tapestry. For many children they may wonder, do other children pray? The Children's Rosary stands as a witness of the prayers of children throughout the world.
We also received word this week that Fr. Wachira would like to begin celebrating Masses for the Children's Rosary all over the world. We will be in contact to set certain dates for these Masses. We are most grateful for this kind gift to all those who are involved with the Children's Rosary.
Other Resources and Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site
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