Every month a Mass is said on the 25th of the month for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. In December, it is particularly special that our monthly Mass falls on Christmas. It is our little gift to all of you who are part of the Children's Rosary.
We wish you and your families a blessed Christmas.
The Children's Rosary® is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. Jesus tells us "Truly, I say to you unless you turn and become like children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Children's Rosary is an effort to begin in parishes rosary prayer groups composed of children and led by children. Through prayer of the Rosary Our Lady will guide our young people while at the same time sanctify families and Parishes.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Patiently Waiting in Pakistan 2019
Some of the members of the Children's Rosary sent pictures of them making "Patiently Waiting" signs for their homes.
These signs help us to witness where our hearts can be found during Advent. We invite individuals to replace the patiently waiting signs with ones that reach "Christ is Born" on Christmas.
Learn more about the Children's Rosary Patiently Waiting Campaign
These signs help us to witness where our hearts can be found during Advent. We invite individuals to replace the patiently waiting signs with ones that reach "Christ is Born" on Christmas.
Learn more about the Children's Rosary Patiently Waiting Campaign
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Children's Rosary Receives Endorsement from Robert Cardinal Sarah
We are excited to share a recent communication we received from Robert Cardinal Sarah:
"The graces that are so evidently springing from the Children's Rosary through the powerful intercession of Our Lady give me great hope not only for Africa, but for the many countries worldwide that you are engaged in and where the Lord wishes you to venture. Please know of my fervent support for your apostolate. And please pray for me and my mission in service to the Church and our Holy Father." ~ Robert Cardinal Sarah
Image source: wikimedia commons
"The graces that are so evidently springing from the Children's Rosary through the powerful intercession of Our Lady give me great hope not only for Africa, but for the many countries worldwide that you are engaged in and where the Lord wishes you to venture. Please know of my fervent support for your apostolate. And please pray for me and my mission in service to the Church and our Holy Father." ~ Robert Cardinal Sarah
Image source: wikimedia commons
Monday, December 16, 2019
Join us for the Christmas/Infant of Prague Novena (December 16th-24th 2019)
Christmas Novena
Prayer to the Miraculous Infant of Prague
Prayer to the Miraculous Infant of Prague
In anticipation of Christmas December 25th consider saying this 9 day Novena from December 16th-December 24th.
O Divine Infant Jesus, Who said: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.
(Make your request.)
O Divine Infant Jesus, Who said: "Unless you become like little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Grant me the simplicity and wonder, the tenderness and gentleness of a child. Fill me with innocence, hope and love. Grant me the grace that I need.
(Make your request.)
O Divine Infant Jesus, help me know how close You are to me and how powerful is Your embrace. Help me to trust that You hold the whole world in Your hand. I place my every need and care in Your hands. I ask that you fulfill my request according to Your holy will.
(Make your request.)
Miraculous Infant of Prague, have mercy on us.
We humbly ask that you join us in praying this novena and include as one of your intentions: for all those who help the Children's Rosary through time, talent or treasure may they receive Christmas peace and joy.
This is spiritual gift we would like to share with all those who have supported the Children's Rosary this year. In addition, a Mass will be celebrated for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary on December 25th.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mass Offered for Seminarians on December 1st 2019
A Mass was offered today for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all in love. Every month we have a Mass offered for this intention. As our seminarians will be the future shepherds and our children are the future flock, it seemed a beautiful way for the children to help.
We have been periodically featuring different seminarians on the first of the month by inviting them to share something of themselves - a beautiful sharing of faith and love of Our Lord. This month we will be featuring Christopher Kelley.
Christopher Kelley
I am currently a seminarian on Pastoral Year and in formation with the Archdiocese of Hartford, CT. Yet my journey so far has been rather unconventional, having grown up in a home where we didn’t go to Church all that often – in large part because my father had passed away when I was young from cancer, and my mother would eventually also pass from breast cancer – and my own practice of the faith disappeared in high school following my mom’s passing. It wasn’t until I was in college, in a philosophy class of all places, that the dying embers of my faith slowly began to be reignited, eventually leading me to return to the faith and become Confirmed at the end of my freshman year of College.
Shortly after returning to the Church, I began to consider the vocation to the priesthood more regularly, recalling the words of invitation a priest had given for me to think about in high school, however, I eventually decided by the end of college to hold off, instead preferring to just simply find a job and work upon graduating. While in Graduate School working toward a Master of Public Administration degree focusing on City Management, I went on a Men’s Retreat my home parish put on, which brought me to a deeper experience of our Lord and the invitation to discern became much stronger, prompting me to become more involved in my parish and discern in earnest.
In the following months, my devotion to the Rosary and the guidance of the Blessed Mother became crucial to my discernment, my daily praying of the Rosary before Mass began with the small, but faithful, group of parishioners who would show up each morning to pray the Chaplet for the day. The presence of the Blessed Mother in my prayer life eventually led me to a greater insight and appreciation of Christ’s suffering in the Sorrowful Mysteries, and a greater appreciation for His presence in the hardest moments of my life even though I could not always see it.
A few months after finishing my M.P.A., I was accepted into the formation program for my Archdiocese and began the deeper work of praying, discerning, and ultimately, of being formed into a better Christian Man – and God-Willing, a future priest of Jesus Christ.
We are grateful to Christopher Kelley for sharing his beautiful vocation story. We humbly ask that you say a Hail Mary for Christopher and his vocation now and consider including him in your future prayers. Thank you.
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Patiently Waiting Campaign 2019
This Advent Place a Patiently Waiting Sign
in Your Window
Join the Children's Rosary by putting a sign in your window as a beautiful reminder of where our hearts can be found as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. On Christmas replace the sign with one that reads: Christ is Born.
Fifth Anniversary of the Patiently Waiting Campaign
If you have a Children's Rosary in your school we invite you to have the children make signs in class and have them bring them home to put in their windows. The picture above was sent to us from a school in New Jersey.
We have included a flyer for this year. Consider posting this at your parish or school. The flyer can be saved to your computer by right clicking on the image below and clicking save. This can then be printed. Alternatively, if you would like us to email you the pdf please write to blythe@childrensrosary.org
We invite people to send us a picture of their Patiently Waiting sign in their window. Please include in the email where you live. We hope to feature some of these on our website. Pictures can be sent to: blythe.kaufman@gmail.com
Invitation to Everyone
We should note that the Patiently Waiting Campaign is an invitation to adults and children. One does not have to be involved with the Children's Rosary to participate.
The story behind the Patiently Waiting Campaign:
A number of years ago, I was walking past a home and in the window a sign read: Patiently Waiting. It caught my attention. Each time I walked past it each day I looked at it and was grateful for it. To see the sign made me happy inside. I wondered who put such a sign in their window. Later I would find out it was a wonderfully holy priest. After his passing, many shared how special this little sign was to them. It was so simple but it sent a ripple out into the community, a joyful one that is still moving in my heart years later even after the soul who placed it in his window has passed on. This made me wonder, what if each of us put a sign in our windows? What would be the effect...these speckles of love sprinkled all over the world. It was from this thought that the Patiently Waiting Campaign was born.
~Blythe Kaufman
St. Andrew's Novena: November 30th-December 25th
For years I have seen mention of the St. Andrew's Novena and was intrigued. Yet I never seemed to get my act together in time to start it. We have our yearly personal Consecration journey starting on November 30th and the Christmas/Infant of Prague Novena beginning December 16th. Yet this year I wanted to try the St. Andrew's Novena. Maybe there are others who might want to begin this novena as well.
(it is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayers fifteen times a day from the Feast of St. Andrew (30th Nov) until Christmas will obtain what is asked)
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Prayer to Obtain Favors
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires, (here mention your request), through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.(it is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayers fifteen times a day from the Feast of St. Andrew (30th Nov) until Christmas will obtain what is asked)
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
Friday, November 29, 2019
Join Us for a Consecration to Jesus Through Mary Beginning November 29th 2019
We would like to invite the members of the Children's Rosary to participate in a Consecration to Jesus through Mary beginning November 29th and ending January 1st on the Feast of Mary Mother of God. Our Children’s Rosary groups are Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at their first meeting but this would be a way to beautifully place our individual families under the protection of Our Blessed Mother who always leads us on the straightest path to her Son. For those of you unfamiliar with Consecration to Jesus through Mary it has been blessed and supported by Bishops and Pope Benedict XVI. St John Paul II urged Catholics to make this Act of Entrustment, which involves ten minutes of private prayer daily, for 33 days, in your home. Many may be familiar with Totus Tuus which was John Paul’s papal motto. It is a Latin phrase meaning "totally yours" and expressed his personal Consecration to Jesus through Mary. There are different preparations for Consecration available. The traditional St. Louis de Montfort version is available online HERE.
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal November 27th 2019
"O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee."
Thank you to all who joined us for the Miraculous Medal Novena.
Mass Offered on November 25th 2019 for Members of the Children's Rosary
A Mass was offered on November 25th 2019th for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. We continue to have a Mass said for this intention on the 25th of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord that when I wanted to extend thanksgiving to all of you I knew of no better way to express my gratitude. May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
The photo above is of the Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA. They celebrated their 5th anniversary on October 21st 2019. Often we feature new Children's Rosary groups but it is important to also celebrate the groups that continue to meet faithfully year after year. This Children's Rosary created an M&M candy rosary to celebrate their anniversary. We thank the children and the group leader for all their prayers over these past 5 years.
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
The photo above is of the Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA. They celebrated their 5th anniversary on October 21st 2019. Often we feature new Children's Rosary groups but it is important to also celebrate the groups that continue to meet faithfully year after year. This Children's Rosary created an M&M candy rosary to celebrate their anniversary. We thank the children and the group leader for all their prayers over these past 5 years.
Other Posts You May Enjoy:
Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
Sunday, November 24, 2019
King of Kings
Happy Feast of Christ the King! We received these pictures today from Pakistan. Many of the Children's Rosary groups had special festivities planned. Six Children's Rosary groups sent pictures from Pakistan.
The children made signs which they carried in processions honoring Our Lord. The groups that met in the evening held candlelit processions.
Some of the children from the Children's Rosary acted out parts of Our Lord's life to share with the people.
The six Children's Rosary groups that sent pictures are all new groups. The posters they carry say Jesus is King of Kings in Urdu. The children in all 6 of these groups have been meeting to pray without rosaries. They each would like to have a rosary. As soon as we have raised funds to cover the shipping costs we would like to send them several boxes of rosaries.
Please consider sending a donation to help us send rosaries to these children in Pakistan. Donations can be made online HERE or sent to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
*All donations are tax deductible in the US.
Some of the children from the Children's Rosary acted out parts of Our Lord's life to share with the people.
Please consider sending a donation to help us send rosaries to these children in Pakistan. Donations can be made online HERE or sent to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
*All donations are tax deductible in the US.
Thank you for your kindness and may God bless you abundantly.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Join us for the Novena of the Miraculous Medal: November 18-26th 2019
O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Our Lord Jesus and our Mother,
penetrated with the most lively confidence in your
all-powerful and never-failing intercession,
manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal,
we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this novena,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls,
and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here mention your petitions *)
You know, O Mary, how often our souls have been
the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that
purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so
that our every thought, word and deed may tend to
His greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial
that we may recover by penance what we have lost
by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode
where you are the Queen of angels and of men.
(source: EWTN)
The Children's Rosary would like to humbly invite you to join us in praying the Novena of the Miraculous Medal (November 18th -26th).
* In a special way may we pray for the intentions of Our Blessed Mother and a fulfillment of Her plans for each of us and the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. We pray for Peace, Peace Peace! May God help us to put more miraculous medals in the hands of children. Amen.
Mother of Our Lord Jesus and our Mother,
penetrated with the most lively confidence in your
all-powerful and never-failing intercession,
manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal,
we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this novena,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls,
and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here mention your petitions *)
You know, O Mary, how often our souls have been
the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that
purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so
that our every thought, word and deed may tend to
His greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial
that we may recover by penance what we have lost
by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode
where you are the Queen of angels and of men.
(source: EWTN)
The Children's Rosary would like to humbly invite you to join us in praying the Novena of the Miraculous Medal (November 18th -26th).
* In a special way may we pray for the intentions of Our Blessed Mother and a fulfillment of Her plans for each of us and the Children's Rosary prayer group movement. We pray for Peace, Peace Peace! May God help us to put more miraculous medals in the hands of children. Amen.
A kind family sent the Children's Rosary 2,000 miraculous medals to share with children during our month long trip to East Africa this past June. The children were so grateful to receive a miraculous medal. Unfortunately, we ran out of medals and many many children did not receive one. We pray God may open hearts to help us send more miraculous medals. The family that sent the 2,000 miraculous medals ordered them from St. Paul St. Evangelization.
If there are any souls who feel moved to send us miraculous medals to share with children please send them to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
May God Bless you!
Friday, November 15, 2019
Little Ones Becoming Leaders in Their Faith
On October 13th, our little Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in West Hartford Connecticut, met. This is the home parish of the Children's Rosary. This is where the Children's Rosary began. Despite it being the home of the Children's Rosary, our group has at most had 20 children and often is much smaller with just a few children attending. We have seen repeatedly that numbers do not matter it is the faithfulness that God is asking of us. On October 13th, 4 children attended the Children's Rosary which included two of my own children. A little girl named Fiona (approximately 8 years old) and Peyton age 3 were there and pictured above.
Fiona's father shared with us that in her Spanish class they call her Fatima. Given it was October 13th, the anniversary of the miracle of the Sun in Fatima Portugal, we proceeded to call her Fatima for the remainder of the meeting. Fatima took over the primary role of leading the prayers from the podium for our Children's Rosary. This was the first time Peyton, age 3, had come to the Children's Rosary. This appeared to be the first time she had prayed a Rosary.

Immediately we asked her to help by holding open the Children's Rosary book for Fatima so that she could look at the pictures of the mysteries as she led the prayers. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Little Peyton's eyes were the only thing seen over the book. She was so tiny yet so eager to help Fatima. She would periodically look at Fatima who was now taking a leadership role and serving as a model for Peyton. I could remember when Fatima, only a little over a year ago, was new to the Children's Rosary and was also learning from others. So quickly she had become a leader and was now guiding a younger one. Helping Peyton clearly made her happy and she was very excited to lead the adults in the pews in prayer. My older two children who were there kneeling around the altar have been guides for many children and now they too appreciated what was happening. Fatima whom they had helped was now helping a littler one and this gave us all great joy. One wonders how do we cultivate leaders in the Church. On October 13th Our Lady gave us a lesson. Start young, bring them together and put a Rosary in their hands.
This past Sunday, November 10th, Peyton was back and she opened our Children's Rosary by doing the Sign of the Cross. She also was so proud she had learned part of our Children's Rosary theme song: Rosary Children. It hadn't taken long and already we were seeing a new leader at the tender age of 3!
Fiona's father shared with us that in her Spanish class they call her Fatima. Given it was October 13th, the anniversary of the miracle of the Sun in Fatima Portugal, we proceeded to call her Fatima for the remainder of the meeting. Fatima took over the primary role of leading the prayers from the podium for our Children's Rosary. This was the first time Peyton, age 3, had come to the Children's Rosary. This appeared to be the first time she had prayed a Rosary.
Immediately we asked her to help by holding open the Children's Rosary book for Fatima so that she could look at the pictures of the mysteries as she led the prayers. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Little Peyton's eyes were the only thing seen over the book. She was so tiny yet so eager to help Fatima. She would periodically look at Fatima who was now taking a leadership role and serving as a model for Peyton. I could remember when Fatima, only a little over a year ago, was new to the Children's Rosary and was also learning from others. So quickly she had become a leader and was now guiding a younger one. Helping Peyton clearly made her happy and she was very excited to lead the adults in the pews in prayer. My older two children who were there kneeling around the altar have been guides for many children and now they too appreciated what was happening. Fatima whom they had helped was now helping a littler one and this gave us all great joy. One wonders how do we cultivate leaders in the Church. On October 13th Our Lady gave us a lesson. Start young, bring them together and put a Rosary in their hands.
This past Sunday, November 10th, Peyton was back and she opened our Children's Rosary by doing the Sign of the Cross. She also was so proud she had learned part of our Children's Rosary theme song: Rosary Children. It hadn't taken long and already we were seeing a new leader at the tender age of 3!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Release of the New Children's Rosary Christmas Card for 2019!
We are so excited to release this year's Children's Rosary
Christmas Card.
Meet the artist: these cards were painted by Abigail a member of the Children's Rosary. She lives on a farm with her 5 siblings in Wisconsin. She has a passion for art and sharing her faith.

For more information on ordering and to view the inside and back of the card click HERE
* please note that the watermark is not present on the cards.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
New Children's Rosary Group Meets in Kentucky on the Feast of All Souls
Today a new Children's Rosary met for the first time at Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Danville, Kentucky USA. Nine children attended. The new group was Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The children met after the Mass for All Souls in their Adoration Chapel in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Anthony McLaughlin, JCD so kindly joined the children for the meeting after speaking with parishioners after the Mass. The new group plans to continue meeting on the first Saturday of each month.
We welcome the members of this new Children's Rosary group!
For those interested in starting a Children's Rosary in their parish or school we have instructional videos to help. We have an instructional video for parish based groups and one for schools.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
"I will be 80 in January and feel lost without rosary beads to work with"
We received a large box of rosaries. Inside was a note. The women explained, "I've been making them (rosaries) since '07. I've had some help through the years, but I'm alone at it again the last 5 years. I have a real devotion to Our Blessed Mother. I will be 80 in January and feel lost without rosary beads to work with. Another order will go out in the next days. I'll send more if you want them."
We were amazed at how many rosaries were made by one women. The box included 467 rosaries. My daughter who makes rosaries was astonished at the number. When we were Africa this summer we saw the importance each rosary had on the child that received it. The trajectory of their life was changed for the good. To look at these rosaries was to see 467 children. This kind women may never meet the children who will hold and pray with these rosaries but she faithfully keeps the beads moving through her fingers in love for Our Blessed Mother. The gift she gives is two-fold: it is a rosary but it is also the gift of love.
We are so grateful to all those who so generously send us handmade rosaries and also send funds to help us ship the rosaries to children who are waiting for them.
To learn more how you can help click HERE.
We were amazed at how many rosaries were made by one women. The box included 467 rosaries. My daughter who makes rosaries was astonished at the number. When we were Africa this summer we saw the importance each rosary had on the child that received it. The trajectory of their life was changed for the good. To look at these rosaries was to see 467 children. This kind women may never meet the children who will hold and pray with these rosaries but she faithfully keeps the beads moving through her fingers in love for Our Blessed Mother. The gift she gives is two-fold: it is a rosary but it is also the gift of love.
We are so grateful to all those who so generously send us handmade rosaries and also send funds to help us ship the rosaries to children who are waiting for them.
To learn more how you can help click HERE.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A Mass was Offered for all the Members of the Children's Rosary on October 25th 2019
A Mass was offered yesterday for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. We continue to have a Mass said for this intention on the 25th of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord that when I wanted to extend thanksgiving to all of you I knew of no better way to express my gratitude. May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
The photo above is of a new Children's Rosary at the Convent of the Sisters of Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. They held their first meeting on October 1st 2019. They are in St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish in the Minas Diocese of Uruguay. The new group meets each Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM. We are so grateful for the support of Bishop Fuentes of Minas for encouraging the spread of the Children's Rosary. We also would like to thank Henry Bukenya who is helping the Children's Rosary groups in Minas. He will be starting seminary studies in Minas in the New Year. Henry is from Uganda and accompanied us during our travels in Uganda this summer. He is continuing his seminary studies in Uruguay through the invitation of Bishop Fuentes of Minas.
The photo above is of a new Children's Rosary at the Convent of the Sisters of Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. They held their first meeting on October 1st 2019. They are in St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish in the Minas Diocese of Uruguay. The new group meets each Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM. We are so grateful for the support of Bishop Fuentes of Minas for encouraging the spread of the Children's Rosary. We also would like to thank Henry Bukenya who is helping the Children's Rosary groups in Minas. He will be starting seminary studies in Minas in the New Year. Henry is from Uganda and accompanied us during our travels in Uganda this summer. He is continuing his seminary studies in Uruguay through the invitation of Bishop Fuentes of Minas.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Second Harvest
This summer we visited East Africa. It was a time to witness the harvest that was coming in from many seeds that had been sown over the years. These seeds were invitations to begin Children's Rosary groups. When possible we also sent rosaries for the children over the last 6 years and also carried rosaries with us in June to give to groups.
We visited many Children's Rosary groups this summer during our time in Africa. We also visited new areas and met with priests, teachers, parents and children. Praise God that new groups have formed through those seeds that were sown. But we are also seeing something beautiful. We are seeing now a harvest in areas where we did not sow seeds. Rather these are priests that are hearing about the Children's Rosary from fellow priests that have Children's Rosary prayer groups at their parishes and schools. It is a second harvest....an unexpected one.
Yet we should not be surprised by such a harvest as Our Lord shares His expectations: "So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?" (Matthew 25:26) Our Lord looks for such a harvest and as we know from Scripture and the third servant who only buried his seed or talent and did not share it, he was punished. So we thank God for the grace that these seeds have spread and are bearing fruit. We also thank the children that through their prayers they are witness to the good that comes through prayer, especially prayer of the Rosary said together as a prayer group. We thank the priests and adults who help the children and provide the invitation to prayer through Children's Rosary prayer groups. Each person that says, "Yes" and helps these children to come to prayer is tending in the Vineyard of Our Lord. These tender souls need only planting to be done. They have pure hearts that are fertile.
The pictures included in this post are from St. John the Baptist Parish in Makondo. This is within the Masaka Diocese of Uganda. Fr. Gonzaga Kiyimba heard about the Children's Rosary from a fellow priest who has groups in his parish and schools. This new group held their first meeting on September 29th 2019. They meet each Sunday at 3PM at Mother Mary's Grotto in the Parish compound.

Yet we should not be surprised by such a harvest as Our Lord shares His expectations: "So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?" (Matthew 25:26) Our Lord looks for such a harvest and as we know from Scripture and the third servant who only buried his seed or talent and did not share it, he was punished. So we thank God for the grace that these seeds have spread and are bearing fruit. We also thank the children that through their prayers they are witness to the good that comes through prayer, especially prayer of the Rosary said together as a prayer group. We thank the priests and adults who help the children and provide the invitation to prayer through Children's Rosary prayer groups. Each person that says, "Yes" and helps these children to come to prayer is tending in the Vineyard of Our Lord. These tender souls need only planting to be done. They have pure hearts that are fertile.
The pictures included in this post are from St. John the Baptist Parish in Makondo. This is within the Masaka Diocese of Uganda. Fr. Gonzaga Kiyimba heard about the Children's Rosary from a fellow priest who has groups in his parish and schools. This new group held their first meeting on September 29th 2019. They meet each Sunday at 3PM at Mother Mary's Grotto in the Parish compound.
We welcome these new children to the Children's Rosary.
The children in this new group are praying without rosaries. Please help us by sending handmade rosaries and also making a donations that help us cover the shipping expense. This allows us to continue to keep sending rosaries to help the children. We humbly ask those who might consider buying rosaries to send us a donation to cover the shipping expense. This is usually the limiting factor in getting rosaries to the children. International shipping is expensive but the value of putting a rosary in the hand of a child is priceless.
Donations can be made HERE or sent to
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT 06127 USA
Checks can be made out to Children's Rosary. Donations made within the US are tax deductible.
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Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.
For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website: www.childrensrosary.org
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información: www.rosariodeninos.org
Pour plus d'informations sur le Rosaire des Enfants, visitez notre site Web:www.rosairedesenfants.org
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Children's Rosary in Seychelles Shares One of the Things They Did in October
The Children's Rosary group leader from Sacred Heart Parish in Seychelles shared these pictures from their group. She explained, "As part of the October activities. The group Rosaires des Enfants paid a visit to the Beauvoir cemetery and prayed for the departed missionaries."
This is one of our French speaking Children's Rosary groups. We thank the children for their spiritual work of mercy - praying for the deceased. It is beautiful to see how prayer leads the children in different ways. It is a great gift we give the souls that have gone before us when we pray for them.
This is one of our French speaking Children's Rosary groups. We thank the children for their spiritual work of mercy - praying for the deceased. It is beautiful to see how prayer leads the children in different ways. It is a great gift we give the souls that have gone before us when we pray for them.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Saturday, October 12, 2019
New Children's Rosary Holds First Meeting on October 12th 2019
Meet the new Children's Rosary group in Qlaer, Pakistan. They held their first meeting today! We are so excited to see a picture of the new group. Each Children's Rosary group is Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at the first meeting. In this way the groups are under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. Pakistan is one of the areas in the world where we are seeing steady and continued growth of the Children's Rosary especially in the Parish outposts.
Please consider beginning a Children's Rosary at your local parish or school. We have instructional videos that help to explain each step.
Instructional video for a Parish
Instructional video for a School
Please consider beginning a Children's Rosary at your local parish or school. We have instructional videos that help to explain each step.
Instructional video for a Parish
Instructional video for a School
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