Friday, July 5, 2024

Prayers for the Members of the Children's Rosary at the Shrine of La Salette, France

We wanted to share more from our visit to La Salette Shrine in France. The shrine has perpetual Adoration. The Adoration chapel is shown below. Please know the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary were prayed for before the Blessed Sacrament. We also included a picture above of Our Lady of La Salette. Her face has tears running down. She had one apparition in La Salette on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows which at the time was celebrated on September 19. The apparition occurred to two children herding cows in the Alps in 1846. The apparitions are approved by the Church. The two main messages from La Salette involve the call to honor the Holy Name of Jesus and observe the Lord's Day on Sunday. 

One of the last things I did before leaving La Salette was to pray the Stations of the Cross along the way that Our Lady walked during the apparition. 

We had a lovely surprise the last morning as the sky was perfectly clear unlike the prior two days where there was thick fog until afternoon. 

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