
Monday, July 31, 2017

Mass to be Offered on August 1st 2017 for Seminarians

A Mass will be offered tomorrow for all seminarians that they will grow in holiness and lead us all in love. Every month we have a Mass offered for this intention. As our seminarians will be the future shepherds and our children are the future flock, it seemed a beautiful way for the children to help. 

We have been periodically featuring different seminarians on the first of the month by inviting them to share something of themselves - a beautiful sharing of faith and love of Our Lord.

The Seminarian we will feature this month is Collins Ashu. He is attending seminary in the Archdiocese of New York.

He shares:
I am Collins Ashu, born and raised in Cameroon, Africa. I am the 6th child from a family of 8. I moved to the U.S in 2015 and I joined the seminary in the fall of 2016. 

My love for the priesthood actually started when I was 7 years old. The Pastor at my parish was very active and he loved his job. His actions and works made me to admire him and dreamt of being like him one day.  His love for the Scriptures also influenced me a lot. At this age of 7, I was attending CCD classes for my first holy communion. I received Jesus when I was 8 and I grew more deeper in the vocation because that's when I actually confirmed my vocation. I also started serving Mass with this priest at this age.

My family played a great role in my vocational discernment. As a family we had daily morning and evening prayers and for those who would not attend the morning prayers were oblige to go to morning Mass which I usually do. At morning prayers we prayed the psalms 5, this also influenced my love for the Holy Scriptures. My mother dedicated the family under patronage of St. Faustina of the Divine Mercy and so she prayed for me through her intercession.

I had loved praying the rosary. At that age I prayed the rosary though not daily.

Collins also shared our hope to see the Children's Rosary begin in his home country of Cameroon. As we keep featuring seminarians it is interesting to see many, including Collins, first felt drawn to the priesthood at a tender age. In his case between the ages of 7 and 8. These seeds that Our Lord sows in the hearts of men need protection and cultivation. Families are the perfect nurseries for these vocations as one can see in Collins family. One can also imagine a prayer group such as the Children's Rosary might be a help as well. Having an opportunity to come together and pray with other youngsters is an affirmation of ones faith and a support during trials which most certainly come through youth. 

May I humbly ask those reading this to pray for Collins Ashu. These men surely need our prayers. Collins wrote expressing his gratitude for our prayers for him. 

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Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Visit to the National Shrine of St. Kateri

Last Monday we were able to visit the National Shrine of St. Kateri in New York. This was one of our stops on the drive from Illinois to Connecticut. The day was a cool one, unseasonable for July in this area. The kids immediately ran to a small little building to the far right of the St. Peter's Chapel pictured above. When we entered this little structure there stood a statue of St. Kateri. 

The place was cozy and warm with a delightful smell of pine. It was a place one could spend a long time in prayer. Before the statue was a basket for petitions. 

Asher wrote out an intention for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.  

The excitement was high with the kids to explore so after a time we left the tiny chapel which Asher named the Candle Chapel (as there were many candles along the walls) and we resolved to come back before leaving. Our next stop was to do the Stations of the Cross that spread across the open lawn and followed up a hill. 

We heard that one could walk from the edge of where the Stations ended up a dirt path to the village of St. Kateri and the stream where she was baptized. As we began the walk it started to rain. The rain became heavier and the grade steeper. With my joint disability walking on steep inclines is very difficult so we had to turn back.  We were told there was an access to the village by car.
We then stopped at the gift shop meeting a lovely women who welcomed us. We made our way to the St. Peter's Chapel which you see pictured at the top of the post. It was there that we prayed the Rosary. We included in our intentions all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. We then made our way downstairs to view the Indian Museum. The rain had stopped at that point and we had a little lunch we had brought on a picnic bench. While the rest of the gang was finishing their meal Asher helped me to get back into the candle chapel. There we lit some candles and I had some time to pray but not long as a family entered. A mom with four of her 5 children. She shared that the children are quadruplets...all 10 years old. What a happy meeting with children visiting the Shrine. It was a blessed time and I wished not to leave but we had one more stop before heading home, it was the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville, NY. As we pulled out of the driveway of the National Shrine of St. Kateri we circled around the property to see the Indian village of St. Kateri before leaving. 

This was the place we had tried to walk to but the hill was too steep. When we drove to it the access was very easy and the ground level. The village was marked out by stakes (pictured above). There had been some excavation of the location to confirm the identity but now there were no visible structures only a clearing marked by cut grass. Yet in this wooded place with the clearing and a stream running very close one could imagine a village alive with people coming and going. We share these pictures and our visit that you may know you were with us. We prayed for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Little Hands Rescue Mary and Jesus

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Friday, July 28, 2017

Bearing Fruit

Today at daily Mass the Gospel included this passage,"the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirty fold." (Matthew 13:23) The priest at daily Mass asked us to look at our prayer life and ask if it is bearing fruit in our lives.  

His words reminded me of something Fr. Jude had shared Wednesday evening. He had written about the Children's Rosary in his parish in Uganda. He has a Children's Rosary prayer group in the main parish and also in several of the outpost stations of the parish. The picture above is of a Children's Rosary group at Our Lady of Fatima Mwera Parish - Mayirye.  This is one of the outposts at Fr. Jude's Parish. The children had their first meeting on Feb 18th 2017. They meet Saturday and Sunday evenings at 6PM local time. I asked Father Jude to tell me about these children. Did they have anything to share or anything he has observed. 

This is what he shared: "The children feel happy when they pray together. Some have learnt how to lead others in prayer. The parents also are grateful. 
Some have asked to start taking readings during Mass. Others have shown willingness to join religious life. Some encourage their fellow children to recite the rosary when they meet at school. Mother Mary is doing miracles in their respective families. Some things are working out in a miraculous way. Got good results about the fruits of the Rosary from the groups! I'll be informing you. God is good all the time."

Fr. Jude also shared that the numbers in the groups are growing. I asked him if the children are encouraging others to join the Children's Rosary. He answered,
 "In our parish the pastor is so grateful because he is seeing the fruits. It's true they encourage others. That's why the numbers are increasing in all groups."

It is beautiful to see how fertile is the soil in the hearts of these children. Their meetings to pray are indeed fruitful in their lives. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."(Matthew 7:18)

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
A Child's Interview about the Children's Rosary (in Spanish)
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Thursday, July 27, 2017

CMN Conference 2017

Last week we had a Children's Rosary booth at the CMN Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois USA. We drove out as a family from Connecticut to the conference. As I have a joint disability that prevents me from driving our ability to go to events is somewhat limited. But my husband has been so kind as to help us on the trip each year. This was our fourth year attending the CMN. 

Our three kids are invaluable in running the booth. They are pictured above. They help set up and also answer questions from those who want to know more about the Children's Rosary. The View from Heaven map which we handmade out of cloth is a focal point of the booth (you can see it hanging behind the kids).  It shows each group as a light in the night sky. This map is now also an interactive feature on our website 

While we were at the Conference the children were able to lead a Children's Rosary on both Wednesday and Friday mornings. The flowers pictured in the lower right of the photograph above were given to Our Blessed Mother during the Rosary. The children took turns at the end of each decade placing a rose at her feet.  

Please know that at both Rosaries that were held at the Conference we prayed for all the members of the Children's Rosary. So in this way you all were very close to us on this trip.

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Little Hands Rescue Mary and Jesus

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

St. Anne and St. Joachim Pray For Us!

Today is the Memorial of St. Anne and St. Joachim, parents of Our Blessed Mother and grandparents to Jesus.

Recently on our drive back from Chicago we stopped at a parish in Erie, Pennsylvania. The Church is named after St. Stanislaus. This statue of St. Anne and Mary stood near the front of the Church. There was something so dear about how St. Anne was looking over the shoulder of Mary. She was tenderly holding her yet also pointing something out in her book. 

As St. Anne and Joachim are the Patron Saints of Grandparents I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the many grandparents who have  helped guide their children and now grandchildren in faith. Their role is a great one. We have seen this so clearly in the Children's Rosary. Many grandparents have begun groups or helped to bring their grandchildren to meetings. May I humbly say, thank you. The fruits of your prayers and efforts will have lasting effects.  

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
A Grandmother's Experience with the Children's Rosary
The Power of the Prayers of Grandparents
How to Start a Children's Rosary

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mass Offered on July 25th 2017 for Members of the Children's Rosary

A Mass was offered today for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary.  We continue to have a Mass said for the this intention on the 25th of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord that when I wanted to extend thanksgiving to all of you I knew of no better way to express my gratitude.  May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass. 

The picture above is of our new Children's Rosary (Rosario de Niños) en el Santuario de la Misericordia Divina pquia. Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, Resistencia, Chaco - ARGENTINA.  They held their first meeting on June 10th 2017. In the picture above the new group is being Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. In this way the group is under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother. We ask that each new group be Consecrated in this way. The picture below are the flowers the children brought to give Our Blessed Mother during the Rosary. At the end of each decade a child or several children are invited to place roses before Our Blessed Mother.

Twenty-five children attended this first meeting. We welcome them to the Children's Rosary (Rosario de Niños). Please keep them in your prayers and also consider unifying prayers with them. They meet the first Saturday of each month. A full schedule of the meeting times of groups is present on our website: and

The meetings are listed in your local time zone. Meetings also appear as a blue flashing light on our View From Heaven map when the children are meeting in their prayer groups. By clicking "join in prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to the map.

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
"Their Love for God is Great"
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Monday, July 24, 2017

A Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Therese

Last Monday evening we reached Schaumburg, Illinois our destination for the CMN Conference. Tuesday morning was set up for our Children's Rosary booth although the conference would not start to the following day.  The afternoon we had a very special treat. We were able to participate in a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Therese in Darien, Illinois. This is run by the Carmelite order. Upon entering the Shrine one of the most breathtaking sites is this mural on the wall depicting important moments in the life of St. Therese.  Beneath the mural was a collection of relics of St. Therese including bone, flesh, and even dust from her coffin.

As we had driven from Connecticut, we had a car and decided to go a bit early of the buses to the Shrine as we might have some time to explore and also pray. This proved very providential. The heat outside kept us mostly inside and we had time to pray before the relics. Not only were there relics of St. Therese but also her parents who are also saints.

Zelie and Louis Martin taught their children to respect God's providence both in fulfillment and disappointment  This line in their biography caught my attention. For my own small part, my heart has been falling in love more and more with the Providence of God. To see these two beautiful saints impress a respect for God's providence in their children seemed a further confirmation of its great importance. 

Later as the buses arrived we were able to hear a talk about the life of St. Therese. As the children and I together had read her autobiography this year, the stories were fresh in our minds but hearing them again was very special. We were taken through many items that were hers as a child including drawings and clothing she had made. 

We were able to see a room made up just as her room had been in the convent. It even had the door of her room and several items that existed in her real room.  The evening concluded with a Mass celebrated by Fr. Andrew Apostoli CFR. In a special way I prayed for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. You were very close with us there. 

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Friday, July 21, 2017

Visit to Mayville, New York

On Saturday July 15th we began our drive from Connecticut USA to Schaumburg, Illinois for the CMN Catholic Conference.  There we would have a Children's Rosary booth and also help lead the Rosary at the Conference. As the drive is a long one to Illinois from Connecticut, we had the opportunity to stop and visit a Parish that has a Children's Rosary prayer group along the way. The group is at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish in Mayville, New York.  
This is a town in the southwest corner of New York not far from the Pennsylvania border. It is an area with very cold and snowy winters but the summers along Chautauqua lake are magnificent. We had an opportunity to go to Sunday morning Mass at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish in Mayville and also attend Mass on Monday morning before setting out on our journey west. Jon Schmitz, the Children's Rosary group leader for the parish, welcomed us with his lovely life Elizabeth. They are pictured above in front of the statue of Our Lady of Victory. Jon, a historian, gave us the background of the church. It was originally called Our Lady of Victory and was built by Ven. Nelsen Baker a priest on the road to canonization who is responsible for the construction of many Churches in the area. Jon also pointed out that carved in the wooden altar were the names of several of the mysteries of the Rosary. The stained glass windows also depicted many of the mysteries of the Rosary as well. It seemed a beautiful home for the Children's Rosary. We are most grateful to the warm welcome and hospitality of Jon and his wife.
Jon as we mentioned is a historian by profession and shared a great amount of information and background with our children about the area.  We wish to humbly thank both Jon and Elizabeth for all they do to help the Children's Rosary.  We also wish thank Pastor Fr. Remick who also welcomed us warmly to his parish and for his support of the Children's Rosary. 

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Under the Protection of Our Mother
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our
 websiteBy clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Road Trip with Our Blessed Mother

We are taking Our Lady on the road. Destination is the CMN Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois. There we will have a Children's Rosary booth. We will also be leading a Children's Rosary daily at the Conference. 

Please pray for us on this trip. We will have an opportunity to go on a short one day pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Therese on Tuesday July 18th. We will be praying for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary there.

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Avenue of Grace
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our
 website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

New Children's Rosary in Nicaragua

On July 13th a new Children's Rosary (Rosario de Niño) held their first meeting at Our Lady of Fatima chapel (pictured above). 

This is one of the sub-parishes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Ticuantepe. Children's Rosary groups now exist at the main parish of Sacred Heart (Sagrado Corazón del Jesús) and in two of the sub-parishes: Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel and now Our Lady of Fatima Chapel. We welcome these children to the Children's Rosary. The children of this group have chosen to meet on the 13th of the month!

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
"Children from four Families I found Reciting the Rosary"
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Children Reaching Out to Other Children

As tomorrow is July 13th it seemed timely to share these pictures from our Children's Rosary group at Malaybalay Parish Cathedral in the Philippines.  The pictures were taken on May 13 2017. 

The groups leader shares:
"The children brought the Fatima icon to the Monobo tribe children evacuees and taught them how to pray the Rosary". Several other organizations contributed food to feed some 300 children and their parents. 

After the feeding had taken place the Children's Rosary group leader shared, "the Manobo children put Mama Mary on the sidewalk, lighted candles and pray the Rosary. The Rosary prayer was led by the 3 Manobo older children"

It is special to see the children from the Children's Rosary at the Malaybalay Parish Cathedral reaching out to the Manobo children. Recently Pope Francis in a document entitled the Missionary Pastoral Care with Children invites children to have an active role in evangelization. He writes, "This missionary service is carried out through the protagonist role of the children themselves. Jesus himself is the one who has given them a very important mission in the Church and the World."

Please keep these children in your prayers.  They hope to be able to form a Children's Rosary at San Fernando Parish as soon as peace is attained in their area and they are able to return home.

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
The Skies in Alaska are Filled with the Voices of Children Praying
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Sunday, July 9, 2017

First Meeting of the Children's Rosary in Montevideo, Uruguay!

Meet our new Children's Rosary (Rosario de Niños) at Los Pilares School in Montevideo, Uruguay. This group began on June 9th 2017.  They meet each Friday at 12:15 PM local time.  We wish to thank in a special way Mons. Jaime Fuentes, the Bishop of Minas, for all he has done to help initiate this new group as well as the one that exists in the Cathedral Parish in Minas.

We also wish to thank all those who have donated handmade rosaries to the Children's Rosary. We were able to send 400 Rosaries to Mons. Fuentes to help in spreading the Children's Rosary prayer group movement in his Diocese.

Mons. Fuentes shared with us that "since December 8, 2016 we are living in my Diocese a Marian Year".

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Avenue of Grace
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Tune in Today for a Children's Rosary on Radio Maria LIVE

Today at 3PM CT / 4PM ET members of the Children's Rosary will lead a Children's Rosary on Radio Maria. This is something we do on the second Saturday of each month. At the exact time of the the airing there will also be a Children's Rosary group meeting in Cliffside  Park, New Jersey USA.  Please consider unifying prayers with the children meeting in New Jersey and those praying on Radio Maria. You can listen to the prayers live on Radio Maria HERE.
Also please visit our website to click "join in prayer" and add your light to our View from Heaven map. We also ask the Children's Rosary groups when they are meeting to pray for those unifying prayers with them. So in this way when you unify prayers with the children, they are praying for you!

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Where is Your Bible
Resources to Help Begin a Group

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Under the Protection of Our Mother

This past week I was walking in the evening praying the Rosary. The sun had gone down and it was almost dark. There was quiet and some things were coming to mind. Areas where I wish I was better, places in my day to day life with my family where I fall short of all that I hoped I could be as a wife and mother.  It was at that moment that I found great gratitude for being under the protection of Our Blessed Mother. For I trust that with Rosary in hand in prayer She sees my situation and is protecting me and helping me.

The next thought that came to mind were some mother hens at my mom's farm.  This requires a little back story to give you the context of the image that came to mind.  My mom lives on a farm. She has four flocks of chickens. All these chickens she purchased either at a store or farmers co-op when they were only a few day old chicks. Chickens these days at least in the United States have been bred not to have the brooding trait, meaning they no longer know how to sit on eggs. They simply lay an egg and go about their business. My mom has had a few chickens over the years who still had the brooding instinct and sat on eggs but sadly they never hatched as there was no rooster near them.  But this summer there was a rooster and two hens began sitting on eggs.  This process is not quick... it takes weeks. The two hens sat patiently waiting...keeping their eggs warm with wings spread wide to cover them. My daughter was at her grandmother's farms helping when something wonderful happened. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus a chick emerged. It was black with a yellow dot. My mom had not seen the chick. It was my daughter, Alina, who discover the chick as the mother hen had the chick hidden under her wing. 

Normally it is very challenging to raise baby chicks, one must keep the temperature over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet the mother hen was doing everything. My mom put her hand under the hen and she said it was very hot. My mom and Alina quickly went to the store to get the special chick food. But when they first put it out the mother hen pushed it away. She had chewed something up herself and was giving it to the chick. Again the mother hen knew best. She had it covered. Several other chicks hatched. All were tucked safely under their mother's wing obscured from site.  Alina was lucky to catch some moments when the chick emerged to snap a few pictures. 

So it was this image of the mother hen with her little chick under her wing that came to mind as I was praying. I felt in prayer Our Blessed Mother was reminding me of the mother hen. She was showing me through nature how this weak little chick is protected in such a tender way by its mother. 
How much more, I thought, must we be protected under Our Blessed Mother's mantle.  

Other Posts You May Enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary
Where is Your Bible
Resources to Help Begin a Group

Don't forget to unify prayers with the children during their meetings. A schedule of meetings is present on our website. By clicking "Join in Prayer" you can add your gold flashing light to our View from Heaven map.

For more information about the Children's Rosary visit our website:
Visite nuestro sitio web en español para obtener más información:

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Mass Offered on July 1, 2017 for Renewal of Family Prayer

A Mass was offered today for Renewal of Family Prayer through the Capuchin Missions. This is something we do on the first Saturday of every month. The children also pray for renewal of family prayer in their prayer groups. In addition, over 780 individual 9 day novenas have been said by members oft the Children's Rosary to different saints also asking for renewal of family prayer.  Why so much attention and prayer for this topic?  

The Children's Rosary is not an intercessory prayer group, meaning its purpose is not to pray for intentions, rather it is a prayer group for children which helps support their prayer lives. Yet one cannot ignore the importance of prayer in the family.  Saints throughout history have championed prayer in the family.  The famous saying coined by Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peyton summaries it so beautifully, "The family that prays together stays together".  And so to keep and strengthen our families we pray for them. We hope that the prayer the children experience in their prayer groups will blossom into a richer prayer life in their homes.  Many members of the Children's Rosary have shared how this is happening in their families.

The picture above is a new Children's Rosary in Uganda. They are the Children's Rosary of Our Lady of Fatima Parish - Mawanda. This is one of the sub-parishes of Our Lady of Fatima Mwera. 

This new group meets to pray the Rosary every day together at 7:30 PM local time. They began with 42 members but now the numbers are growing to 52 members. Please consider unifying in prayer with them. A complete schedule of meetings each day is posted on our site in your local time zone:
The children are asked to pray for those unifying prayers with them so gather your family and unify prayers. Click "join in prayer" on our website and we will be able to see your gold flashing light on our "View from Heaven" map.

May I also thank all those who send the Children's Rosary handmade Rosaries. As you can see these Rosaries are put to good use. The need is great and we have seen a large increase in requests from individuals around the world wanting to begin Children's Rosary prayer groups.  Many children are currently waiting to get a Rosary so if you make Rosaries or know someone who does please let them know of our need.  Rosaries can be sent to: 

Children's Rosary
Po Box 271743 
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA

Thank you all!