
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Materials leave for Emmaus Catholic Mission Today!

Today a package was sent out to Emmaus Catholic Mission in Hola, Kenya. We received word from Fr. Nasamaka that he hopes to initiate a Children's Rosary there during the first weekend in Advent. He hopes to begin groups at St. Joseph Primary School and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Emmaus. As Christmas approaches, it is exciting to imagine bringing these new Children's Rosary groups to the Baby Jesus.

We have a list of individuals in various parts of the world who want to begin groups but need materials. If you would like to sponsor a package many children would be very grateful.

Donations can be made electronically HERE.
Checks can also be made out to Children's Rosary and sent to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA

Thank you for your generosity and kindness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm also making the assumption that you don't have any relatives or friends here who could help with the childcare.

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