
Monday, December 22, 2014

Children's Rosary to Air on Holy Spirit Radio

The Children's Rosary received a beautiful surprise.  After a great many prayers from members all around the world that we would be able to bring the Children's Rosary to the airwaves, good news comes just before Christmas.  Holy Spirit Radio, which airs in regions of Pennsylvania USA (Philadelphia/Doyleston area on WISP 1570 AM, Coatsville/Chester County WCOJ 1420 AM and live online), wrote to us that our Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary led by the children will air on three days during their 3PM Holy Hour.  The dates which were chosen are beautiful:

Sunday December 28th Feast of the Holy Family
Monday December 29th (OM) St. Thomas Becket
Monday January 5th (M) St. John Neumann

While we have released the Glorious and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary led by the children on CD we have yet to release the Luminous or Joyful.  These we hope to release in the spring of 2015 as we are still recording some original music which we hope to include on the CDs.  However the Rosary tracks led by the children set to beautiful instrumental music are complete and available to radio stations who would like to air them.  There is something special about the voices of young children praying. Through their innocence their voices touch hearts in a very special way.  

December 28th will mark the first time the children's recordings of the Joyful mysteries will be heard. 

Taking this gift of the three airings to prayer one begins to see there is a treasure of beautiful tiny gifts packed into this package of three. Our Lord in His wisdom hands out these gifts after much prayer and sacrifice that we may savor each one, carefully looking at it and appreciating each facet. Praying about it further one sees how carefully and deliberately He selected the gifts that are given.  
The Feast of the Holy Family is a most glorious date to to have been given for our first full airing of the Children's Rosary Joyful Mysteries.  The Feast of the Holy Family usually is celebrated on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year. A little know fact about the Children's Rosary is that the first meeting of the Children's Rosary was held in 2011 in a chapel named after the Holy Family.  Many are aware of the name of the parish (St. Thomas the Apostle) but few are aware that the lower chapel where the children met is actually named after the Holy Family. It is beautiful to contemplate Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus leading our children in their journey of prayer. Indeed as each child, together with other little ones, prays and contemplates the life of Jesus in the mysteries of the Rosary, they come to know and love Our Lord and their heavenly family.  The love within this Holy Family embracing them and leads them in love which flows into their own families at home.   

The 28th of December is also a special day as it remembers the Holy Innocents that were killed as Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt with the baby Jesus.  Indeed a reminder of the important role little children played in the life of Our Lord. 

December 29th the Eastern Church remembers the Holy Innocents.  It is is a Monday within the Octave of Christmas.  It is also an optional memorial of St. Thomas Becket.  He was an English Bishop who was martyred. St. Thomas was known for his love of Our Lady, his piety and generosity to the poor. All beautiful qualities to mirror. Interestingly he was born on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. 
January 5th is the Memorial of St. John Neumann.  Originally from Bohemia in Europe he traveled to the United States to become ordained a priest as there were so many priests in his home region that the local Bishop had decided not to ordain any more priests for a period of time.  As St. John Neumann could find no Bishop in Europe to ordain him he traveled across the Atlantic to New York.  His desire to reach out to all individuals drew him to learn 6 languages so that he could offer the sacrament of reconciliation to diverse group of people.  He also was committed to Catholic Education of young people and helped to open many Catholic schools throughout the United States. He would become Bishop of Philadelphia which interestingly is the city where our Children's Rosary will air on his Feast.  We have found St. John Neumann to be a powerful intercessor for the Children's Rosary with many little blessings occurring throughout our journey. 

Indeed there are so many special things about these dates.  As one spends more time in prayer and reading, more and more connections are made.  That is the beauty of Our Lord His gifts are rich in meaning and show us that He is watching over every detail.  

May we humbly ask all who are reading this to request that your local radio stations air the Children's Rosary near you. We make available all the Children's Rosary recordings free to the stations to air. Please direct then to our site and also ask them to email us at

Thank you so much.  Please know that you are in our prayers.

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