
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Words From the Children Wednesdays

Answering the Question:
Why is the Children's Rosary Important

Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our 
contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Matthew age 5 who is a member of the Children's Rosary.  Matthew is also as you can see a big fan of baseball!

Matthew and his brother are helping to begin a new Children's Rosary in their parish in West Hartford, CT USA. 

As the month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary the picture seemed to beautifully show how the children love Our Lady so much and wish to honor her. 

A special thank you to Matthew for such a beautiful drawing of Our Lady and her heart.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mass Offered Today for Members of the Children's Rosary

John Paul II during Mass in New Orleans, USA 1987
 photo credit: Times Picayune
A Mass was offered today by the Capuchin Friars for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all those who help the Children's Rosary.  We will continue to have a Mass said for the this intention on the 25th of each month.

Thank you all for your efforts with the Children's Rosary.  May Our Lord bless you all!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Children's Rosary Tomorrow at St. Thomas Church

The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT will meet tomorrow at 11 AM ET. There will be a small reception after the Rosary provided by the Legions of Mary.  Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying their prayers with them.  Recently we have heard some beautiful feedback from those who have unified their prayers with the children.  Truly it is a wonderful thing to have your prayers ushered up to heaven by these little ones.

Reflections from the Children's Rosary in Nairobi, Kenya

The Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi, Kenya met on August 17th this month.  They continue to enjoy a wonderful turnout for their meetings.  Many of the children are still learning the Rosary.  We thank Our Blessed Mother for the gift of these precious children who by their witness of faith inspire so many of us.  

The Church was beautifully decorated in honor of Our Lady's Feast of the Assumption.  

Friday, August 23, 2013

Children's Rosary to Join the International Prayer and Fasting Campaign

The Children's Rosary has been invited to lead a Rosary and participate in the procession of nations at the Eucharistic Prayer Vigil at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC September 21st 2013.  This represents the kick off event for the 21st International Prayer and Fasting Campaign.  The Prayer Vigil will begin at the Basilica at 9AM with Adoration all day and Holy Mass at noon.  There will also be confessions available. 

Pope John Paul II strongly supported this prayer and fasting initiative conveying an Apostolic Blessing going forward to all who participate in the annual week of prayer and fasting.

Any children who would like to help in leading a Rosary at the Basilica are invited to join us.  Please contact Blythe Kaufman for more information:

We hope many of you will consider offering prayers and fasting from Sept 21st through Sept 29th for the three main intentions of the week:

Conversion of Nations
To Build a "Culture of Life"
For Peace throughout the World.

More information about the days events and the week of prayer and fasting click here.

"As a pledge of an abundance of Divine Blessings upon You and Yours, I paternally impart to all participants of the International Week of Prayer and Fasting My Most Heartfelt Apostolic Blessing!"-Pope John Paul II, October 1, 2001

Recent Interview About the Children's Rosary on Ave Maria Radio

Dear Friends,

We were so blessed with the opportunity to speak with Teresa Tomeo the host of Catholic Connection about the Children's Rosary this week.  Her show is broadcast by Ave Maria Radio and is also carried on EWTN Radio and many radio stations across the US and beyond.   
The interview can be heard on the link provided below.  The entire one hour radio show is present.  The portion regarding the Children's Rosary can be heard between minutes 39 to 57.  There is a short introduction of about 1 minute before you are able to scroll ahead to the segment.

 Listen to the Interview by Clicking here

Children's Rosary Logo

Introducing Our Children's Rosary logo:

Some of you may have seen this logo at the CMN Conference as the children were giving out stickers with our new design.  Today was the first day I was given the image for our blog.  What is so perfect about the logo is that Our Lady is in the Center.  She is at the heart of the Movement  leading us all to her Son through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  It is also perfect that a child drew the picture of Our Lady as this movement is composed of children and led by children.  

Thank you all and know that you are in our prayers.

God Bless!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Words From the Children Wednesdays

Answering the Question:
Why is the Children's Rosary Important

Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our 
contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Emma age 11 who is a member of the Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT USA.  (This is also the Parish where Ven. Father McGivney who founded the Knights of Columbus was assigned during his short life).

Emma helped begin the Children's Rosary at St Thomas Parish with her  grandmother.  They have chosen to hold their meetings weekly which has been a tremendous blessing for the group. 

Tomorrow we celebrate the Queenship of Mary and Emma's picture seemed to beautifully honor Our Mother Mary who is Queen of Heaven and Earth. The Children's Rosary helps to bring our Children to Our Heavenly Mother and through the prayers of the Rosary a true love develops within the children for their Blessed Mother.  It is a beautiful thing to see in our sweet children.

A special thank you to Emma for her inspiring drawing.  

God Bless you all!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Children's Rosary Book Now Available To Order on EWTN Catalogue

Dear  Friends,
The Children's Rosary book as many of you may know was previously available to order through Neumann Press but upon the death of their founder Dennis McCoy the Press closed and the Children's Rosary book was temporarily unable to be ordered. After many months of prayers by all of you and the children it is with great joy that I share with you some beautiful news.  The Children's Rosary book is now being printed by the vocational students at the American School for the Deaf.   Each book passing through the hands of a young person or child.  Made with the love and tenderness that comes from an excited student learning anew how to make something precious for someone else.  The story does not end here.  The next question was how will this book would be distributed and made available to those who would like to order it.

Today the book is available to order through EWTN Catalogue!   The book is also being offered in two ways: both individually and in packs of 10 at a discounted price.
Individual book orders through EWTN in English click here
Ten pack book orders through EWTN in English click here
Individual book orders through EWTN in Spanish click here
Ten pack book orders through EWTN in Spanish click here

Children's Rosary books available to order through the EWTN Religious Catalogue in Great Britain
Individual book orders in English click here
Ten pack book orders in English click here

Full Description of the Book:

Children's Rosary A Prayer Group Movement for Children By Blythe Marie Kaufman, DMD MDS. This booklet contains all twenty mysteries of the Rosary with original illustrations for children and a special preface by Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford, CT. By means of the Holy Rosary our children will be guided to safety and holiness under the protection of our Blessed Mother. This beautiful little book has a complete explanation on how to start a Children's Rosary prayer group, step by step, including guidelines and the prayers of the rosary. It is also ideally suited to be used by children in prayer of the Holy Rosary. 32 pages, pamphlet style paperback, 4" x 5.5" size

The books are also available at many bookstores and on our website.  For a list of the bookstores please click here.

Bookstores interested in ordering books for their catalogue or store should contact Blythe Kaufman at or by phone at 860 561 4881 for more information.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Radio Interview Tomorrow About the Children's Rosary

Tune in Tomorrow morning at 9:39 AM ET on AVE MARIA Radio.  There will be a live interview on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo to Discuss the Children's Rosary.

Many radio stations carry this syndicated show across the US but it can also be heard at the Ave Maria website streaming live. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Priest and His Rosary Make National News

On August 4th Katie Lentz was in a horrible car accident that left her trapped in her car.  Rescuers arrived and were unable to pull her from the damaged car. For hours they struggled to free her.  The area was blocked off and no one was allowed to approach the scene unless they were involved in the rescue.  While Katie was trapped in her car she asked those present to pray with her.  Then rescue workers say they saw a priest approach the car anoint her and quietly step to the side with a rosary in hand and prayed for her.  More efforts proved successful and Katie was pulled from the mangled car.  She was airlifted to a medical center.  When the rescuers later looked for the priest he was gone.  Some speculated it was an angel, a Saint or Jesus himself.  Days later the identity of the priest was revealed when he was reading the National Catholic Register and posted a comment identifying himself as the priest.    
He is Father Patrick Dowling from the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri.  He was driving when he saw emergency vehicles.  He walked up and spoke to the Sherif who gave him permission to enter the scene.  He went to Katie trapped in the car and anointed her providing absolution and then took up his Rosary to pray for her.  Humbly Fr. Dowling was quick to point out to the Catholic News Agency that he was one of many who were praying for Katie's safety. 

This story has taken the attention of many in the US and beyond.  It is a beautiful good samaritan story.  It is a wonderful thing when a person’s actions are so pure that they are mistaken for an angel or Our Lord Himself.  Fr. Dowling was quick to pull out his Rosary which was clearly handy in his pocket.  The Rosary and Our Lady are always leading us to become more like her Son through the frequent time spent with her contemplating Jesus’ life. As Pope John Paul II was fond of quoting from Bl Bartolo Longo “Just as two friends, frequently in each other’s company, tend to develop similar habits, so too, by holding familiar converse with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, by meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and by living the same life in Holy Communion, we can become, to the extent of our lowliness, similar to them and can learn from these supreme models a life of humility, poverty, hiddenness, patience and perfection.” We thank Our Lord this day for our wonderful Shepherds who give of themselves and minister to us as Fr. Dowling so beautifully did for Katie. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Two Children's Rosary Groups To Meet Tomorrow


The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas in Thomaston, CT USA will hold their weekly Rosary at 11AM ET this Sunday with a small reception to follow provided by members of the Legions of Mary.

The Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Hopkinton, MA USA will have their monthly Rosary at 11:15 ET. 

Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home.  The children always pray for those unifying their prayers with them.

Thank you all and God Bless

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today the gospel reading at Mass was from the Visitation.  It so beautifully includes the scripture that appears in the Magnificat prayer.  One of the members of the Children's Rosary sent in a beautiful picture of the Visitation and it seemed a perfect day to include it on Our Lady's Feast.  Grace wrote in her little prayer to Our Lady:

"Thank you, Mary for listening and bringing my prayers to Jesus. Thank you also for being Jesus' Mother and my Mother in Heaven".  

Grace and her family helped to begin a Children's Rosary at St. Agnes Church in Naples, Florida USA.

Persevere Our Lady is Here to Help Us

May I share with you a happy story that I hope you will enjoy.  

During the spring a lovely older women called me who happened to see the article about the Children's Rosary in the Catholic Transcript and wanted to help bring it to her parish.  Her Church interestingly is called St. Thomas the Apostle just like the Church where the first Children's Rosary began.  Her parish is located in Oxford, CT a relatively rural town.  She was a sweet older women who had a strong devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary and also a love of children.  She had been a teacher for many years.  Her voice quivered as she spoke and suggested that she might even have great grandchildren.  She was extremely positive and I immediately sent her out several books to help her get started.  However when she called me several weeks later she was a bit discouraged.  Things hadn't progressed.  She kept asking for prayers for her to find a voice and to know who to ask as this was very difficult for her.  This is when I added her name to the intention list which I send out to all the group leaders to place before the children.  Some of you may recognize her name Nancy Lee Modorno.  A few weeks later I called her to let her know the children had been praying for her and she seemed even more discouraged and sad.  She did say she was so grateful for the prayers as she lives alone and knew of no other person in the world praying for her.  
Statue of St. Thomas in Oxford

Many months went by and I remember saying to my husband that if anything happens with that Parish it will truly be through prayer and the Hand of God.  Just before leaving for the CMN conference almost two weeks ago there seemed to be a string of discouraging news.  Several group leaders mentioned that their summer meetings had been small or that only the host family was there.  Another group was suffering problems in their parish.  I remember the day there was a moment when I began to doubt.  It actually surprised me how easily the doubt snuck in.  It lasted not that long but I was aware of it.  Then the email was a posting left on the blog.  It began:

Hello, Ms. Kaufman:
Nancy Modorno of St. Thomas the Apostle in Oxford talked me yesterday about your book and movement. I am the new director of faith formation here. Have you found a printer yet for your books? Our December session focuses on Mary and Christ's birth and I'd love to incorporate this somehow if the resources are available. Also, how much are the booklets? Thanks you! Angela Arpino

Nancy Lee had found her voice.  By my own admission I had said that only through prayer and the Hand of God would this happen.  Our Lady knew that in an instant I would know what this meant.  It was the sign from Our Lord to say do not give up..have faith.. all will be okay... He is in control.  I think this was meant to give hope to not just myself but all of you. Recently I heard a quote from Mother Theresa.  A reporter asked her while she was alive if she thought she was successful.  She replied God did not call me to be successful but He called me to be faithful.  As I think of the groups who go every month and no other children show up I am reminded of Our Blessed Mother who stood by her Son on the Cross.  When we try to bring souls especially children to Our Lord and Our Lady but no one comes we must not lose hope instead unify that feeling to those feeling of Our Lord on the Cross when he was calling souls and so few came to be with Him.  In July no children other than my own came to the Rosary we held at our parish.  I felt the discouragement and know what that feels like.  I am writing to say it is okay to feel this but know that many graces and blessing are being poured down on you even if you are standing alone before our Lord trying to bring Him souls.

When I spoke to Nancy Lee today she had a different spirit.. it was hopeful.  She felt the power of the prayers and she felt that Angela was a prayer answered.  This new faith formation director had just been brought in and was very receptive to the Children's Rosary.  What Nancy Lee did say was that starting tomorrow she was going to start saying a special Rosary every day at the Church and hoped to say it in the special grotto to Our Lady of Fatima that exists on the Church property built by mothers many decades ago. She thought by her presence she might helped to bring an increased awareness of the rosary back to the Church and might even meet some more people who might help get the group going with the help of the new faith formation director.  Nancy Lee told me that the day she finally decided to go to the rectory to ask again about the Children's Rosary she felt a renewed spirit of courage and hope.  She had 19 extra heads of lettuce she grew in her garden and washed them all carefully and decided to bring them to the rectory.  Upon presenting the gifts she found the new director there.  It was through hard work, perseverance, and the power of prayer that she found her voice and a receptive ear.  Nancy Lee gave me permission to share this story with you.

Thank you all for all your prayers as this story is the fruit of your prayers and those of the children.  Some of you have not encountered problems with children not coming to the meetings.  We thank the Lord for each child that comes and joins us in prayer.  For those of you who struggle with attendance please do not lose hope.  The Children's Rosary means to cover you in prayers and your family.  May we bring a great many souls to Our Lord especially those of children.  For as it was said in the Gospel this week "so it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish" (Matthew 18:14) We are here to help Our Lady and Our Lord so that no one especially our children are lost.  Your efforts have not gone unnoticed in heaven.  

Thank you all,

Your Friend in Christ

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Words From the Children Wednesdays

Answering the Question:
Why is the Children's Rosary Important

Two week ago we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our 
contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Vera age 8 who helped to begin the Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Adrian, Michigan USA with her mother and siblings.   As this week we celebrate the Assumption of Mary it seemed fitting to feature one of the pictures which honors Our Mother. Who better to help our children reach her Son then Our Blessed Mother.  Who would want to be separated from her.  It is with her Rosary that she keeps a tight and protective hold on our children anchoring them always to the cross and her Son.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pope Francis to Consecrate the Whole World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Important news posted by the official website of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, in Fatima, Portugal:

In response to the desire of Holy Father Francis, the Statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, venerated in the Little Chapel of Apparitions, will be brought to Rome on October 12/13 to be present at the Marian Day promoted by the Pontifical Council for the
Promotion of the New Evangelization. On October 13, next to the Statue of Our Lady, Pope Francis will make the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Marian Day is one of the great pontifical events marked down on the calendar of celebrations of the Year of Faith which will bring to Rome hundreds of movements and institutions connoted with Marian devotion.

In a letter addressed to Bishop Antonio Marto, of Leiria-Fatima, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, Cardinal Rino Fisichella, informs that “all ecclesial entities of Marian spirituality” are invited to take part in this Marian day, a gathering which includes, on the 12th, a pilgrimage to the tomb of Apostle St. Peter and other moments of prayer and meditation and, on the 13th, a Mass presided over by Pope Francis, in St. Peter’s Square.

In that letter, Cardinal Fisichella wrote: “The Holy Father strongly desires that the Marian Day may have present, as a special sign, one of the most significant Marian icons for Christians throughout the world and, for that reason, we thought of the beloved original Statue of Our Lady of Fatima”.

Therefore, the Statue of Our Lady will depart from the Shrine of Fatima on the morning of October 12 and return on the afternoon of October 13. Scheduled to take its place in the Little Chapel of Apparitions is the first Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which is enthroned in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary since December 8, 2003.
[Source: Santuário de Fátima]

You may also like the following posts:
Pope Francis and the Rosary

Pope Francis Urges Families to Pray the Rosary

How to Start a Children's Rosary

Monday, August 12, 2013

A True Mission Story of Faith

Recently a dear friend came over for dinner.  With our family around the table he shared a true story he experienced in Mexico some years ago.   As a priest and missionary he was living for over 20 years in Mexico and Central America.  Regularly he would travel several hours to remote towns to celebrate Mass.  During one trip something unusual happened.  When he entered the Church he discovered that they had no supplies for Mass and worse yet they were expecting him to bring them.  He asked if Jesus was present in the Church and the women in charge answered, yes.  He then suggested that they have a communion service.  She responded that they knew what a communion service was and many had traveled from the mountains and wanted to attend Holy Mass.  It had been at least 4 months since Mass had been celebrated in their village.  

Quickly he began asking those gathered if a cup could be brought and wine.  Someone raised their hand and said they had a bit of wine and a cup.  Linens were found.  Then Father asked for an unconsecrated host.  Oh, they said we do not have one as it would spoil here.  Without an unconsecrated host there could be no sacrifice.  Consecrated hosts could not be used.  With little alternative he told all gathered to kneel and pray to Jesus and ask Jesus to provide the host.  He too turned and knelt in front of the tabernacle and began to pray for an unconsecrated host.  Silently he asked Our Lord to provide.  These people had gathered and desired not clothes nor food both of which they had little but rather they desired to receive Our Lord and attend Holy Mass.   Father turned around at one point to see the entire Church kneeling with heads bowed in prayer, even the tiny children were kneeling in fervent prayer.  Oh he thought, if nothing happens would this destroy the faith of this town.  As he continued to pray his mind began to wander, it found its way to a story. ..the story of Jesus and the apostles when a coin is needed to pay the tax. Jesus sends Peter to "go to the sea and cast a hook, and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel; take that and give it to them for me and for yourself."(Matthew 17:27)

As Father's mind reflected on the story he stopped himself and chided himself saying, stop daydreaming and pray.  Then it occurred to him that he should not disregard these thoughts.  Oh yes he realized.. the answer would come from scripture.  He had to think a moment.

Then he knew.  He called the women over who was helping him and asked if there was a book in the sacristy.  She answered yes the book was the only thing in the room.  He instructed her to go and fan the pages of the book and hold it upside down.  She looked at him strangely and went into the room.  Moments later there was a scream.  She came to the door of the sacristy holding a host.  She was screaming the host was in the book.  All the people began to cheer.  

This is a true story and Father gave me permission to share this story with you today.  I wrote to him and asked if I might share this beautiful mission story as the Gospel today was from Matthew 17 and recounted the finding of the coin in the fish.  When so often our faith is tested and there are flickers of doubt may we be reminded that "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). May I humbly ask for your prayers for a situation which in many ways seems without a clear earthly solution.  On July 19th the children carried a package containing a statue of Our Lady and 100 Rosaries and sent them on a great journey to the country of Timor Leste in Southeast Asia where two new Children's Rosary groups are forming.  Weekly I have been checking with Abel the new group leader there who is waiting to have their first meetings until he receives the rosaries.  Each week he has package.  Today we tracked the package to Indonesia where records indicate it arrived on July 24th and hasn't moved for close to three weeks.  The postal workers indicated that since the package has left the US we have no control over its movements.  There is simply nothing to do but pray.  With Our Lady's Feast of the Assumption on Thursday I would like to humbly ask those reading this to pray one Hail Mary and to ask Our Lord as a present to His Mother on her Feast to bring the package to light in the warehouse and send it on its way so that His Mother may have two new Children's Rosary groups. 

Thank you all for your prayers and God Bless!

CMN Raffle Results

At the Catholic Marketing Network Conference we met many wonderful people and those who stopped by our booth and signed in or gave us their business card were entered in a Raffle.  The prize was a Mass to be said on the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, August 15th, for the winner and their family.  

The individual randomly chosen by my 6 year old son was......

Laura Ricketts

Laura is a wife and homeschooling mother who also works for the Guiding Star Project. 

The Mass has been requested through the Capuchin Mission office and will be celebrated on Our Lady's Feast this Thursday.

CMN Trade Show

Thank you all for your prayers while we were at the CMN Trade Show.
The Children's Rosary was blessed to be at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey from August 7th-9th.  We began each day with the Rosary and Holy Mass.  The Blessed Sacrament was processed in the morning to the small chapel at the Convention Center and adoration was available all day along with Confession. 

The Trade Show was full of wonderful people with different ministries and many individuals attending who own bookstores.  We all felt tremendously blessed to meet so many who give their lives to spreading the Word of Our Lord through their bookstores.  They take the beautiful step of giving of themselves daily so others might come closer to Our Lord in the many devotional materials and religious gifts they sell. 

We are so grateful to the many who prayed for our trip.  We felt the power of those prayers.  We also prayed for you at the Trade Show.  Thank you to all the children who sent in artwork.  As you can see from the photo we had all the pictures laminated and displayed throughout the booth.  Through your words and drawing you gave a powerful voice to the Children's Rosary.  It was so important that it be the children's words helping to spread the movement. The children were also able to lead a Rosary on the closing day of the Conference which was a particularly special blessing.

In the coming weeks I would like to highlight some of the wonderful people we met and work they are doing in ministries and apostolates.  We too were able to share the Children's Rosary Prayer Group Movement and many bookstores generously placed orders to carry our Children's Rosary book in their stores.  A list can be found here. Others in the media also expressed interest in helping to spread this movement across the US and beyond.  

Despite the long days which began at 6AM and finished long after the children's normal bedtime the children enjoyed their time at the Conference.  They particularly liked having their picture taken with Pope Francis.

The Children's Rosary Book is Available to Order!

The Children's Rosary book as many of you may know was previously available to order through Neumann Press but upon the death of their founder Dennis McCoy the Press closed and the Children's Rosary book was temporarily unable to be ordered. Through a wonderful blessing a printer was found at the American School for the Deaf.  The students attending the school work in the print shop and learn the wonderful skill of printing.  Seeing the students I realized that Our Lady had sent us once again to her dear children to answer the need.  So often Our Lady finds the young and the humble to heal that which is tired in this world.  It is a wonderful thing to know that the Children's Rosary books are made by the beautiful students at the American School for the Deaf.   Thank you Blessed Mother for always helping your children and providing for us in the most beautiful way.

The Children's Rosary books are available to order on the EWTN Catalogue. The book is also being offered in two ways: both individually and in packs of 10 at a discounted price. Please excuse that the photo has not been uploaded yet EWTN is in the process of doing this.  If you find that the book is out of stock please still put in the order. They are re-stocked very quickly and orders will be filled promptly.

Click here to order an individual book through EWTN.
Click here to order ten packs of books at a discounted rate through EWTN.

For those who would like copies of the Children’s Rosary book but are financially unable to purchase them, please contact us and with the help of donations we will make every effort to provide books to those who would like them.  If you would like to donate to the Children’s Rosary we would also welcome this support.  Donations can be make electronically through the button on the side margin or sent to us.
We thank you all for your wonderful support and prayers.  

The Children's Rosary book can also be purchased at the following bookstores:
(Bookstore owners interested in carrying or ordering books should contact Blythe Kaufman at or 860 561-4881)
Our Lady's Gifts
1629 Columbia St
San Diego, CA 92101

St. Anthony Book and Gift
142 Main St
Derby, CT 06483

San Miguel Catholic Store
4481 Lake Worth Rd
Lake Worth Corridor (West Palm Beach) FL 33461

101 S. Side Square
Macomb, IL 61455

Two Hearts
New Lenox, IL 60451

Mary's Children's Bookstore
8220 West State Road 48
Bloomington, IN 47404

Benedictine Gifts and Book Shop
2612 Wilkens Ave
Baltimore, MD 21223

Our Lady Center Bookstore
3301 S. Rogers Ave
Ellicot City, MD 21043

St John Portico Book and Gifts
43 Monroe St.
Westminster MD 21157

St Patrick's Books & Gifts 
25 Birch Ave. S.
Maple Lake, MN 55358

New Jersey
Touch of Heaven Bookstore
2427 Lemoine Ave
Fort Lee, NJ 07024

New York
McCarthy's Emporium
124 No. Union St
Oleans, NY 14760

Our Lady of Victory Gift Shop
767 Ridge Rd 
Lackawanna, NY 14218

North Carolina
St. Mary Parish Bookstore
412 Ann St.
Wilmington NC 28401

Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics
PO Box 128
2291 ST. Johns Rd 
Maria Stein, OH 45860

St. Andrew Abby Bookstore
10510 Buckeye Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44104

Bless Our Faith Gifts
705 south Warren Ave
Mavern, PA 19355-3411

St. Ann Gift Shop
Midland, TX 79701

St. James Cathedral bookstore  
Seattle, WA