
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Consider Donating Rosary Beads to the Children's Rosary

A member of the Children's Rosary praying with rosaries
handmade by a religious eduction class and donated to the Children's Rosary
The Children's Rosary is a prayer group movement for children.  Children's Rosary groups are sprinkled across the United States and are spreading into other countries.  As new Children's Rosary groups form we make every effort to help them if they are in need of rosaries or supplies.  The Lord has blessed us with new groups forming.  Most recently we sent 25 rosaries to a new group which is forming in Kenya.  Some of the rosaries which were sent were made by children, others by a member of the Knights of Columbus and a few others were ones our Children's Rosary group in West Hartford, CT were using.  Last week after praying the Rosary following daily Mass one of the women who prays with us mentioned that she receives free rosaries in the mail frequently and did not know what to do with them.  I told her that the Children's Rosary could really use them. Often when children come to the Children's Rosary prayer meetings they don't have rosaries of their own.  After using the rosaries we provide during the meetings they ask if they can take them home.  It gives us great joy to see children and adults asking to bring a rosary home to use in prayer alone or as a family.

  • Maybe you have extra Rosary beads in a drawer or are like our friend who receives rosaries in the mail free.  
  • Maybe you have a youth group or religious education group looking for an activity to help others and would like to make rosaries.
  • Maybe you have a relative who passed away and in going through their belongings you find rosaries or other religious items.  

Please prayerfully consider sending these extra rosaries to the Children's Rosary at:

Children's Rosary 
PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT 06127 USA

Additional contact information:

In thanksgiving to all those who through their efforts help the Children's Rosary we would like to give you a special gift.  Each month a Mass will be offered for all those who help the Children's Rosary in any way and for all members of the Children's Rosary.

*Please note if you are in need of rosary beads please contact us and we will make every effort to help you.

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