
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Meeting of the Children's Rosary in Friday Harbor, WA

On October 7th, The Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, a new group of children met to begin a prayer group.  The children met after the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass just after 10AM PST.  This was the exact time the Children's Rosary was meeting in West Hartford CT USA.  We did not intentionally try to have the two children's rosary groups praying at the same time.  But several days before the Feast we realized that both groups were set to meet at the same time.  It was a beautiful blessing for the groups to know that they were sharing an experience with children on the other side of the country.

As the children who attended the new children's rosary are a mix of both Spanish and English speakers they had a bilingual rosary: alternating decades in Spanish and English.

One of the wonderful traditions of the children's rosary groups is to have roses for the rosary.  As a decade is completed the smallest children or those unable to lead a decade are asked to place a rose at the foot of Our Blessed Mother.  We then say: "Mary we humbly place this rose at your feet and ask for the grace of.... Faith"(In the case of the First Glorious Mystery).  In this way even the smallest children or those older children with special needs feel like they are able to show their love for Our Blessed Mother even if they are unable to use words.  It is also a wonderful way for the children to learn the beautiful fruits that one is granted by saying each decade of the rosary.

In the coming days the regular monthly time of the Children's Rosary in Friday Harbor will be posted.
We thank Our Lady for such a special gift to have two active children's rosary groups like extended hands reaching across the United States.  We pray that by Our Lady's Feast next year children's rosary groups will spread even further across the globe and everywhere in between.

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