
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Children's Rosary Trip to France

 Dear Friends,

On Friday June 28, Asher and I arrived in Paris. This is kicking off a two week trip promoting the Children's Rosary in France. Our first stop was Paris. We were able to go to Mass Friday evening at St Louis d'Antin Church in Paris (photo above).
This Church has confession from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 365 days a year. They have 7 Masses daily during the winter and 6 daily in the summer. We had met Fr. Elie-Marie Haby in Rome two years ago, and this is his parish. The Church is exquisite, and at the end of each Mass the celebrant approaches a statue of Mary and sings Salve Regina in Latin accompanied by the congregation. It is a beautiful sight to behold. 

Saturday brought the wonderful grace of visiting the Librairie Téqui (a Catholic bookstore in Paris) and meeting Tristan de Carné. We look forward to a collaboration with him. 

This was followed by the ordination of 6 priests from the Archdiocese of Paris at St. Sulpice Church. 

Asher and I were able to have a blessing by each of the newly ordained priests. This event provided a wonderful opportunity to meet dozens of priests from Paris. As many of them did not speak English, Asher was able to explain about the Children's Rosary in French, and we had many French Children's Rosary books on hand to share with them. The afternoon brought with it a visit to the Sanctuary of the Miraculous Medal. The incorrupt body of St. Catherine Labouré was also present for veneration. We attended Mass. Please know that in the Chapel at the Sanctuary I prayed for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all who help the Children's Rosary. 

Sunday we attended a Gregorian Mass at St Louis d'Antin, and we then visited the Chapel of St. Vincent de Paul where some of his incorrupt bones are present.  

Tomorrow morning will be our last in Paris. From there, we will be traveling to Lyon.

Your Friend in Christ,