
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Launch of Our Lady's Victory Garden

We were excited to launch the website “Our Lady’s Victory Garden” on March 25, 2022. Spring has just begun and we hope to encourage many families and individuals to put in a Victory Garden this year. It has always been a blessing to have a kitchen garden but given the world events it is even more important to take the dive into gardening. We will be taking you along with us as we garden all four seasons. We have traditionally used almost no pesticides and very little fertilizers relying on old techniques that involve improving soil quality with organic matter from your yard and kitchen.  This is particularly important as the large farmers are struggling to find accessible and affordable fertilizers this year. Those on tiny pieces of land can use alternative methods to improve the soil.

We plan our garden using companion planting principals to help improve the health of the plants and limit disease and harmful insects. Certain plants have a beneficial and even protective effect on other plants. We share our exact garden plan with you so you can join us on this journey. We are providing videos to accompany our posts. Thus far we have released videos on planning your gardengrowing mushrooms and winter gardening in a greenhouse. In the coming week we hope to release several more including at least one video on starting your own vegetables and annuals from seed. 

Our videos are not like the quick how to videos you might find on the internet which explain how to grow one type of plant. Instead we walk you through our day to day experiences for all four seasons in growing our food. Many of you may have experienced through prayer that God calls us to greater simplicity of life. Helping to bring food to your table embraces this way of life.

Please consider sharing our website and videos with friends. It will be very important this year in particular that we all contribute to producing even a small amount of food. As many of you know I have a significant genetic joint disability. You will see that we have adapted our growing to bring our gardening to waist level. Those with bad backs may also like this idea or anyone who prefers to stand as opposed to kneel while they garden. Our Lady's Victory Garden is on our small quarter acre property in an urban/suburban area. We try to squeeze as many food producing plants, bushes and trees into an area as we can. Thus many may see that even though you may have tiny yards or even just a patio area there is potential to grow food for you and your family. 

Thank you all and I look forward to you joining us in the garden.
Your Friend in Christ,

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