
Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Rose that Has Grown Heavenward

We are excited to share a beautiful rose that was grown by a family who participates in the Children's Rosary. At our last meeting of the Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in West Hartford, Connecticut one of the mom's showed us some pictures of a special rose they had grown.

This is a brief history of their very special rose. A lollipop rose bush was planted in their front yard several years ago. This spring there was a tall stock emerging from the rose bush. It first grew to 8 feet. It was then that the rose bush really got their attention. They started staking the tall shoot. It reminded them of a rose they had growing in their back yard some years back. It had grown to 13 feet. This was the same year they had released a book, Season of the Rose, honoring how our Lady helps lead us to Jesus. With this new rose growing with great speed Heavenward they began to once again think about the book. They looked up the record for the tallest rose. According to the Guinness world record, the tallest rose is 18 feet and eight inches. Their rose has shot past the world record and keeps growing. Currently it is 20 feet and 7 and a half inches. Outside their home they have put a table with their released book. They hope it will draw some attention to Our Lady.

This story is one that captures the imagination. Our Lord and Our Lady find the most interesting ways of helping us reach souls. This incredibly tall rose is one that gets the neighbors talking for sure. Nature in so many ways gives great Glory to God. 

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