
Sunday, January 6, 2019

What Would You Like to Give to Our Lord on Epiphany?

Our Lord received many treasurers when the Magi brought him their gifts which included Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. What treasures would we like to bring to Our Lord? If we wanted to give Him gifts, how would we do it?

We share with you today a glimpse of what was given to Jesus last year through the Children's Rosary. Through the year many packages, boxes, and even large barrels were filled with rosaries, Children's Rosary books and materials. These were given away with the goal to help children form Children's Rosary prayer groups around the world. Rosaries in the amount of 23,781 were given away as well as 5,756 Children's Rosary books. Some were given as mission packages carried to places like Chile, Cuba and Haiti. Rosaries were carried to the World Meeting of Families in Ireland and given to priests and religious from Bangladesh and Kenya for the children of their countries with hopes of new groups forming. Large numbers of Rosaries were sent to Uganda to help start Children's Rosary groups in 30 schools. Over 2,000 rosaries were sent to families in the United States with school age children with information about the Children's Rosary. In total, rosaries and materials were sent to 6 continents. Many people gave of their talent and treasure to make this happen. So many people sent us handmade rosaries. We thank all of you. The New Year has begun and new requests for materials await. Requests for rosaries in Tanzania and the Philippines are waiting. 
Today on this day when our hearts are drawn to think of the perfect gift for Jesus... think of the children. Think of little ones who might grow in the experience of prayer and develop a relationship with Jesus in their hearts. Think of giving a gift that could make this a reality. As one imagines kneeling before the crib of Jesus, might such a gift be warmly received? Might He look with love and appreciation that our hearts were moved to bring Him the hearts of innocent children in prayer? 

Indeed, my heart is moved to write and ask for donations because I too feel that Our Lord wants such gifts. He looks for our collaboration in reaching souls. He is eager to help but we must do our part, too. "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few."(Luke 10:2) 

The soil is fertile in the hearts of children but we need to begin planting. Help us send out the seeds. 

1) A donation of $150 allows us to send a large box with materials internationally. This would allow a parish with many children to begin a Children's Rosary. The package would include: 
*Rosaries for up to 300 children. 
*Twenty Children's Rosary books.
*Children's Rosary group leader T shirt. 
*Consecration prayers for the Consecration of the new group

2) A donation of $50 helps us send enough materials for a small Children's Rosary group to begin in a foreign country. 
* Fifteen rosaries
* 5 Children's Rosary books
* Consecration prayers

3) A donation of $25 helps us share enough materials for a new small Children's Rosary group to form in the United States.

4) A smaller donations of $5-20.00 allows us to put together a missionary package to hand deliver to a person traveling to a distant area of the world to help begin Children's Rosary groups. 

4) Larger donations of $1,000 or more help us meet the demands of materials from missionary outposts where 15-20 new groups are requesting materials. 

The Children's Rosary is a non profit organization with 501 C3 status through the IRS. Donations in the United States are tax deductible.
Donations can be made online here.

Donations can also be sent to our postal address:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT 06127
Checks should be made out to Children's Rosary.

The first picture was taken in Tanzania, the second in Bangladesh, and the lower picture is of the children after receiving rosaries we sent in Kenya. We have also included some pictures of rosaries prior to being sent to the children.

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