
Friday, January 31, 2014

Where is Your Bible?

If someone had asked me that question about 8 years ago I might have said somewhere in a bookshelf but I am not entirely sure where.  As I have shared in the past there was a period of time in my 20s when I would consider myself a lukewarm Catholic. I went to Sunday Mass and said some prayers but little else.  A deep conversion brought by illness and suffering changed this. The Bible, well it would be rediscovered and find a new place in our home.  On the road to deeper conversion which is truly never over, our first step was to get a simple and easy to read Children’s Bible which my husband would read with the children at night as a family.  The 365 Read Aloud Bible stories contained true scripture verses but were arranged to give a whole story which made reading the Old Testament much clearer both for our children but also for us.  We read through the Bible once and then again and then again over several years.  Something interesting happened at Mass during the Old Testament readings things began to fit together.  There was a context for the readings that truly helped understand the messages being conveyed.  The children had a much shorter Christmas list after we began reading the Bible at night.  Their number one request was that each one wanted a Children’s Bible of their own.  I remember vividly Christmas morning.  Our 10, 6 and 3 year old all running to open their gifts.  As we headed off to grandmas for the day they were told they could bring only one present...all three grabbed their Bibles.  Our youngest had a Bible with a disc on the front that read the Bible to him as he went page by page.  As we got to grandma’s farm the children were each in a corner reading away.  Well our little guy was off in a corner with a clock radio that had a disc player listening to his Bible.  This really made a huge impression on me.

These children loved the stories of the Bible.  Nightly the children could be found with their Bibles.  The following year there were requests for more difficult ones and so on.  Even my husband has slowly transitioned us from the Read Aloud 365 Day Children’s Bible to an Adult Bible for our family prayer readings.  Our Bible which was given to us by a wonderful priest, for a time lived on our dinning room table where mail often was placed over it.  But now it has found a wonderful new home on our radiator by the window in the living room.  It is often left open and recently I saw something wonderful.  Our little son who now is 6 can often be found stopping for a short investigation as he moves through the house.  Our Bible although meant for adults has wonderful sections on the Rosary and Stations of the Cross with pictures.  Seeing the children growing up so deeply rooted in scripture is a beautiful thing to witness.  To be so familiar with the Bible that you are at home with it and love to open to different parts and just read a little.  Yes, it is a wonderful thing to see.  This week there was a wonderful Gospel reading of the parable of the sower.  Our Lord tells us the seed is the word of God.  

It just so happened that our 6 year old son had planted a parsley seed in a cup at Sunday School a few weeks ago and placed it on the radiator to help it sprout.  As I looked at the Bible this week and the little seed sprouted next to it, the symbolism was not lost on me.  Our Lord desires that the seed or word of God will fall on fertile ground...what better soil then the pure soil of a child’s soul.  Even in the heart of a parent such a seed can grow with time.  Yet if it had taken deep root as a little person how much more firmly rooted would it be now.  May I humbly invite those reading this to find your Bible or if you don’t have one purchase one.  Put it out in a prominent place in your home and open it.  If you are new to the Bible start with simple Bible stories and then progress as we did.  Our Lord calls us to be like children and to be humble.  If we come with a willingness to learn He will take us by the hand and teach us as he has done with these children.

"But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold"(Mark 4:20)

Mass Offered Tomorrow for Seminarians

As part of our prayer initiative to pray for seminarians there will be a Mass offered tomorrow for all seminarians that they may grow in holiness and lead us in love. On the first of every month a Mass is offered for this intention.  In addition the children are also praying for the same intention in their prayer groups. 

There is an awareness that these seminarians are our future shepherds and these children are the future flock.  It is therefore particularly important for the children to pray for these young men who in many ways are still being formed in their faith as the children are doing as well.  Through this process of formation, prayers and grace are both welcome and needed for such faith and love to thrive and grow.   

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Celebrating the Memorial of St. John Bosco

St. John Bosco is known for his work with youth.  On the Memorial of St. John Bosco it is a wonderful blessing to have a Children's Rosary groups meeting in a school.  

The Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange, Texas will meet at 7:05 Central Time

Please consider joining the children in prayer from your home.  They always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

"Mary is the Star of the Sea. She never forsakes those who trust in Her, so let us get under Her protecting mantle. She will lead us out of the danger and guide us safely to port." 
-St. John Bosco

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Children's Rosary Today!

The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Angel's Camp, California will meet today at 4PM Pacific time (7PM EST).  Please consider joining the children in prayer.  The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

"Say the Holy Rosary. Blessed be that monotony of Hail Mary's which purifies the monotony of your sins!"
--St. Josemaria Escriva

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"The Rosary is a School for Learning True Christian Perfection"

St. Peter's Church in Rushden

We are so excited to share that there will be three new Children's Rosary groups being Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at their first meetings this weekend.  Each of our Children's Rosary groups is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in that way they are under the protection and guidance of Christ and His Mother.

St. Luke's Church
The Children's Rosary at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Rushden Northants, England will meet on Feb 1st at 3PM GMT

The Children's Rosary at St. Luke's Church in Ogallala, Nebraska will meet at 4:30 PM Feb 1st and also at 9:30 AM Feb 2nd (the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord).  

The Children's Rosary at St. Bridget Church in Cheshire, Connecticut will meet for the first time at 12:30 PM EST Saturday February 1st

The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Becket Church in Cheshire, Connecticut will meet for the first time on Saturday February 1st at 3:00PM EST.

The Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church in Timor Leste to meet for the first time on Feb 2nd.

It is a wonderful blessing that we now have three Children's Rosary groups in Cheshire, Connecticut.  Our first group in Cheshire formed in Epiphany Parish and through the help of many this movement is spreading outward to now include all the parishes within this little town.  We pray that each Children's Rosary will be a little seed that grows and with the help of prayer and the breath of the Holy Spirit brings more Children's Rosary groups and thus more little ones to prayer with Our Lord.  
St. Thomas Becket Church
Thank you all for your prayers for truly these new groups are wonderful fruits of the prayers of so many.  
St. Bridget Church
"The Rosary is a school for learning true Christian perfection" 
-Pope John XXIII

Monday, January 27, 2014

Encouraging Feedback from One of Our Children's Rosary Groups

Dear Friends,

Recently I received a note from one of our Children's Rosary group leaders.  She runs a Children's Rosary group in a school in Pennsylvania.  Her note was so hopeful and also contained some wonderful ideas, that I asked permission to share it with you all.  

Dear Blythe,

Things are good... I hope, you, too are well and keeping warm!

Our group will meet tomorrow--  Mondays at 12:20 have been working out well!

We gave a rosary to each member of our group, as a Christmas gift.  The first-grade students had the most precious reaction.  Even though I teach 3rd grade, Sister Sarah invited me over to see the excitement--  one student said, "Now I can pray the rosary at home" and another student said, "I am going to keep the rosary in my pocket so Jesus and Mary will be with me."

In addition, each student in our school made a Christmas gift for their families--  a medicine box, similar to the ones Pope Francis passed out in the Vatican during a mid-November Angelus address.  We showed the video clip of the Pope's address to the students and then, invited them to make a box, which contained a rosary, the 59 heart pills the Pope recommended for everyone's spiritual health!  In addition, there was a little rosary pamphlet, Divine Mercy prayer card, and "medication" information sheet.  Hopefully, more of our families will be inspired to pray this most beautiful and efficacious prayer, the rosary.

I am so grateful to you for helping our group get started--  it has been such a blessing and source of hope!  Thank you for everything you are doing!

Take good care

Celebrating the Memorial of St. Angela Merici

Today we have four Children's Rosary groups meeting.  Please consider joining the children in prayer form your home.  The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them. 

January 27th
Children's Rosary at Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 12:20 PM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Murphys California 4PM Pacific Time
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, NY at 4:30 PM EST during Adoration

Children's Rosary at St. Charles Borromeo Parish CCD program evening meeting.

Today is the Optional Memorial of St. Angela Merici she is the patron saint of educators, disabled people, illness, loss of parents, physically challenged people and sick people.  St. Angela Merici was called to exemplify the beautiful virtue of purity at a young age.  She decided to make a vow of virginity at the age of 10 and persuaded her sister to do the same. She also lost her parents at the age of 10. She and her sister were very close but tragedy was not far away and her sister also passed away soon after her parents.  Angela found solace through prayer. On November 25th 1535 she and 28 other young women formed the Ursuline order named after St. Ursula.  St. Merici spent a good deal of her life in the service of education of young girls through her order.  She died on January 27th 1540. St. Merici's body is incorrupt.

Quotes by St. Angela Merici:

"Beware of trying to accomplish anything by force, for God has given every single person free will and desires to constrain none; he merely shows them the way, invites them and counsels them."

"Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mass Offered Today for all Members of the Children's Rosary

St. Padre Pio Celebrating Mass
On the 25th of every month a Mass is offered for all members of the Children's Rosary and all those who help the Children's Rosary in any way.  It is a small thank you to the many who have helped this prayer movement.  

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us so beautifully the importance of the Holy Eucharist:
The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life. The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch." (Catechism 1324)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your Invited to Join the Children in Prayer

Friday January 24th (St. Francis de Sales)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange, Texas 7:05 AM Central Time 


January 25th (Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time

January 26th 
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England to meet at 9AM local time in England
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas in Thomaston, Connecticut 11AM EST
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Chruch in Hopkinton, Massacusetts 11:15 AM EST

January 27th (St. Angela Merici)
Children's Rosary at Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 12:20 PM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Murphys California 4PM Pacific Time
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, NY at 4:30 PM EST during Adoration
Children's Rosary at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Destrehan, Lousiaina

Please consider joining the children in prayer from your home.  They always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.” St. Francis de Sales 

"The Lord protects those of childlike faith" Psalm 116:6

Sacred Scripture has many places where we are told to imitate children.  To come to the Lord as a child would.  For Our Lord tells us "unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (Mt 18:3)

One of the children sweetly touches Our Lady's head during the Rosary
as two other children place a rose at Our Lady's Feet.
It is such a wonderful gift to be able to attend Children's Rosary.  To see first hand how children come to the Lord.  Often they may be laughing or giggling.  They are happy.  They make mistakes with their prayers.  They may be shy and need help.  They want to please.  They take delight in picking up a rose and laying at the foot of the statue of Our Lady.  They often are seen leaning over to touch Our Lady tenderly and look at her.  They love to sing as they pray.  Yes these are some of my memories of the children in prayer.  What I remember too is the faces of the adults watching the children.  Yes there is joy found in their faces.  Happiness to see a little child able to lead the Hail Mary's for the first time.  A disabled boy with Down's Syndrome able to lead an Our Father and the rest of the decade when no one thought him able to do such a thing.  Yes so many beautiful moments.  For those of you without a Children's Rosary near you please take hope and know that when you join a Children's Rosary from your home these little ones are praying for you as well.  Their little innocent prayers ushering up yours to heaven.

May you also consider beginning a group in your parish.  Mothers and Fathers of young children have reached out to begin groups but may I share others you would not expect have taken steps to begin groups.  A women home bound in a wheelchair is trying to organize a group with the help of her parish council.  A women now blind has asked the help of her adult daughter to begin a group.  Grandparents, widows, pastors there is no person excluded.  Anyone even a young person can begin a group.  If we follow the guidance of the psalm and have childlike faith and trust Our Lord we have nothing to fear. Some may say that children are far from prayer in their parishes and that many families no longer come.  This is one of the most striking reasons your parish needs a Children's Rosary.  You may find the road slow and there may be times you are alone thirsting to bring young souls to Our Lord but be assured your efforts and prayers are heard.  Such prayers that come from a soul yearning to bring little ones to the Lord is a soul that draws the Lord to itself.  For Our Lord knows what it is like to thirst for souls and yet be left alone.   With time and the grace of God the children will come.  Slowly at first but with each child there is a knowledge that the momentum which stands against us is turning and where once a head wind stood facing you now the wind is at your back.  With more children there is an awareness that comes within a parish that indeed children can pray and seeing these little ones pray a feeling in the soul that such a sight is good.  These little ones in 10 or 20 years will be young adults beginning families of their own.  As they raise their children they will remember their time praying in the Children's Rosary and then look to bring their children to join a group.  Thus prayer will become a natural part of bringing up a child as natural as bringing a child to their first hair cut.  Yes prayer has a home in the hearts of children.  May we find the strength and childlike faith to trust in this and work together to give our young child the opportunity to come together in the prayer Our Mother taught us: The Holy Rosary.

Please take this to prayer and consider starting a Children's Rosary in your parish.  Please know that there are many praying for your efforts.  Each time a Children's Rosary group meets they are praying for those trying to begin groups.

Other posts you may enjoy:
How to Start a Children's Rosary

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Children's Rosary Today!

The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Angel's Camp, California will meet today at 4PM Pacific time.  Please consider joining the children in prayer.  The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

When you say your Rosary, the angels rejoice, the Blessed Trinity delights in it... and I myself am happier than you can possibly guess. After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is nothing in the Church that I love as much as the Rosary." Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche

Saturday, January 18, 2014

9 Days of Prayer Called Upon by Catholic Bishops

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is inviting people to join them in a 9 day novena of prayers.  The novena begins January 18th and concludes on January 26th.  The daily prayers and reflections can be found by clicking here.

Mass Offered for the Intentions of the Children's Rosary

Dear Friends,
The Children's Rosary at Resurrection Parish in Rye, New York met this past Thursday.  The group leader shared that she had also requested a Mass to be offered for the intentions of the Children's Rosary which was celebrated on Thursday January 16th.  

It is such a beautiful thing to witness prayers and Masses continuing to cover the members of the Children's Rosary as a blanket of protection and assistance. In these times when there are so many things making it difficult to walk in holiness these prayers and Masses give us the grace to continue our straight path toward Our Lord.  

On behalf of all the members of the Children's Rosary, I would like to thank Jeanne for her kindness in requesting the Mass.  Such a gift is most dear.

Thank you all and God Bless!

Fruits of Prayer

First meeting of the Children's Rosary at
St. Marguerite Parish 

The Children’s Rosary at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield, Connecticut had their first meeting yesterday, Friday January 17th.  The group leader of this new group is someone that the the different Children’s Rosary groups have been praying for in their meetings for several months.  She has several significant health problems which may require a heart and lung transplant. Yet despite her physical weakness she and her young daughter have founded this new Children’s Rosary group.  Seeing the picture she sent and all the children gathered after their Rosary one can see that indeed the Lord works so beautifully through the weak.  Drawing strength from Himself the most beautiful things can be realized and the fruits too numerous to count. Today in the daily reading at Mass we heard of the first King being anointed: Samuel who was from a family of little prominence and he was from the tribe of Benjamin the smallest of the 12 tribes.  Indeed Our Lord continues to show us that in our weakness we may Glorify Him.

Another beautiful grace given to this new group was to see one of the priests from St. Marguerite Parish had joined the children in prayer.  There is something particularly special about seeing a shepherd praying with children.

Thank you to all the Children’s Rosary groups for your prayers one can see that these have borne beautiful fruits with this group.  In a special way we thank the new Children’s Rosary group at St. Marguerite Parish.  For through your witness of courage we may all find encouragement in the crosses we carry.

Thank you all and God Bless.

Other posts you may enjoy:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do You Need Prayers?

Then join the children in prayer and indeed they will be praying for you.  

Children's Rosary in Nairobi, Kenya

All the Children's Rosary groups when they meet, pray for all those unifying prayers with them, so by choosing to join the children in prayer from your home you have many little innocent souls praying for you.  

Your prayers joining with the children are also a wonderful gift to each group as the more people who unify together strengthen the voice that radiates up to heaven.  Serving to amplify these soft little voices. A schedule of the upcoming meetings is provided below and is updated frequently.

Friday January 17th (St. Anthony)
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange Texas 7:05 AM Central Time
Children's Rosary at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield, Connecticut 4PM EST (FIRST MEETING)

Saturday January 18th 
Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi, Kenya to meet at (3PM their local time) 8AM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time

Sunday January 19th 
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England to meet at 9AM local time in England

Children's Rosary at St. James Church in Madison, Georgia to meet at 9:30AM EST.
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas in Thomaston, CT 11AM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Joseph Church Hanover, PA 4PM and 6PM EST

MondayJanuary 20th (St. Fabian and St. Sebastian)
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Murphys California 4PM Pacific Time
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, NY at 4:30 PM EST during Adoration

Recent Interview about the Children's Rosary

Recently the co-hosts of the Radio Show Listen Up Jesus Is on the Air featured the Children's Rosary on their program.  The show is broadcast on WGBB 1240AM on Long Island, New York Saturday mornings from 10AM -11AM EST.  The hosts: Dr. John Palmer and Dr. Anthony Cuiffo have been extremely kind to the Children's Rosary helping this prayer movement to spread in their area.  Dr. Cuiffo has purchased hundreds of Children's Rosary books and given then away in his parish of St. Catherine of Sienna and beyond.  We are so grateful to both of them for all their help spreading the Children's Rosary.

The show which aired on November 16th 2013 can be heard by visiting their WEBSITE (The show # is 149)

We would like to thank both Dr. John Cuiffo and Dr. John Palmer for all of their help and support.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Children's Rosary Tomorrow

The Children's Rosary at Resurrection Parish in Rye, New York will meet tomorrow at 5PM EST. Please consider joining the Children in prayer.  The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.  Imagine these little voices ushering up our prayers...beautiful!

“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” Pope Blessed Pius IX

Join Us in Prayer

Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish
The Children's Rosary at St. Patrick's Parish in Angels Camp, California will meet today at 4PM Pacfiic Time.  Please consider joining them in prayer.  The Children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

“Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my blood.”
Saint Louis de Montfort

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Inspiring Article about the Children's Rosary

Recently one of the Children's Rosary group leaders from St. Charles Borromeo Church in Destrehan, Louisiana USA let me know that the Clarion Herald was doing an article on their Children's Rosary group.  This week she shared the LINK to the electronic version of the article.  It is a beautiful story and brings such hope to the soul.  Recently, with so much news in the media that weighs down the heart here is a story to lift the Spirit.  Enjoy!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord by Joining the Children in Prayer

Children's Rosary at Holy Trinity Church in Nairobi, Kenya
January 11th 
Children's Rosary at St. Mary's Church in Corvallis, Oregon to meet at 9AM Pacific time
Children's Rosary at St. Peter Claver Church West Hartford CT 4PM EST
Children's Rosary to meet at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Timor Leste

January 12th (Feast of the Baptism of the Lord)
Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Church in South Windsor CT 8:45 AM EST
Children's Rosary at Our Lady and St. Patrick's Church in Nottingham, England to meet at 9AM local time in England
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle in West Hartford, CT 9:45AM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Thomas in Thomaston, CT 11AM EST

January 13th
Children's Rosary at Trinity Academy in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 12:20 PM EST
Children's Rosary at St. Patrick Parish in Murphys California 4PM Pacific Time
Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist in Mahopac, NY at 4:30 PM EST during Adoration
Children's Rosary at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother in Avondale, Pennsylvania 6PM EST (FIRST MEETING)
Children's Rosary at St. Paul's Church in Fenton, Missouri will meet at 7PM



Thursday, January 9, 2014

Words From the Children Wednesday

Drawing done by Kostin age 9 one of the members of
the Children's Rosary in West Hartford, Connecticut
Admittedly this is a bit late for a Wednesday posting but I was waiting for a little artist to finish a grand piece of work.  Well at least in size it stands pretty tall about 2 feet high.  The drawing is a combination of cut outs and layering of drawings on a large poster board.  As we celebrated Epiphany this week it seemed a perfect time to highlight the 3 Kings making their way to the Baby Jesus.  Of particular note is the large star over the manger.  

For those of you living in Canada or Northern United States we may have something special to see in the sky as well.  I am told there may be a wonderful Aurora Borealis tonight so please look low on the horizon.

The Children's Rosary at St. Mary's School in Orange, Texas will meet tomorrow morning(Friday January 10th) at 7:05 AM Central Time.  Please consider joining the children in prayer from your home.  The children always pray for those unifying prayers with them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Children's Rosary Welcomes Our Lady of Czestochowa

On December 18th the traveling Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa visited St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, Connecticut.  Our Lady had traveled over 40,000 miles beginning in Poland and then crossing Russia, Kazakhstan, and 24 countries in Europe before crossing the Atlantic ocean and arriving in the United States this summer.  Slowly, Our Lady has traveled along the East Coast of America.  She has been entrusted with the prayer intention of Respect Life.  Fr. Peter West of Human Life International is accompanying Our Lady's Icon across the US.

It was particularly special that Our Lady was able to visit St. Thomas the Apostle Church as it is the home of the Children's Rosary prayer group movement.  As Our Lady entered the Church she was met with so many children all around her.  The Knights of Columbus were there to help lead the procession and the children holding roses followed.  Upon reaching the altar the children split and gathered on each side of her allowing for her proper set up.  Then they circled round in front kneeling.  The children then began a Children's Rosary.  Little ones as young as 5 were there kneeling and praying the Rosary.  In turns the children led decades at the podium and others placed roses at the end of the decades before Our Lady while and adult was saying, Mary we humbly place this rose at your feet and ask for the grace of faith, for the first Glorious mystery.  Some of the members of the Children's Rosary have disabilities.  One of our members with Down Syndrome, with help from his mother, was able to come forward and place a rose at her feet.  Another mom held her daughter who has significant disabilities rocking her before Our Lady.  They too were able to place a rose at Our Lady's feet.  It is a beautiful witness of life to see children praying the Rosary at the Feet of Our Lady.  These humble little ones coming to pray the prayer, Our Lady herself gave us.

Fr. Peter West then celebrated Holy Mass.  He spoke beautifully about Our Lady in his homily.  He described her standing between us and Our Lord.  Fr. West likened her to a pair of glasses that perfectly focus us on her Son.  He also later spoke to some of the children about the Icon telling them that Our Lord is dressed in red signifying His divinity.  Our Lady is in blue representing she is human.  However, inside her garment is red signifying that what she carried was Divine.

After Mass individuals then beautifully began singing hymns during the veneration of Our Lady’s Icon.  There was a wonderful feeling in the parish as the lights were dim further on in the evening and Our Lady’s Icon was illuminated in a frame containing lights while clusters of individuals sang to Our Lady.  Some present graced us with music in their native language of Polish. As we sat in the pews a regular rhythm of individuals would make their way to the Icon kneeling, praying, pressing their precious Rosaries or keepsakes to Our Lady’s Icon. One mother would later share with me the following day at Mass that her son who had helped lead the Rosary was deeply moved by praying in front of Mary and the baby Jesus in her arms.  As she shared he came to her saying, Mommy we are so lucky to have had Our Lady visit us.  
Two members of the Children's Rosary
who traveled from Boston to help lead the Rosary

Yes we were blessed to have Our Lady come. Later we would find out Our Lady's visit was bitter sweet as our retired pastor passed away the day after she left.  It was  as if Our Lady had come to give her dear priest, who had served the Church for over 50 years, a tender kiss before her Son came to take him home for Christmas.

Thank you to all who helped with Our Lady's visit and unified prayers with us when she came.  Two other Children's Rosary groups have hosted Our Lady of Czestochowa in their parishes so far. I would like to encourage others to host the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa.  Fr. West has begun his travels westward across the US and is adding new parishes to his schedule almost every day.  More information can be obtained on the website
email: to schedule a date for your parish.
Fr. Peter West will also appear on EWTN with Fr. Mitch Pacwa tonight (January 8th and tomorrow January 9th) to discuss Our Lady of Czestochowa.