
Friday, October 26, 2012

The Divine Mercy Chaplet: A Powerful Protection from Storms

Within the Diary of St. Faustina there are two times where she mentions special protection from storms granted through the prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet:

"Today a great storm woke me up, the wind was blowing and it was raining as if there was a hurricane, as well as a severe thunder storm.  I started praying so that the storm would not cause any damage; suddenly, I heard these words:  Pray the chaplet that I have taught to you and the storm will stop.  Immediately I began to say the chaplet and I had not even finished it when the storm stopped and I heard these words: Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you request is in agreement with My will." (1731) 

"Once when a great storm was approaching, I started to pray the chaplet.  I heard the voice of an angel suddenly:  I cannot approach with the storm, because the glare from its mouth rejects me and the storm. The angel was complaining to God.  I soon learned how much devastation that storm would have brought, but knew that the prayer was pleasing to God, and how powerful the chaplet is.”(1791)  


  1. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is extremely powerful. I prayed this Chaplet over Florida one year ago pleading with the LORD to stop the devastating Hurricane that was going to flatten out Florida. Result: Minimal damage. Of course there are many prayers that went up to Heaven. But then on Divine Mercy Sunday (4.8.2018 - also my birthday) I prayed for a sign that HE will answer all my big prayers (and trust me: they are BIG PRAYERS) and the sign I asked for was "SNOW"...(you know: White as Snow) It started snowing as soon as I said the prayers, just lightly. So I thought: That was quick. But then two days later we had the Blizzard of the Century throwing 22" (22 is the magic number in GOD's Plan) of Snow on the TWIN CITIES. I could not even make it to my house; a first in 42 years. GOD has a plan and the plan is GOD. Period. Pray people, Pray the Chaplet like this: "Eternal Father, I offer YOU the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA HA-MASHIACH) in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Then THREE times: "Holy GOD, HOLY MIGHTY ONE, HOLY IMMORTAL ONE, have mercy on us and on the whole world." - 3 PM is the best time ( but anytime is good). Shalom to Jerusalem & the WORLD with YESHUA in the heart of ALL people to the JEW first (Romans 1:16) , then the Gentile. GOD of MERCY : Romans 11:32... Read it! Live it! Breath it! Follow it! Just Do it! Amen & Amen.

  2. White as Snow, White as Snow, Though my sins were as scarlet LORD I know, LORD I know that I am clean & forgiven. Through the power of Your Blood, through the wonder of Your Love, through faith in You, I know that I can be White as Snow. White as Snow. White as Snow. Amen & Amen & Amen. Shalom.
