
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reflections from June 10th Children’s Rosary

On Sunday we celebrated Corpus Christi, The Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus.  The children and I went to 8AM Mass which concluded with a procession of the congregation and our pastor holding the monstrance with the Holy Eucharist.  As we exited the Church and we began to walk down the street there was an excitement in my heart.  It felt as if what we keep inside the Church was being brought into the light of day for everyone to see.  As cars drove by I was happy to be counted among those processing.  happy to stand up and be counted with Our Lord.  
As Mass ended the question arose as to where we would hold our rosary as the basement of our church had sustained a major flood the prior week.  The upper church was being used by the choir for practice.  There was however, a new prayer area which had been created by a family in the parish.  One of the children of this family was one of our first members of the children’s rosary.  We quickly decided this would be a beautiful place to pray as the weather was ideal. A wonderful group gathered which included both old and young and the children knelt down to begin the rosary.  We had a wonderful addition this month, John Sipper, who had offered to translate our rosary into sign language.  As we began I realized John had chosen the most visible place so all could see him but it was also right in the intense rays of the sun.  However, uncomfortable he was standing in the heat, John did not let on his discomfort.  He with passion repeatedly reached up to the sky in prayer.  One of the older men who had joined us for the first time was holding his heart as we prayed.  Upon ending the older man had told me he had come because he had promised my son he would be there but his heart had been deeply moved during the rosary.  He said it felt like he was in Fatima.  He asked to take a prayer booklet on how to say the rosary.  He told us it would get a lot of use.  We were delighted to share anything that brings another person closer to Our Lady and her Son.
We also brought Bibles and bookmarks to give out.  John our new translator chose St. Gianna Beretta Molla.  I told him she was one of the last Saints to be canonized by Pope John Paul II and is a wonderful pro-life saint.  He looked surprised that she chose him to lead in his spiritual journey.  
The following day I was walking home from daily Mass and was saying the rosary.  I pondered why the Lord had given us the gift of John and why he received this pro-life saint.  An idea then came.  Our group is made up of many children with disabilities.  Some have Down's Syndrome,  one girl has a rare genetic disorder, as well as children like my own that we adopted from an orphanage.  Could it be that the Lord was bringing these children together and giving us support to bring even more children with special needs together for a purpose.  By bringing such children together to pray with Jesus’ mother is this not a pro-life statement in itself.  The beauty of such children praying together can not be understated.  It is a moving experience to see Mary Rose who has Down's syndrome (pictured in bright blue above) with simplicity of speech lead our rosary with another child.  Could these children change hearts when others cannot.  As so few children like Mary Rose are allowed to come into this world is it not amazing we have three children with Downs in our group.  Every day I am more and more aware of the plan the Lord has.  If allowed to unfold by our prayers the fruits are beyond our expectations.  More people at the children’s rosary Sunday chose to begin novenas to new saints.  Saturday the priest that the children and I met at confession also agreed to say a novena.  All these prayers are bringing change and the realization of the Lord’s Plan.  If you are reading this you are a fruit of prayers already said.  Would you join with us in prayer, too.  We have people from over 80 countries visiting this site.  We reach from one side of the globe to the other.  If we all joined in prayer how much change could we bring to our tired world.  The answer is tremendous.  This is a time of hope and grace.  We have only to ask for it.  A hand is extended to you take hold of it.  You are the next link do not break the wind of change.  I have included our children’s rosary intention at the end of the novena to the Sacred Heart, the novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the novena to the Holy Trinity.  It is also present on the page listed Mission.  Consider saying one of these novenas.  We need your prayers.  Twenty five Bibles are being given out Wednesday evening to 5th graders at our School.  By praying for renewal of family prayer maybe those children will start praying with their families.  

When we stand before the Lord who will be standing next to you.  I pray that a multitude of families will be present.  Families strengthened through prayer.  Families held together because of what you have done.  This will be your legacy.  Thank you, thank you, thank you................

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