
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Important Posting: Great news!!

Cardinal Dolan
As many of you may know a letter was written to the Holy Father and signed by many members of our children’s rosary.  The purpose of the letter was to tell Our Holy Father that we love him and pray for him daily.  The Holy Father’s General prayer Intention for May was the Family. That initiatives which defend and uphold the role of the family be promoted within society.  As Christians from all over the world pray for The Holy Father’s Intentions each day it was my hope that the Holy Father would experience joy in hearing about the work of the children’s rosary to help the many families in our world that are struggling.

The children’s rosary has dedicated this year to renewal of family prayer and has given out close to 200 Children’s Read Aloud Bibles. Weekly Masses are offered for renewal of family prayer and close to 300 novenas have been said praying that renewal of family prayer will spread across our tired world. 
Initially the letter was sent to Our Archbishop with hopes that maybe he might be able to get our letter to Our Holy Father.  The Archbishop was so gracious with us and sent a beautiful letter to us thanking us for our prayers for him and telling us that we would be remembered in his prayers.  However,  he felt skeptical that our letter would reach our Holy Father given the enormity of mail that is sent to him.  
However, just as one door was closing the Lord opened another one.  In a homily at Mass one of the priests mentioned Cardinal Dolan from NY, USA.  He described his infectious smile and love of young people.  In reading I discovered that Pope John Paul II initially named Fr. Dolan as Bishop.  Thanks to encouragement from my husband and courage placed in my heart by Our Lord a letter was written to Cardinal Dolan.  I included in the letter a bookmark for the cardinal and for the Holy Father and the letter to the Holy Father with three pages of signatures.  Today on the Feast of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga the patron saint of young people (who has also been invited to join our children’s rosary through a 9 day novena) a letter comes from the Cardinal Dolan himself full of tenderness for all the members of our children’s rosary. He was so appreciative of the bookmark he received.  The saint on the bookmark that chose him was St. Mark the Evangelist and anyone who follows the news can see Cardinal Dolan is one of the bright lights of Evangelization in our Church today.  
Cardinal Dolan writes that he will personally “ask the Holy Father’s representative to the United States, the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Vigano, our apostolic nuncio, to forward the material to the Holy See.” 
So many of you including my family have been praying for our letter to reach the Holy Father.  I share this good news with you that your heart may dance today and know that anything is possible with the Lord.  He hears us and if what we ask for is pleasing to Him He with love places it right before us.  
This is also a beautiful Lesson from Our Lord.  When the first attempt to forward our letter to our Holy Father was unsuccessful there was a moment when my heart sank.  I thought for sure with so many prayers ushering the letter that it would continue on.  However,  "God, whose providence never fails in its designs" had different plans.  By closing a door he led me to another one which would yield a straighter path to Our Holy Father.  When prayers seem to yield a closed door do not lose hope, the Lord maybe shifting you to a more successful direction in which you will find a sweet answer to that which your heart desires.
Today our letter took a very large step to reaching the hands of Our Holy Father.  I trust that if God Wills it Our Holy Father will some day learn of our efforts to renew family prayer across the globe.
We thank Our Lady for her Intercession and all the saints and angels that have interceded for us before Our Lord.  We thank God in His Three Persons for His generosity of grace with us.  We are truly Blessed!!!!

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