
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Preparing for May 2022

The Month of May has long been dedicated to Mary. In the Encyclical, Mese Maio, Pope Paul VI describes the special opportunity we have to offer more prayers during this month to Our Heavenly Mother and the special graces that are available:

For this is the month during which Christians, in their churches and their homes, offer the Virgin Mother more fervent and loving acts of homage and veneration; and it is the month in which a greater abundance of God's merciful gifts comes down to us from our Mother's throne.
We would like to offer some ideas of ways to make this May special:

We begin by sharing a picture of the Child Jesus. In preparation for May, we have dressed Him in blue. Looking at the Child Jesus, in those beautiful Marian colors, one is reminded how the Child Jesus loved his Mother. How He surely must have done special things for his Mother to make her happy and share His love. Following in this simplicity we try to do the same. Our Lord gave Mary to us as Our Mother and likewise it is very good that we too should give her gifts and honor her. Such kindness must please Our Lord very much as any son would like to see his mother respected and cherished. 

1) A Home Marian Procession
Recently one of our Children's Rosary group leaders, shared a tradition she holds in her home. She and her husband along with their children hold a Marian Procession once a month. May will be no exception. She explained that her youngest child carries a candle and leads the procession. A statue of Mary is carried and each of the children carries a picture of Mary. A Marian Hymn is played in the background (which is on repeat). The family has an incensor and that is carried by her husband as the family walks through the home. Once each room has been visited the family comes together and crowns Our Lady. The family then says some short prayers usually ending with a Hail Mary. They hold their monthly procession on a Feast day. This outline can be customized in your home. Many might not have an incesor but one can imagine sprinkling some holy water through the house as a nice addition. The procession could be simplified by carrying a picture of Our Lady through the house. 

2) Crowning of Our Lady at a Church or School
One idea for Children's Rosary groups in May is to hold a Crowning of Mary at their Church or School. This works very nicely right before a Children's Rosary group meeting. Children can be gathered at the back of the Church. They can process in together singing a Marian hymn. We have included Hail Holy Queen sung by children on our Glorious CD which is perfect to be played to accompany the children in song. The children could each carry a flower and place it before Our Lady. The last child, often the youngest, can crown Our Lady. After Our Lady is crowned the children can kneel and begin the Rosary. We have step by step instructions with pictures of how to plan a May Crowning HERE.

3) Offer a daily 9 hour Novena to Our Lady in May
At the top of each hour offer three Hail Marys for Our Lady's intentions. Keep the intention simple - purely for Our Lady's intentions. St. John Vianney was fond of praying a Hail Mary at the top of each hour. Likewise before Easter I too began this little effort for Our Lady. As I have a joint disability, I can't wear a watch and I also do not carry a cell phone so I was a bit worried about not knowing the time. One of my children has been trying to help me to remember. Sometimes I do forget and I find it is 10 minutes past the hour and I say the prayers then. Yet as time is going by I find more and more I remember just before the top of the hour. There is a new awareness of time passing and an excitement to remember Our Lady each hour that passes. My humble suggestion is don't give up if you miss an hour. Recently I have been pretty sick and the novena has been a real blessing since I have been too sick to walk to daily Mass. When you lose a bit of your routine this is a wonderful way to create one in a simple and beautiful way. 

4) Help a Children's Rosary group receive Rosaries
We received a note on Sunday from the Children's Rosary group leader in Pakistan. There are approximately 18 Children's Rosary groups in his diocese and a new group is forming that needs Rosaries. He also let us know, we need more rosaries as you know next month is May. He indicated that all groups will pray daily in church. He concluded with this request, so send us more rosaries as early as possible. A large flat rate package to Pakistan costs $92.00. May is a very busy time for us. There are many individuals who would like to begin groups but need materials. There are also groups that are expanding that need more rosaries. Help us continue to respond to these requests. Give Our Lady the gift of more children meeting together in Children's Rosary prayer groups to pray the Rosary. Donations can be made out to Children's Rosary and mailed to 
PO Box 271743
West Hartford, CT 06127 USA
Donations can be made electronically HERE.

5) Purchase a ten pack of Children's Rosary books and give them away. 

Each Children's Rosary book is a seed for a new group. Even if you have no idea who you would give one to...order a 10 pack anyway. They will go. Begin carrying one in your pocket or purse and see how fast it goes. Our Lady has a way of putting you in places with people who could use it. Ask Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to find homes for the books. Though you may not know the fruits of this little gift given to Our Lady here on earth, trust that Our Lady makes use of every opportunity given to her to reach souls...especially children. What great merit will be given to a soul that tries to bring little ones to Our Lady and through her to Jesus. Books can be ordered in the United States HERE. Books can be ordered in Europe HERE. Our full collection of Children's Rosary materials is provided with each link.

6) Join in Prayer
Help to illuminate our View from Heaven map as a gift to Our Lady. Let her see our tired world illuminated in prayer. Pick a time each day and visit our website: 
Click "join in prayer" and unify prayers with Children's Rosary prayer groups and other individuals praying. Your gold flashing light will twinkle for 30 minutes. Others around the world can see your light and this can be an invitation to others to also join in prayer. Watch our short video to see the View from Heaven with lights from Children's Rosary groups as well as individuals joining in prayer. VIDEO

7) Learn How to Pray the Rosary
Maybe you never learned how to pray the Rosary. This month as a gift to Our Lady learn how to pray the Rosary. We have many resources available for free on our website. Click HERE to learn more.

New Children's Rosary Forms in Louisiana, USA


We are excited to announce that a new Children's Rosary is forming at St. Martin of Tours Parish in St. Martinville, Louisiana. In anticipation of their first meeting May 14, 2022 they asked for some handmade rosaries for the children to use. This past week we sent 30 rosaries to them. We thank those who continue to make handmade rosaries for the Children's Rosary.

We welcome the children of this new group. It is a wonderful gift to give Our Blessed Mother during the month of May.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Children's Rosary Meeting April 25, 2022 for UK and Scotland

We will have a meeting today April 25 via Zoom. The meeting will begin at 7pm local time in the UK. We hope you can attend.

Upcoming Meeting for UK and Scotland
Join us for a Children's Rosary Meeting on Zoom for those in Scotland and the UK. This is for existing Children's Rosary group leaders and those interested in starting a group. 
Monday, April 25 at 7:00 PM local time in Scotland.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 7398 3856
Passcode: 731303

Thursday, April 21, 2022

8,497 Handmade Rosaries Leave for Tanzania!


On the last day of our anniversary novena of Masses, we had a wonderful gift. One large barrel of handmade rosaries left for Tanzania. As it is always better to give then receive, we felt great joy seeing the rosaries that so many individuals had worked to make with love leave for their destination of Moshi, Tanzania. 

The barrel contained not only rosaries but also a large Children's Rosary banner, 5 Children's Rosary t-shirts, 40 Children's Rosary books, and 1 Child Consecration book.

This barrel will be loaded into a shipping container and make a long sea voyage to Africa. 

Once in Dar es Salaam, it will travel over land to the diocese of Moshi.  Fr. William Ruwaichi, who is the Education Director for the Catholic Diocese of Moshi, waits to receive these rosaries. This past week he wrote of new groups he had helped to establish in the neighboring diocese. The following message accompanied the picture below. 

"Some children in Kahama Diocese in Tanzania praying rosary on Sunday evening.  Fr. Ulrick Riziki helped me to form the group. We have about nine groups in Kahama."

The bottom picture is from the Children's Rosary at Fr. Ruwaichi's parish of Holy Mary- Mnazi Mmoja, Moshi Diocese. He also wrote of his hope to continue to spread the Children's Rosary groups in more primary schools. The rosaries and materials included in this barrel will help with his efforts. Thank you to all who helped through prayer, financial donations, and those who made all the rosaries. May God bless you all.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Join Us in Praying the Divine Mercy Novena Beginning April 15, 2022


Dear Friends,

Good Friday is the day that Jesus asked Saint Faustina that a 9 day novena to the Divine Mercy be initiated.  He gave her a different group of souls to pray for each day. Along with those intentions the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is said as well. The novena leads up to Divine Mercy Sunday instituted by Pope John Paul II. Attached is a link to the Divine Mercy Novena and how to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 

May the Children’s Rosary humbly ask that you include our intention with the intentions you are praying this Divine Mercy Novena. We wish for Our Lord to guide the Children's Rosary in the way that it most pleasing to Him as we continue forward.

Please remember that to become a member of the Children’s Rosary you only have to tell Our Lord in your heart of your desire to join us and then you will be included in all of these novenas and rosaries said daily. We thank you!



We are excited to share that we have a beautiful recording of the children leading the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  We invite you to pray with them as you say your novena.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Happy Eleventh Anniversary of the Children's Rosary


Today we met for the Children's Rosary in the very chapel where our first meeting was held 11 years ago today. It was a small group of us, but we felt great blessings. Peyton, age five, has grown up over the past three years coming to the Children's Rosary. She has a great love of Our Blessed Mother and the Rosary. She led several decades today and also at the end of the Rosary was so excited to lead our theme song, "Rosary Children". 

This year we have been able to arrange 5 Masses each day of the 18 day Anniversary Novena of Masses. Yesterday concluded our 9 days of Masses for the Fulfillment of Our Lady's Plans for the Children's Rosary. Today began the daily Masses in Thanksgiving. In total we will have at least 90 Masses celebrated over the 18 days.

Thank you to all who participate in the Children's Rosary or help in any way. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Meet the New Children's Rosary from St. Dominic College Elementary Department


This week we received a lovely email from Rev. Ronaldo Manabat, the Rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Batanes, Philippines. He had a lovely picture to share from one of the new Children's Rosary groups. 

He wrote, "This is the Children’s Rosary at St. Dominic College Elementary Department. The first meeting was March 14, 2022 and they are meeting every Monday morning after their flag ceremony. The flag ceremony is at 7:30am and the meeting is at 8:00am. They are using the Cathedral Church for the meeting as the school is just near the Cathedral."

We warmly welcome this new Children's Rosary group! We thank Rev. Ronaldo Manabat who has helped in establishing twenty-five Children's Rosary groups.