
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reflections from the International Prayer Vigil at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC

(credit photo:Candlewood Photography)
The Children's Rosary recently traveled by bus to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC on Sept 21st.  This was a kick off vigil for 9 days of prayer and fasting which concludes Sept 29th.  This Week of Prayer and fasting for Peace, the Protection of life and Conversion of Nations was supported by Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta during their lives.  Pope John Paul II conveyed an Apostolic blessing to all who participate in the week of  prayer and fasting.

(photo credit :Candlewood Photography)
Members from a number of different Children's Rosary groups met in Waterbury, CT to make the 6 hour trip by bus to DC last Saturday.  Many of the children were sponsored financially to help defray the costs of the bus ticket.  This support was such a blessing... thank you all.  Each child carried the name or names of the individuals that helped sponsor them for the trip and prayed for them throughout the day.  

The day began before dawn with many rising around 3 AM to make the trip to Waterbury to meet the bus which departed at 4:30 AM.  The children and adults arrived at the Basilica around 10:30AM safely in time to participate in the Procession of Nations and then to attend Holy Mass at Noon. The Blessed Sacrament was then exposed and the Children's Rosary began at 2PM.  The children knelt on the top step of the stairs leading to the main altar with Jesus present before them in the Blessed Sacrament.  
The children took turns leading the rosary at the podium and also placed roses at the foot of Our Lady at the end of each decade.  The children led the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
(Photo credit: Candlewood Photography)
As one of the children was placing a rose at the foot of Our Lady a child was saying: Mary I humbly place this rose at your feet and ask for the grace of faith if it were the first glorious mystery.  The graces asked for correspond to the mysteries of the Rosary.

A child places a rose at Our Lady's feet
(Photo credit: Candlewood Photography)
One of the members of the Children's Rosary, John Sipper, translated the Children's Rosary into sign language.  John has attended a number of Children's Rosary group meetings and provided translation.  This has been a tremendous blessing to the group and has been a wonderful reminder of how dear all children are to our Our Lady and her Son and how pleasing it is for them to see all their children included in prayer.

Translation into sign language
(Photo credit: Candlewood Photography)
All the children did a remarkable job leading the Rosary reverently and with love.  Many of them are very young and only were able to reach the microphone by standing on a step stool. The Rosary concluded with one of the children providing an unexpected treat.  Christina age 9 sang the Hail Holy Queen in Latin.  Throughout the large Basilica the soft sound of others joining in could be heard.  But then it fell quiet.  One person there remarked later.  "I didn't want to hear the sound of my own voice  in my head I wanted to hear her angelic voice."  

The children found time to explore this beautiful and holy space...this being the largest Church in the United States.  The children could be found catching a quiet moment in prayer from time to time.  The long day came to a close around 7:30 PM when all gathered on the bus for the long trip home.  With heavy rain the trip was slow and the bus pulled into Waterbury in the early hours of the morning...around 3AM. This journey was one for Our Lady and her Son a gift to them but also a gift from them as such a trip could not have been possible without heavenly assistance.

Our Lady Has Arrived

The children carrying the package containing Our Lady
to the post office on July 16th

We received a beautiful gift from Our Lord.  You may recall over two months ago on the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, July 16th,  the children mailed off a large package to Timor Leste.  Inside the package was a statue of Our Blessed Mother and 100 Rosaries which had been donated and many made by children.  We named the post on our blog "Our Lady is going on a Big Trip". We prayed that the angels would also help escort the package which would help start two Children's Rosary groups at Our Lady of Fatima Parish and one at St. Joseph Parish in Tiimor Leste.  However on July 24th the tracking of the package indicated that the package had stopped in Indonesia and then there was no further movement of the package.  Abel the young man waiting for the package also confirmed that the package never reached him.  For weeks we prayed that the package would move...but it didn't.  On the Feast of the Assumption, August 15th,  I hoped that maybe it might again begin to move but no it seemed to be destined to stay in a warehouse in Indonesia.  Truly only Our Lord could set it in motion again.  After 2 months a second much smaller package with 33 Rosaries was sent as the first seemed lost forever.  The second smaller package quickly made its way to Timor Leste in less than 2 weeks while the first package was still missing.  Then on Sept 21st a message came that the lost package which was sent on the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel had arrived at its destination.  Our Lady's long journey to other side of the world had finished.  The date of the arrival was the same as the children who were making the long journey by bus to Our Lady's home in the United States: the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception the largest Church in the United States.  The timing so perfect that one could not mistake such a gift to the children.  Their sacrifice and the sacrifice of so many who helped sponsor children and pray for their safe travels had been seen in Heaven and a beautiful grace given.  
Our Lady before leaving for her trip

Abel wrote to us that upon receiving the package he immediately went to the Church to have the Priest bless it and to begin finalizing the date of their first meeting of the Children’s Rosary.  We will let you know the date of their first meeting and we all look forward to seeing Our Lady surrounded by her children in prayer of the Holy Rosary!

You may enjoy reading the earlier post ...Our Lady is going on a big Trip to hear the beginning of the story. Also consider reading our post about the children's journey to the Basilica in DC on the day Our Lady finished her journey.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Two Children's Rosary Groups to Meet Tomorrow


The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT will meet tomorrow at 11 AM ET. There will be a small reception after the Rosary provided by the Legions of Mary. 
The Children's Rosary at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Hopkinton, MA USA will meet at 11:15 AM ET.

Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying their prayers with them.  Recently we have heard some beautiful feedback from those who have unified their prayers with the children.  Truly it is a wonderful thing to have your prayers ushered up to heaven by these little ones.

Children's Rosary Book Now Available To Order Locally in Europe

The Children's Rosary book is now being carried by EWTN's Religious Catalogue in Great Britain.  The individual book and 10 pack quantities are being offered for purchase.  We are excited to be able to offer the 10 pack discounted rate which makes purchases of large quantities more affordable. To Order the Children's Rosary book through EWTN's Religious Catalogue in Great Britain see links below:
Individual Children's Rosary book in English click here
10 pack of Children's Rosary books in English click here 

This is a wonderful blessing to have the Children's Rosary book carried in Great Britain as this will minimize shipping costs for those interested in ordering Children's Rosary books in Europe.

Fr. Apostoli Discusses the Children's Rosary on Sunday Night Prime September 29th

Don't Miss Sunday Night Prime on EWTN Sept 29th: the Feast of the Archangels. The topic of the  show will be the Children's Rosary.  We are so grateful to Fr. Apostoli for the invitation to discuss the Children's Rosary and share this prayer movement.  It is our prayer that St. Michael and all the angels will be very active that night bringing many beautiful souls to see the show and hopefully feel moved to start a Children's Rosary in their parish.  The show will also air at the following times:

Sun Sep 29 at 8:00 PM ET
Mon Sep 30 at 2:00 AM ET
Mon Sep 30 at 9:00 AM ET

Please spread the word to your friends about the show.  
If you missed the show it can now be viewed on the EWTN Website.  Click here to view it.


The movie War of the Vendee will be shown tonight on EWTN at 8PM ET.  This is the story of France's religious civil war in the years following the French Revolution.  The movie follows the stories of these religious martyrs.  The story is a brutal one but it is told with a reserve that allows the whole family to view the movie.  This is a movie filmed by Navis Pictures.  All the actors in the movie are children.  Navis pictures also has another film called Bernadette of Lourdes.  Both films have a number of children acting in them that are members of our Children's Rosary.  It is wonderful thing to see movies made beautifully with children whose primary vocation is to holiness.

More infomration can be obtained about these two movies from Navis Pictures.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Como empezó el Rosario de Niños

El Rosario de Niños comenzó por amor a la Virgen y su Hijo, Jesús. Nació a partir de una llamada de auxilio. La solicitud de ayuda vino de nuestro párroco que vio a su templo sufrir de una crisis financiera y se preocupó por su futura existencia. En la oración reflexiva sobre la presente convocatoria de ayuda, una inspiración vino a traer a nuestros hijos frente a Nuestra Señora y Nuestro Señor en la oración del rosario, porque sabemos lo fuerte y lo queridas que son las oraciones de los niños y cómo todo el cielo se deleita con ellas.

La primera reunión del Rosario de Niños fue el 10 de abril del 2011. Fue el domingo antes del Domingo de Ramos de ese año. Un grupo de niños se reunieron en la mañana, se arrodillaron frente a la imagen de la Virgen y rezaron en grupo por nuestra parroquia y las intenciones de Nuestra Señora. El fin de semana del primer Rosario de Niños, la parroquia tuvo una colecta sólo superada por las de Pascua y Navidad por el resto del año. No había nada especial ese fin de semana a excepción de un pequeño grupo de niños que se arrodillaban para orar el Santo Rosario.

El Rosario de Niños se ha dedicado al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el Corazón Inmaculado de María. Por lo tanto, está bajo la protección y guía de Cristo y de Su Madre.

Los niños terminan cada Rosario con un Padre Nuestro, un Ave María y un Gloria al Padre, por nuestro Santo Padre el Papa. Nuestra esperanza es que el Rosario de Niños sea una gran fuente de oraciones y bendiciones para el Santo Padre, nuestra Iglesia en su conjunto, y la Nueva Evangelización convocada por el Papa Benedicto XVI.

El Rosario de Niños, que una vez se inició en una parroquia, ahora ha crecido y por la gracia de Dios seguirá creciendo, paraque los grupos del Rosario de Niños existan en las parroquias de todo el mundo.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Words from the Children Wednesdays

Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our 
contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Thomas age 8.    Thomas' answer beautifully shows us how a child feels about prayer and specifically prayer of the Holy Rosary with other children.  

Prayer of the Holy Rosary strengthens our children in faith and the virtues.  Each mystery of the Rosary has a fruit associated with it.  The first glorious mystery brings an increase in faith.  The second glorious mystery hope and the third love of God.  The fruit of the second Sorrowful Mystery is purity.  As a parent one struggles with how to raise a child in faith while also protecting them from the harshness of the world.   It is such a consolation to know that through prayer of the Rosary our children are strengthened spiritually and their innocence protected when from so many directions this virtue is threatened today.  Little Thomas is like many little boys his age he loves sports which keeps his body strong but his time in prayer with Our Lady and her Son strengthen him too from the inside.  Both are important. 

Thomas and his younger brother Matthew age 5 are helping to start a new Children's Rosary at their parish: St. Peter Claver in West Hartford, CT USA.  Their first meeting will be held on Saturday October 12th at 4PM. 

We thank Thomas for his efforts to spread the Children's Rosary and for his inspirational drawing. 
Enjoy More Words From the Children Wednesdays:
September 18th
September 11th
Septmeber 4th

Mass Offered Today for Members of the Children's Rosary

A Mass was offered today by the Capuchin Friars for all the members of the Children's Rosary and all those who help the Children's Rosary.  We will continue to have a Mass said for the this intention on the 25th of each month. The Eucharist is such a powerful gift from Our Lord and that when I wanted to extend thanksgiving to you all I knew of no better way to express my gratitude.  May Our Lord's love be poured down on all of you this day through the powerful sacrifice of the Holy Mass. 

Thank you all and God Bless you!

¿Qué es el Rosario de Niños?

El Rosario de Niños es un movimiento laico de oración para los niños. Es un esfuerzo para comenzar en las parroquias con los grupos de oración del rosario integrado y dirigido por niños. La edad objetiva de los niños de estos grupos de oración es entre los 4 y 14 años de edad.

Los niños de Fátima y Bernadette de Lourdes, se encontraban dentro de este rango de edad. Sin embargo, hay flexibilidad en cada extremo del intervalo y los niños nunca deben ser rechazados si tienen el deseo de ser parte de un grupo de oración. 

De especial interés son los niños con discapacidades que pueden ser mayores de edad, pero tienen un lugar especial en el Rosario de Niños. Estos niños deben ser incentivados a ser parte de este movimiento de oración. Los adultos son siempre bienvenidos y motivados a venir al Rosario de Niños. Estas personas son los “ángeles de la guarda” especiales de este movimiento.
A través de la oración del Rosario de Nuestra Señora guiará a nuestros jóvenes y al mismo tiempo santificará familias y parroquias.

Friday, September 20, 2013

21st International Week of Prayer & Fasting

Link in picture is not active
 see link below for more information

Members from different Children's Rosary groups will be coming together to travel by bus to the International Prayer Vigil at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC tomorrow.  The children will be participating in the procession of Nations and also leading the Glorious mysteries of the Rosary at 2PM ET. Please consider unifying your prayers with the children at 2PM Saturday.  

The Vigil is a kick off for 9 days of prayer and fasting which will end on Sept 29th the Feast of the Archangels.  Please consider joining this wonderful prayer and fasting effort which was strongly supported by Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa.   Pope John Paul bestowed an Apostolic Blessing in 2001 to all who participate in the week of prayer and fasting.

Thank you all and know that you are all in our prayers!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Words from the Children Wednesdays

Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Hernán, Jr. age 13.  Hernán helped start a Children's Rosary with his family at the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in South Windsor, CT USA.  I am told from his mother that Hernán worked very hard on this drawing and took much care in every part of it.  It is an echoing response from many of the children that they feel closer to Jesus through participation in the Children's Rosary and prayer of the Holy Rosary.  In these days when so often our children are drawn toward many earthly things it is so wonderful to see a young person drawn closer to Our Lord. This beautiful drawing also contains another element of the Children's Rosary which is so important to all of us.  These prayers of children call down from Heaven Mercy upon the whole human race.  

Hernán's mother, who originally is from Puerto Rico, has recently helped in the translation of the Children's Rosary book which will be available to order in approximately 2 weeks. 

Thank you Hernán for your inspirational drawing!
Enjoy More Words from the Children Wednesdays:
Sept 11th
Sept 4th
August 28th

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Como empezar el Rosario de Niños

Si no hay un Rosario de Niños cerca a usted, considere comenzar uno. Nuestra Señora ha continuado mostrándonos a través de las apariciones de Lourdes y Fátima que está llamando a nuestros hijos a la oración, y de manera especial, al Rosario.

Pasos para comenzar el Rosario de Niños en su parroquia
1) Obtenga permiso de su párroco para comenzar un grupo del Rosario de Niños. 
2) Elija una ubicación (por lo general en una iglesia o centro parroquial, pero no tiene que limitarse a esos lugares).
3) Elija una hora de reunión regular (mensual o si existe interés, semanal).
4) Invite a un grupo pequeño de familias y niños a su primer Rosario de Niños y considere la posibilidad de un aviso en el boletín de su iglesia.
5) Registre el Rosario de Niños con nosotros por correo electrónico: blythe.kaufman@ o por correo P.O. Box 271743 West Hartford, CT 06127-1743 EE. UU. De esta manera tendremos una lista central de todos los grupos del Rosario de Niños formados y aquellos que buscan el Rosario de Niños encontrarán fácilmente uno en:

Directrices para su primer Rosario de Niños
1) Comience por consagrar el nuevo grupo al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y al Corazón Inmaculado de María.
2) Lleve a los niños juntos delante del grupo e indíquenles que se arrodillen (pueden llevarse almohadas para que los niños se arrodillen).
3) Por turnos escoja a un niño paraque se ponga de pie y lidere una década del rosario (si hay un micrófono es una buena idea usarlo para que sus voces suaves puedan ser escuchadas).
4) El niño debe decir la primera parte de cada oración:
Dios te salve María, llena eres de gracia,
el Señor es contigo.
Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres,
y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre,

El grupo entero responde junto: 
Santa María, Madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros los pecadores,
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.

Un acuerdo alterno similar debería usarse para el Padre Nuestro y el Gloria.
5) Una adición opcional es el uso de las flores (rosas o cualquier otra flor). Ésto es particularmente agradable para los niños más pequeños, o niños con discapacidades que no tienen la facultad de liderar. Al final de cada década se le pide a un niño que coloque una flor a los pies de la imagen de María, si hay una disponible (de lo contrario sólo tiene que colocar las rosas en un pequeño montón en el suelo, en frente de donde los niños rezan). Mientras el niño está colocando la flor, un adulto dice: “María humildemente ponemos esta flor a tus pies y pedimos el don de… la Fe”, si se estuviera diciendo el primer misterio glorioso. Los regalos solicitados corresponden a los frutos de los misterios.
6) Considere la posibilidad de tener un libro de oraciones con ilustraciones de los misterios del Rosario para que los niños puedan usarlo durante la oración. (El libro del Rosario de Niños fue diseñado para este propósito, pero cualquier ayuda visual se puede utilizar).
7) Considere la posibilidad de tener un cuadro de peticiones. Los niños pueden decorar la caja si así lo desean y pueden colocarla delante de los niños mientras ellos están diciendo su rosario mensual. Si el grupo desea y el párroco da el permiso, la caja se puede dejar en la entrada de la Iglesia para que los miembros de la parroquia coloquen sus peticiones durante todo el mes.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Children's Rosary Today at St. Thomas Church


The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT will meet today at 11 AM ET. There will be a small reception after the Rosary provided by the Legions of Mary.  Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home. The children always pray for those unifying their prayers with them.  Recently we have heard some beautiful feedback from those who have unified their prayers with the children.  Truly it is a wonderful thing to have your prayers ushered up to heaven by these little ones.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Children's Rosary Today at Our Lady of Fatima Church

John Paul II in New Orleans, USA 1987
 photo credit: Times Picayune

The Children's Rosary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Hartford, CT USA will be meeting today at 4:00PM ET.  As today is the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross we hope many will feel moved to join the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home.  The children always pray for all those unifying their prayers with them.

Some weeks ago during a novena to Pope John Paul II, I happened on this picture of John Paul taken during his trip to the United States.  There was something so wonderful about this image.  As if the Holy Father was being supported by Our Crucified Lord and hence the whole Church rested on the strength of the Cross.  As Pope John Paul II so loved the Holy Rosary it is my prayer today that he will join us at 4PM in prayer of the Holy Rosary with Our Blessed Mother.   May we embrace Our Lord on the cross and hold Him to our own heart.  For Our Lord said when He was lifted up, He would draw all men to Himself.  On this beautiful Feast of the Triumph of the Cross may a great many souls today be brought to the loving embrace of Our Savior who so beautifully showed us His Love to the end.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Reflections from the First Meeting of the Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, CT USA

The first meeting of the Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Parish was held on August 3rd 2013.  This group has chosen to hold their monthly Children's Rosary on the first Saturday of the month.  Several of the Children's Rosary groups have chosen the first Saturday as their meeting time in honor of Our Blessed Mother and the First Saturday devotion.  The first meeting of the Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart Church in East Berlin, CT USA was small with 3 children attending.  A beautiful picture of the children was taken after the Rosary.  One can see the Roses at Our Lady's feet a beautiful tradition which started with the first Children's Rosary group and has been continued through all the groups. At the end of each decade of the rosary a child is asked to place a rose at the feet of Our Lady if a statue is present or before the children as they are kneeling.  An adult is then saying, Mary we humbly place this rose at your feet and ask for the grace of humility if it were the first joyful mystery.  The graces asked for correspond to the fruits of each mystery.  

As I looked at this picture of the three children standing before Our Lady I was reminded of another picture one you may also recognize: the three children of Fatima.  Maybe it was the folded hands that reminded me of little Jacinta standing with her hand on her hip but there was something so realistic about these three children.  One realizes that the children of Fatima were unique in that they were able to see Our Lady as they prayed the Rosary but they were in many ways just like our children.  We are told that Francisco who was 9 at the time of the apparitions could be a bit mischievous.  Yet he had a soft heart and love of animals and compassion for the sick.  Jacinta the youngest of the visionaries was just 7 when Our Lady appeared to them. She loved to dance and sing but could be stubborn and definitely had a mind of her own. Lucia was the oldest being 10 when Our Lady appeared.  She was the youngest of 7 children and came from a family which prayed the Rosary together.  She was the only visionary who could speak to Our Lady.

As today is the anniversary of the Sept 13th apparitions in Fatima I thought it a perfect day to share these reflections.  On the Sept 13th apparition Lucia asked Our Lady as she had done in the past "What do you want of me?" Our Lady responded "Continue to pray the Rosary in order to obtain the end of the war."

As these apparitions were taking place during World War I this was an important message for their time.  Yet with the many conflicts which exist today in our world the message is timeless.  The Children's Rosary at Sacred Heart met this past weekend and these three children again returned to pray and we are happy to report that three new children joined them.  How beautiful it must be for Our Lady to look down from Heaven and see her little children kneeling in prayer of the Holy Rosary.  

May I humbly encourage anyone who is considering starting a Children's Rosary to see this little group and realize that whether 2 children or twenty children come together Our Lady is smiling. The time commitment is small but the blessings are immeasurable not only for your family and parish but for the whole world.  After all, Our Lady told the children that through prayer of the Rosary one can obtain an end to war. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Word's From the Children Wednesdays


Recently we introduced a new weekly highlight on the Children's Rosary Blog: Words from the Children Wednesdays. As the Children's Rosary is a prayer movement composed of children and led by children we would like to begin highlighting some of the beautiful feedback we have been getting from the children from our different Children's Rosary groups.  

Recently I reached out to the different Children's Rosary groups and asked for their help.  The Children's Rosary had a booth at the Catholic Marketing Network(CMN) Trade Show in New Jersey USA from August 7th-9th.  It was our hope that the children could provide the voice of the movement by creating visuals and phrases to briefly describe WHY THE CHILDREN'S ROSARY IS IMPORTANT.

The pictures have been coming in by mail from all over the country.  They were all so beautiful in their own unique way it seemed like a perfect way to begin our Words From the Children Wednesdays.  More beautiful original artwork to come over the upcoming weeks.  Please if you are a child and would like to submit a picture or message see our 
contact information and send it in.  We will be featuring them here.

The drawing above was done by Konstantin age 9 who is a member of the Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hartford, CT USA.  His answer at first blush seems to be the most obvious answer to the question.  The Children's Rosary teaches children how to pray.  However, as I spent some time reflecting on this picture I realized that in this rather simple answer there were some beautiful mysteries.  The part that really struck me is how this child felt that he was being taught how to pray.  His teacher as is depicted in the picture is Our Blessed Mother.  She has brought him to the foot of the Cross to pray to her Son.  So often people speak of the Rosary as a Marian prayer but Pope John Paul II spoke of the Rosary as Christ centered and here in the simple drawing by a child we see the beautiful mystery of the Holy Rosary. Our Lady is praying with our children but she is always guiding them to her Son.

As the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross is this week it seemed a wonderful day to highlight Konstantin's drawing which so beautifully shows us how the Rosary is always a circle that ends at the Cross with Our Lady by our side.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tomorrow, Sept 8th, we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This Feast falls exactly 9 months after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.  Tomorrow we are blessed to have three Children's Rosary groups meeting.  It is our hope that the prayers of these children will be a special gift to Our Lady.  Please consider joining the children in prayer either at the Church or from your home.  The children always pray for those unifying their prayers with them.

Here is the schedule of when our groups will be meeting:
The Children's Rosary at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in South Windsor, CT  8:45 AM ET
The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle West Hartford, CT 9:45 AM ET
The Children's Rosary at St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, CT 11:00 AM ET

Monthly Mass Offered Today for Renewal of Family Prayer

Pope Francis July 22 at World Youth Day 2013
credit: Getty Image
On the 1 year anniversary of the Children's Rosary we began a prayer initiative to renew family prayer. The children began saying novenas to different saints for renewal of family prayer.  Over 780 nine day novenas have been said each to a different saint. Over 500 Children's Read Aloud Bibles have been given out to families to encourage family prayer.  During each Children's Rosary group meeting the children also pray for renewal of family prayer.  A very special way we are trying to bring back family prayer is by offering Masses for this intention. Many Masses have already been requested and going forward a Mass will be offered on the first Saturday of every month for Renewal of Family prayer.  

Pope Francis during his trip to World Youth Day stressed the importance of family and supporting that family through prayer.

He called “the family, the foundation of coexistence and a remedy against social fragmentation.” (Pope Francis July 25th 2013)

He later said, “How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith!” (Pope Francis July 26th, Angelus)

In a radio interview Pope Francis said, “The family is important, and it is necessary for the survival of humanity.” (Pope Francis July 27th)

On a day called upon by Pope Francis to pray and fast for peace it also seems like a wonderful blessing to have our Monthly Mass said for Renewal of Family Prayer.  For as Pope John Paul II was fond of saying, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live".